Two kids from my school played the Honda Classic pro-am on monday and were in a group with him. As a side note, the director paid the entrance fee for top high school players from the area with a lot of hype around them and intentionally put them with him, I guess to build up hype or something.
Anyways, they were shocked with how short he was, especially when he outdrove one of them(6'1) pretty consistently. That said, they weren't impressed. Everyone in the group was able to stay very close to him in score, and the two I know said he is not ready for the tour at all. I've also been hearing a lot about his great personality, but he is apparently very strange. His parents, himself, and his sponsors have tried to make him out to seem like a somewhat normal teenager- focusing on school, etc., but his life is devoted to golf. They said he was nice and everything, but he definitely wasn't a normal teenager socially. Based on what they told me, it doesn't sound like he needs the money at all, but he actually thinks he can compete. There is little to no way he can do this when he can barely squeak by junior golfers.