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Everything posted by StrikeOne

  1. Good points by everyone! I guess it just seemed odd to me being that I'm just getting into it seriously. I don't keep track of my score as I go, just write it on the card hole by hole and total it up at the end. I felt like I was playing reall well. Apparently I was doing certain things well on each hole, but not everything well at the same time.
  2. I had one last night. I shot a 56. My best this year has been a 51. However, I "felt" like I was playing much better golf than I usually do. I felt like I was hitting the ball better, and I had much better control over my driver. Even my putting seemed to be a bit better than normal. I had to take penalties on two holes where I shanked my drive OB, but my second shot on both holes was right up the center of the fairway. Just thought it was weird that I could feel like I was playing better than normal, yet my score didn't reflect it at the end. Maybe I just had a lot of luck mixed into my other rounds.
  3. My favorite club is whichever one I happen to be hitting well at the moment. Right now that seems to be my 6 iron, which has been working really well for me the last couple of rounds that I've played. My least favorite is my driver, I still haven't figured out how to control it consistently.
  4. Congrats on the drivers. I don't think it's a big deal. Sounds like many people involved with the school were in the raffle, and many others won. Generally in a contest, anyone affiliated with the organization, as well as their immediate family members would be excluded from entry. I know that this is not always the case, but in larger contests, such as on line giveaways from larger companies, it is usually in the fine print. However, raffles are generally much more relaxed. I've entered a ton of raffles where somebody working for the organization, or even running it, had won something. It's for a good cause, so who cares?
  5. Not sure what the winning score was. Couldn't stick around to see. I know I talked to a couple of the teams that were at 4 under and 5 under. The tournament didn't use any handicaps, and all of the players on our team would have been considered very high handicapped players. I don't know about the other two players, but myself and they guy I knew both average around 105 to 110 on 18 on that course.
  6. Turns out I'd probably be pretty good at golf if I didn't have to hit off the tee. On 18 holes, we played from the spot my second shot landed on 14 of them. We only played from the spot my tee shot landed once, and that was on a short par three. I only knew one of the people on the team, and we were randomly paired with the other two as we were kind of a last minute entry. Had a great time though. Shot 6 over as a team, which we figured wasn't too bad considering we were more a group of two pairs than a team. It's amazing how a scramble will really point out the weak parts of your game. Guess I know what I need to work on to improve!
  7. [quote name="Gresh24" url="/t/60593/colorado-man-goes-on-shooting-spree-in-movie-theater/36#post_745633"] You can pretty much walk around carying a gun anywhere in the country (with a permit). [/quote] You would probably be surprised to find out how many people around you carry guns every day. If you ran into me on the street, you would never know that I had a gun on me (legally, btw). There could very well have been people in that theatre that had guns, but chose not to act . Just because people carry guns, doesn't mean that they're all out looking for an opportunity to be a hero. Could it have been stopped? Maybe. Would I have tried? Don't know. I would like to think so, but at the same time I'm responsible enough to realize that you don't just pull out a gun and start blasting away. I'd also like to think that the majority of CCW holders are also aware of the responsibility that comes along with it.
  8. I'd have to look up the rules to find specifics, but I do know that college sports are extremely strict about betting. In fact, my step brother, who is on the track team for the University of Miami Ohio, wouldn't play in our family football pool this year because it cost 20 bucks to get in and is technically gambling. I can't imagine that stuff like you guys put on the line would be an issue, but then again, you never know. Best to try to find some sort of official rule I guess.
  9. I actually just got the Walter Hagan XLR's this year. I'm just getting back into the game after a long hiatus. I really like them. Obviously they're not Callaways or anything like that, but they do the job. They seem to be pretty well made, and for the price I figured they'd be good for me for at least a while.
  10. Gotcha! Nope that's cool..I obviously didn't pay attention and just didn't realize where it came from. Thanks. I actually kind of like it..it's funny.
