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My Swing (CUGrad2015)

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I've been Playing Golf for: 4 months
My current handicap index or average score is: Unkown 
My typical ball flight is: Unknwon 
The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: Push Slice, shots that go right of the target, thin and fat shots, high iron shots that kill my distance. 

Hello All,

I recently just took up this wonderful but frustrating game 4 months ago.

Right away I signed up for lessons with a PGA professional at a course. So far I've had 5 lessons and we've been working to get my timing right. That's usually what he tells me I need to work on is my timing to fix my slices and shots that go right. He's also recommended that I chop down on the hall to get better contact to prevent my high iron shots. He doesn't really give me any tips or drills to improve these things.

With my driver I'm absolutely horrendous. The swing just feels unnatural to me compared to the swing with my irons. The slice with my driver huge, so much so I'm self conscious and don't even bring it out of the bag unless no one else is at the driving range.

Currently I'm playing the ball in the middle of my stance for all my irons as this is where my coach said to play it. I haven't experimented to see if I get different results.

I know my shots are going right because my club face is open, but I don't know how to fix that. My coach just tells me it's a timing issue. Sometimes in able to make my shots go relatively straight but lately everything has been going right.

Is there anything in my swing that could be causing this? The only thing my coach told me to do as far as changing my swing is to swing more upright with my irons. I had the tendency to swing outside but I believe I've been able to break this and swing more upright.

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Ok no ball needed just find some grass.  Get comfortable start with the club still in the middle of a comfortable stance.  Use your hands to swing the club back gently over your right shoulder.  Then swing forward over your left shoulder.

Start swinging above the grass height.  After a few swings when you swing the clubhead back and through over the left shoulder swing back gently again over the right shoulder and back through over the left shoulder.  Keep it going and don't be afraid to add a bit of speed if you feel comfortable. Imagine the club acts like a child on a playground swing.  Stay supple.

when you get comfortable allow the club to swish the grass as you swing forward and back.

Right now you lift the club above your head instead of swinging it gently back over the right shoulder then forward over the left shoulder.

see what happens if you try that.

Edited by Jack Watson
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  • iacas changed the title to My Swing (CUGrad2015)
Note: This thread is 2731 days old. We appreciate that you found this thread instead of starting a new one, but if you plan to post here please make sure it's still relevant. If not, please start a new topic. Thank you!

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