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Everything posted by HytrewQasdfg

  1. No, he should not get in. He knew the rule: gambling = automatic lifetime ban. And he knew the reason for the rule: baseball was almost destroyed as a professional sport at one time due to gambling. "He bet on his own team, so it's alright." No it's not. What if, by betting on his own team, he falls into deep debt to gambling interests. Are they going to say "don't worry Pete, pay us when you can"? Hardly. They're going to get their money one way or the other. The other being Rose using his position as manager to influence the outcome of games--maybe leave a pitcher in a little too long, maybe tell a batter to swing away instead of bunting, maybe pinch hitting at the wrong time. All little things that could have a big influence on the outcome of a game. Gambling came darn close to destroying baseball. Rose knew other players deserving of being in the hall of fame were not in because of gambling. Rose should not have been so arrogant to assume he would get a pass, even though the other players didn't.
  2. 1) The splurge factor It's the same reason guys buy expensive beers when they would be just as happy drinking a Bud. It's an inexpensive way to treat themselves to something special. The average player may not be able to justify spending a grand on the latest & greatest clubs, but he can justify a small splurge on golf balls. 2) Too many options Callaway currently offers 21 different golf balls by my count on their website. TM is not much better. Even Bridgestone offers 4 different versions of their 330 high-end balls. When people have too many options it simply leads to confusion. So they throw up their hands and just buy the pro-v1. 3) It's the safe bet When you're spending $40+ dollars a dozen on golf balls, you don't want to make a mistake. While the pro-v1 may not be the right ball for everyone, nobody will ever feel like they wasted their money on the wrong ball by buying a pro-v1.
  3. I recently saw a youtube of someone opening a piece of carry-on luggage, and a woman climbed out. Does that mean it's possible for everyone to bend themselves into enough of a pretzel to fit into a piece of luggage? No, she obviously has unique combination of body build and freakish flexibility. If Austin's swing could have been reduced to to a set of rules and reproduced consistently, then by now it would have been. But, it hasn't. That leads me to the conclusion that Austin had some unique physical attributes that allowed him to make this swing work. The few people who have managed to reproduce his swing probably share those unique physical attributes. Mike Austin is like the suitcase girl. Unless you share their unique physical traits, you won't be able to reproduce their physical accomplishments. In other words, Austin's swing is a great model...for those handful of people that share Austin's physical traits. For everyone else, trying to implement the Austin swing will be like beating your head against a brick wall.
  4. 6.6 is not abnormal, but it is unusual. According to this chart: http://www.allcountries.org/uscensus/230_cumulative_percent_distribution_of_population_by.html . 80% males are UNDER 6 ft tall. 12% are 6-1 or taller. 7% are 6-2 or taller. 4% are 6-3 or taller. 2% are 6-4 or taller. I once read a study that said when men go over 6-5 in height, the social advantages of being tall reverse and height starts to become a disadvantage. As far as golf goes, the few advantages (being able to more power) are quickly outweighed by the disadvantages. Adding an inch to the club length (1) causes the swing weight to shoot through the roof, (2) makes the shaft more flexible, and (3) makes it more difficult to hit the ball in the center of the head.
  5. I'm sure that is why the OP's comments contained this line: Take a few minutes to look around at any driving range, and you'll see plenty of people (probably the majority) that allow their left arms to bend 30, 45, or even 90 degrees on the backswing. These are probably the poor souls the OP was referring to. The last thing they need in their head is a swing thought that says "don't keep you arm too straight." That's just going to reinforce their excessive arm bending.
  6. Interesting. Cheap, if nothing else.
  7. When it comes to drivers, volume is not the same as size. The Cleveland Hibore driver has a face are that is approx. 19% larger than a standard driver. How did that make a driver that head that has a wider and taller face without making the depth (from face to back) shorter? The made the top of the head concave. Larger driver, same volume. Yea, the 460cc limit was supposed to limit size, but as you can see with the Cleveland Hibore the size are volume are not always proportional. You can make a bigger driver head while keeping the volume the same.
  8. Well, the point I was trying to make is you can have a one 460cc head that is "bigger" in the dimensions that count (height,width, and depth) than another simply by monkeying with the design (like caving in the top, as one person noted). That means we can already skirt the 460cc limit and make "bigger size" heads (height, width, and depth). I'm glad it was obviously clear to you, but I wasn't so sure it was obviously clear to everyone (that's why I explained it). The next time you start to jump on someone for "explaining the obvious" you may want to think about the old saying: "everyone is ignorant about something--just different things", and meditate on the fact that the word "everyone" also includes you.