  11. Lol...how did that get there? Seriously.
  12. Conversations like this always crack me up. I had a similar discussion with a guy in college who claimed that he was a born again christian, while he was drunk of his ass and trying to get into the pants of everything wearing a skirt in the bar. He informed me that as long as I accept the fact that Jesus died for my sins, I'm in. So I guess I can do whatever I want till I'm on my death bed, then just accept it. Seriously though. I'm married to a pagan, and am pretty much an atheist myself. I've yet to see either a pagan or an atheist show up at my door pushing their beliefs on me. Can't say the same for most others. People who are super religious are kind of like vegans...you don't have to ask them what they are...they'll tell you :-P
  13. I had the exact opposite happen. When I was playing frequently in the past I always used the interlock grip. In college I wound up with what they call a "boxer's fracture, in the upper knuckle of my right pinkie (I'm right handed). That knuckle is actually shifted back about half an inch now. When I recently got back into golf I was still using the interlock, but the pain in my knuckles after playing was unbearable. I switched to an overlap, and it seems to have alleviated the pain. It took some getting used to, but now I don't really notice much difference in my play between now and when I was using an interlock grip.
  14. Awesome...
  15. I begin wildly flailing my club in the air. I figure I have just as good of a chance to get a decent shot by hitting a ball out of the air as I do with my driver off the tee.
  16. I started playing from the back right off this year after a 12 plus year hiatus, mostly because I didn't know any better. The course I play at is only a nine hole course. If you're going to play 18 you play the first nine from the whites and the second from the blues. With all the balls I've lost so far this year, however, maybe I should just play all 18 from up front.
  17. I don't think you're a douche at all. I think you're spot on. I have two daughters of my own, and I'd react the same way.
  18. This is neat...LOL http://abcnews.go.com/m/story?id=16663509
  19. I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that I'm trying to put "fear mongering propoganda" about marijuana out there. I simply made a statement that I still stand by. I honestly don't care if people use it or not. I don't. It doesn't affect my life in the least. I just won't use it, and I don't want to be around people who do. I wouldn't smoke a ciggarette next to you if you didn't like it, and I would expect the same courtesy from someone who wanted to light up a joint. I don't think you're doing any favors for the marijuana supporters out there by handling this the way you are, but whatever. No skin off my back. I'm trying to remind myself that the majority of people who use it have the common sense to be discreet about it and not try to shove it down my throat that there's nothing wrong with it (despite the fact that it is an ILLEGAL drug). I'm sincerely hoping I can manage that so that I don't have to stop talking to half my friends. I don't know how else to say it so that you'll understand. I could give a rat's ass if you want to smoke it, I'm just not going to stand next to you while you do. There are potential repercussions for me PERSONALLY, whether it have to do with my license or not, so I don't want to be near it. It's a PERSONAL decision that should be taken at face value. Instead you have tried to take that and turn it into something it never was.
  20. The bottom line is..If I am convicted it is then THE BOARD'S decision as to whether or not usage hinders my ability. Have you ever sat in front of a board of licensure? A decision is not always based on thorough research into an individual. If the board were to decide that they did not believe that my conviction was a one time deal, my license could be revoked. Sure, I could go through an appeal process afterward to get reinstated based on the fact that they had no evidence of prior usage, but my career would be marred from that point forward. Even a suspension never gets taken off of your record. You read that law however you want. I'll read it how I want. I'm not a lawyer, and based on what I've seen I assume you aren't either. Let's leave interpretation up to those who excel in it. With that I am going to make an attempt to withdraw from this conversation. I sincerely apologize to everybody in this thread for a simple statement that I made being blown up into this. I'm new to the forum, and I don't want to be known as the guy who came on here starting shit right off the bat.
  21. I said I COULD lose it if I were convicted of anything. This is not false. The laws you have posted yourself clearly state that this is a POSSIBLE outcome of a conviction for drug use.
  22. First of all, I said I COULD lose it. I didn't say I would. I would be reported to the board of licensure, which would then begin the decision process as far as what the future of my license would be. They may decide that it was a one time deal, they may not. First thing they're going to ask is how often I do it, I I want my answer to be never. Bottom line is, If I get reported for a drug conviction I will face the board of licensure with revocation being a possible outcome. Even if it didn't get revoked, I would still be on the board of licensure's radar for the rest of my professional career. None of this has absolutely anything to do with this thread anyways. We're drifting farther and farther from the purpose of the thread. I answered the OP, and gave my reasons. What are you trying to do? Convince me that I should be out there lighting up with people on the course based on the fact that my license may not be revoked if I'm caught? I've already said, I don't care if people smoke it, I just don't want to be around it. If it was legal, I would probably smoke it too. If that's your thing, have at it man. I don't care. But don't light that thing up next to me and not expect me to get a little pissy about it. I'm done with trying to prove whether or not I would lose it. It doesn't matter. The language in the law states that it is a possible outcome, and I want nothing to do with that.
