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    • Good angles are important. You'll find people like to help, including me (for free), but we insist on good camera angles. And, if possible, both face-on and down-the-line. It's impossible to say definitively, but your body rotation likely needs ramped up quite a bit, with your arm usage ramped correspondingly down quite a bit. You stop turning on the backswing early and the arms and hands keep going. So, the same is true on the downswing: the body has to stop turning and the arms and hands come flying through to catch up.
    • I wrote in the 5 Minutes topic about how I'd wrote more here. Basically, I'm still doing a few things: Keep the backswing the right length. When it goes longer, the second bullet point is nearly impossible… Keep the left wrist slightly cupped (it feels like the right is arched and hinged) throughout the backswing. Throw the back of the club down toward the ground from the top. As in behind me, with the face wide open. Keep the face wide open (feels like 45°) until after impact. I tend to reduce my AoA on mats, though later in the session I reduced a little right axis tilt at setup and got my AoA on mats down into the 2-3° down range. So those numbers are quite shallow for these shots, but I'm generally pleased by these: every path is right, to the point where I can start to work on the bullet point not listed because it's more of a bonus thing: I can push as hard to the left as I want, and the ball goes straighter and straighter. The main thing I found today: I need to really feel the 45° right thing. My miss remains a big left-to-left shot. These weren't entirely full swings, though they're close. I'll take these for a 6I and a 9I: Good smash, good speeds.
    • I've been Playing Golf for: 10 years My current handicap index or average score is: +24 My typical ball flight is:  pull if I hit if strong/well,  slice if I hit it weak  The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is:  pull.   I'm pulling my irons.  Videos:      I would love to have some feed back.  This is a 7 iron, I'm using a SkyTrak launch monitor.  This is one swing, and the attached screenshot is from the SkyTrak for this particular swing.   I'm most concerned with my pull.  I'm pulling the heck out of my irons.  The swing feels good, I feel like I'm making good contact, getting good distance (170 yards with my 7-iron), but I just cant stop pulling.   
    • Day197: 7/7/24 Putting through 50 mm gates. Good session but hit about 5 gates.
    • Wordle 1,114 4/6 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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