  9. I'll have to go look it up, but I beleive that is what it says in the Wishon book. The reasoning was sound. Wishon did not seem to be a big fan of making driver heads too big. OK, my memory is starting to come back a little. Think of an ice skater that is spinning in the middle of the rink. When they have their arms stretched out they spin slow, but if they pull their arms close to their body they spin more quickly. The point is that when most of the mass is near the axis of rotation, you spin quickly. When you move mass away from the axis of rotation, you spin more slowly. Big driver heads have a lot of the mass located away from the axis of rotation (the shaf) so they spin (close) more slowly. Most "draw" clubs have weight shifted towards the heel of the club. Since there is more mass closer to the axis of rotation (the shaft) they close easier. As I remember it, Wishon's point was that while larger heads made it easier to make a more "forgiving" club for non-center shots, it creates a clubhead that is harder to close. If you are pretty good at hitting the center of the face, but not at closing the club, you might be better off getting a smaller driver head.
  10. Yes, driver heads are as big as they will ever be. The 460cc limit doesn't have anything to do with the dimensions of the head (how high, wide, or deep it is). It has to do with how much water it offsets. The "size" of a head is measured by submerging the head in a vat of water and measureing how much the water rises. You can make a head that is extra high, wide, and deep simply by putting a concave top on the head (which I believe several companies have done). My guess is the real reason several driver heads have indentions on them in various places has less to do with performance, and more to do with getting them under the 460cc water offset limit. I think we may have reached a point of diminishing returns on head size anyway. It's harder to get a larger head to square up, so you can only go so big before it is virtually impossible to square. I wouldn't be surprised to start seeing companies producing smaller driver heads (calling them easier to square up heads) that still have as high COR and MOI numbers as the larger heads.
  11. Ebay/Paypal wouldn't know. Your local post office would. Go your local post office and tell them the story. Counterfiet goods are illegal. I believe even having them in your possion is a crime (you are supposed to turn counterfiet items over to the police). Mailing an illegal item (across the border no less) may put you in legal jeapordy. If some postal inspector opens the package and finds that YOU shipped counterfiet/illegal goods, you may find a govt. official knocking at your door. The point I'm trying to make is: this guy tried to rip you off by selling you counterfiet clubs. There is no reason to put yourself in legal jeapordy to be a "stand up guy" (after all, he isn't). Write him back and tell him that you checked with the post office, and they informed you that, since the clubs are counterfiet/illegal, it would be a crime in the USA for you to ship the clubs to him. Tell him if he wants the clubs back, he can come down and get them. He can find them in the evidence locker of your local police department's fraud investigation unit.
  12. IMHO, a lot of the talk about graphite vs. steel amounts to little more than stereotypes. Why do most guys play stiff shafts (even though they would be better off playing regular flex)? That's just what real men do. Why do almost all men play steel shafts? Same reason, that's just what real me do. Graphite is the the standard shaft material for hybrids. Hybrids are iron replacements (used in many of the same situations today that irons were used just a few years ago). If graphite is really so detremental to iron performance, why don't people use steel shafts in hybrids? They typical torque rating for a steel shaft is 3.0 (I believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong). There are plenty of graphite shafts with a torque rating lower than 3.0 (UST V2 graphite iron shaft has a tourque of only 2.2, which in theory means it should be more accurate than a typical steel shaft). All you have to do is go in a store and try to bend some irons shafted with steel and graphite and you quickly discover there are also plenty of graphite shafts that are just as stiff as a steel shaft. I'm not an expert on the playing differences between graphite and steel. What I do know though, is you see plenty of women on the LPGA tour using graphite shafted irons that are pretty darned accurate, and you see plenty of men on the PGA tour using graphite shafted hybrids (iron replacement clubs) that are just as accurate with them as their steel shafted irons. At least one wedge maker (EIDOLON) is on record as saying they have a graphtie wedge shaft that is actually better than a steel shaft. The old stereotype that graphite shafts is less accurate than steel was certainly true years ago when graphite shafts were first introduced (and still something of an experimental product), I'm not so sure that stereotype is true today.
  13. I've been looking for a stand bag. For some reason yesterday I decided to visit the local Goodwill (I admit it--I'm a cheapskate, I was hoping someone had donated a decent used bag). I walk back to the golf equipment and I noticed a blue bag that even from a distance looked to be in great condition. I get to it and it's an Ogio Riley TT stand bag. Perfect condition, has all the tags still attached, even the rain cover was still neatly folded up in one of the pockets. No doubt the bag was brand new. The only odd thing was embroidered on the side of the bag was a big Miller Lite logo (just like the one above). At first I thought "I don't want a bag with a beer logo on it." Then I looked at the price tag: $6.94. I hesitated a second and thought "For seven bucks I can get used to the beer logo." I'm guessing some local embrodery company got a job to embroider some golf bags, for some reason this one got rejected (logo in wrong place, who knows), so they donated the rejected back to Goodwill. Anyway, if you ever see someone with a blue golf bag with a Miller Lite logo on the side, say hello.