  23. I just got here.
  24. [=http://www.find-laws.com/statutes/missouri/t22/c327/327_441][/] Here's an example. Once it goes to the board, it is their responsibility to decide whether or not usage interferes with your ability to perform your duties as a professional. Why take the chance that someone on the board is having a bad day that day. Denial, revocation, or suspension of license or certificate, groundsfor. 327.441. 1. The board may refuse to issue any license or certificateof authority required pursuant to this chapter for one or any combinationof causes stated in subsection 2 of this section. The board shall notifythe applicant in writing of the reasons for the refusal and shall advisethe applicant of the applicant's right to file a complaint with theadministrative hearing commission as provided by chapter 621, RSMo. 2. The board may cause a complaint to be filed with theadministrative hearing commission as provided by chapter 621, RSMo, againstany holder of any license or certificate of authority required by thischapter or any person who has failed to renew or has surrendered suchperson's license or certificate of authority, for any one or anycombination of the following causes: (1) Use of any controlled substance, as defined in chapter 195, RSMo,or alcoholic beverage to an extent that such use impairs a person's abilityto perform the work of any profession licensed or regulated by thischapter; (2) The person has been finally adjudicated and found guilty, orentered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, in a criminal prosecutionunder the laws of any state or of the United States, for any offensereasonably related to the qualifications, functions or duties of anyprofession licensed or regulated under this chapter, for any offense anessential element of which is fraud, dishonesty or an act of violence, orfor any offense involving moral turpitude, whether or not sentence isimposed; (3) Use of fraud, deception, misrepresentation or bribery in securingany license or certificate of authority issued pursuant to this chapter orin obtaining permission to take any examination given or required pursuantto this chapter; (4) Obtaining or attempting to obtain any fee, charge, tuition orother compensation by fraud, deception or misrepresentation; (5) Incompetency, misconduct, gross negligence, fraud,misrepresentation or dishonesty in the performance of the functions orduties of any profession licensed or regulated by this chapter; (6) Violation of, or assisting or enabling any person to violate, anyprovision of this chapter, or of any lawful rule or regulation adoptedpursuant to this chapter; (7) Impersonation of any person holding a license or certificate ofauthority, or allowing any person to use his or her license or certificateof authority, or diploma from any school; (8) Disciplinary action against the holder of a license or acertificate of authority, or other right to practice any professionregulated by this chapter granted by another state, territory, federalagency or country upon grounds for which revocation or suspension isauthorized in this state; (9) A person is finally adjudged incapacitated or disabled by a courtof competent jurisdiction; (10) Assisting or enabling any person to practice or offer topractice any profession licensed or regulated by this chapter who is notlicensed and currently eligible to practice pursuant to this chapter; (11) Issuance of a professional license or a certificate of authoritybased upon a material mistake of fact; (12) Failure to display a valid license or certificate of authorityif so required by this chapter or any rule promulgated pursuant to thischapter; (13) Violation of any professional trust or confidence; (14) Use of any advertisement or solicitation which is false,misleading or deceptive to the general public or persons to whom theadvertisement or solicitation is primarily directed. 3. After the filing of such complaint, the proceedings shall beconducted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 621, RSMo. Upon afinding by the administrative hearing commission that the grounds, providedin subsection 2 of this section, for disciplinary action are met, the boardmay, singly or in combination, censure or place the person named in thecomplaint on probation on such terms and conditions as the board deemsappropriate for a period not to exceed five years, or may suspend, for aperiod not to exceed three years, or order a civil penalty under section327.077, or revoke the license or certificate of authority of the personnamed in the complaint. (L. 1969 S.B. 117, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45, A.L. 1999 H.B. 343, A.L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308)
  25. Professional Land Surveyor. A conviction of any type could land me in front of a review board, they may let it go, they may not. Bottom line is I'm not taking my chances. I'm guessing that there are other professionals that would face similar review. I didn't say usage could cause me to lose it, I said if I were to get nailed for it (implying that there would be legal implications). I'm sure I could use it all I wanted, as long as I never got caught using or possessing it. I really don't care if other people want to use it, I just don't like putting myself in situations that could only have bad outcomes for me.
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