This summer marks the start of my second year ever playing golf, and after I finished the last junior club championship I am eligible for I had a funny thought.
I thought back to how much I have improved in this game, and how much I loved it.
Previously, bad holes would mean double or triple bogeys with shanked and duffed shots from easy lies, but now a bad hole for me is usually at worst a bogey. No longer do I chase the ball around the fairway, but I put shots where I want them, and when I get in a bad spot I can get out in a stroke and salvage a bogey or par on the hole.
No longer can I set my goal at bogey golf, but I have lowered it to 9 over for a round, and found that isn't impossible for me either.
It feels like just yesterday I was just a beginner in this game, and now a comfortable player.
Does anyone else feel the same as me?
They just play a lot and then realize that they are playing at another level?
I can't wait to see what my handicap will be after my second year playing golf!
I love this game!