  14. Didn't I read that the label indicates a Chinese origin for the package? If so, then the guy has just flat out lied to you. He's a crook and a cheat, and you don't owe him anything (not even a chance to "make it right"). All he is trying to do now is string you along so you don't file a complaint with paypal and cause him to lose his money (or should I say YOUR money he has stolen from you). The worse, most evil crooks often come across as the nicest persons. They are con artists, they know how to smooze you to steal your money. File a complaint with paypay (bounce the charge back on your credit card if needed) and get your money back. If he complains and demands the clubs back, tell him the clubs are in the evidence locker of your local police's fraud investigation unit.
  15. Doesn't that supress the banner ads you see on sites (including this one)? Banner ads are what support web sites. When you block those ads you are literally taking money away from the site you are visiting (including this site). Personally, I think it's a fair trade. Visit a site or forum (like this one) and have some advertising appear on the page. I don't think it's fair to expect everything to be provided for free. People that run web sites have to reimbursed somehow, for a lot of sites that means including advertisments on the page.
  16. I've spent the last few months putting together a new set, and just go the final piece this week (the two wedges). What I got is in my sig, with the prices. As someone said earlier, $500 is a pretty good estimate for what you can put together if you are patient. If you aren't sure a brand is decent stuff, go to golfwrx.com and look in their reviews section. If you don't see a review for that manufacturer's equipment, stay away from it . Golfwrx (on their main page and in the forums) has a lot of good reviews. This site (thesandtrap.com) has an excellent set of reviews on their main page. Make sure you are purchasing from legit sellers. Ebay is notorius for counterfiets, but that doesn't mean you should be afraid of it, just cautious. The best deals are often found on ebay. Rockbottomgolf.com (for example) is a legit seller of discount equipment; they also sell heavily on ebay. Most of the stuff you see on their web site can be purchased from them via an ebay auction for about 10-20% less than the price listed on their site. If you stay with legit sellers on ebay and avoid the "too good to be true" offers you'll be fine. Remember, no matter how good a deal is on ebay today, tomorrow there will be another great deal on ebay. That's just how it works. No deal is ever too good to pass up. Jumping at great deals is how you get burned on ebay. Concentrate on "last year's model". Technology hasn't changed that much in the last few years. The 2005 model will probably play just as well for you as the 2010 model. Like I said, $500 is a pretty good target for everything (don't forget shipping and taxes in your numbers).
  17. My understanding is it is the same physics that power a whip. Your hand holding a whip only moves a small amount at a slow speed, yet it is enough to get the tip of the whip going faster than the speed of sound (which creates the crack noise). Your body only rotates a small way (at a slow speed), but it is enough to "whip" your arms and club forward at a much faster speed. A "swinger" uses that whipping motion to generate the power for their swing speed. A hitter relys on the the muscles in their arms and shoulders to generate their swing speed.
  18. No. As I understand the definiton a swinger is someone that uses the body trunk to power the swing (hips & back). A hitter is some that uses their arms and shoulders to power the swing. At the extreme, a swinger can strike the ball while keeping their wrists, arms, and shoulders 100% relaxed (so they act more like ropes attached to their shoulders). Arm rotation, lag, etc... can all be generated by a swinger without using any arm or should muscles. A hitter can strike the ball without rotating their body at all, buy using 100% shoulder, arms, and wrists. Hogan would be a 95% swinger. The only hitter move he incorporated was the "slap the ball" move he made at the bottom of his downswing.
  19. Yes, there have been some very successful hitters. Nothing wrong with it. The only downside I have heard to being a hitter is it is harder to maintain as you get older. I understand even Palmer flirted with changing his swing style when he got older and started to lose some of his distance (were talking long after he retired from golf though).
  20. This has been an interesting response. After about 100 views only 10 people seem to know the ansnwer in the poll, and only one serious answer in the thread. IMHO, this is pretty basic stuff (in the same league as knowing things like if you are right or left handed). Knowing if you have an arms driven or body/rotational driven swing would seem to be a big deal if you are trying to improve your swing mechanics, as advice for one does not apply to the other (in fact will often make the other worse).
  21. Description of difference between swinger and hitter from the interent:
  22. There is a school of thought that says the arms and wrists should be 100% passive on the downswing. "The Golfing Machine" (which is a good catalog of golf techniques, but not a good instructional book imho) divides swing types into hitters (arms oriented) and swingers (body oriented). Most people fall somewhere in between, but in its pure form swingers don't manipulate the arms on the downswing at all. They simply use the large muscles of the body to whip the arms around. Greater minds than mine can explain the differences and details, but the "modern" golf swing is much, much closer to the swinger style then the hitter style.
  23. Well, my bracelets do highlight my maincure!
  24. Isn't the current going rate for these about $300 retail and $200-$300 ebay?
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