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Everything posted by ryan772

  1. ryan772


  2. Im in florida shoot low 80s and would love to help arrange and play with you guys. If u have trouble filling up with lower handicap guys im your man.
  3. Had a good round today, tied my best score wit a 82, 42-40. Putting was bad 36 total putts, but had 9 pars and 10 greens in regulation. Both 3 putts were bogeys, which is frustrating. My last round shot 41-42 with 30 putts so hoping next time I go out I finally break 80 for the first time.
  4. I use my matching wedge, I believe its a 50 degree. Its my fav club. Use it anywhere from 120 to chipping onto the green and bump and runs. Im gaming TM speedbladez.
  5. So I went to goodwill today with the family and found this steal datrek lite rider cart bag retail value $159. Paid 9 bucks for it.[IMG] [/IMG]
  6. My dad told me a story about how a racoon ran onto His cart and stole his bag of weed. My dad followed the little sucker and when the raccoon stopped in the woods there was a big pile of food and drinks.
  7. If you rented a bucket of balls from a range, and subsequently hit on off the property, would you feel morally obligated to pay the owner for losing their possession? If you went to a casino on vacation in las Vegas and kept one of the 1 dollar chips and traded in the rest this would be stealing as well, and yet there are chips from places that are worth quite a bit of money due to various reasons. I'm surprised the cops haven't gone after the owner of said chips for possessing stolen goods..
  8. A rabbi, a priest, and a pastor were on the golf course and they are arguing about how much of the tithe should go to god. The rabbi says" well let's draw a circle in the bunker, throw up all the tither and whatever lands inside the circle we will give to god" The priest says" how about we throw it up and whatever lands outside the circle we will give to god" The pastor shakes his head and says" how about we throw all the tithe up, and whatever god wants he will grab.
  9. Lol cutting hairs here
  10. So I was on pace to have my best round ever(best was 84) going into the 18th, I had 8 pars since hole #6), hadn't lost a ball since the round before last. 18 hole is a 500 yard par 5. Par and I beat my best score by 1. I slice my driver(only slice of round) close to ob's so I hit a provisional. I end up slicing that but pretty sure in play. Can't find my first ball and prov is under a tree with a bunch of trees in front. I know I already screwed myself a chance to beat my best score so I go for a hero shot. End up hitting tree with hybrid only advancing ball 20 yards. Don't chip out and duff shot hitting 5. Leave my 3 wood 20 yards left of green from 245 yards out. Duff chip for 7. Chip to 3 feet and end up putting out for a 9 to go from chance to finish with 83 to a 87.
  11. My "waggle" is usually moving my club left to right over the ball to loosen the tension in my arms. Then set the club and swing
  12. So you started playing 2 months ago and your shooting +2 for 9 or 18 holes? Must be a golf prodigy.
  13. I usually only play on Tuesdays(my day off) and sometimes Mondays if I get it off. My wife will gripe and complain most the time but not every time. If I want to GI to the course to practice that is an automatic argument so its hard to get any practice in. The real question here is whether my wife is hurting my golf game by limiting my practice so much its time to make drastic decisions 8-p
  14. Went golfing today and I felt pretty good going into the round. I've been working on axis tilt and it seems to be helping at the range. It was also my first round using left hand low putting. I started off just slightly off with a bogey on the first 4 holes then a dbl bogey. I turned it around on 6 and finishinedbthe front going par,par,bogey(3putt), then par to go out 7 over. The back 9 par,dbl bogey(lost ball off tee),bogey,par,par,bogey,par,par,quad. I had 8 gir, 2nd round in a row, and finished with 8 pars total, I think my best. Over a 12 hole stretch I 8 pars so I was pretty happy about that. Oh and I had a really good putting day, 35 total putts but I was leaving putts withen a foot all day and had about 4 birdie putts lip out.
  15. Thanks Ive been having a hard time correcting it. I spend a lot of time swinging in slow motion when not busy at work and home and been having trouble doing it right. I'll work on the hips tonight!
  16. My problem is I'm losing it in the downswing and I don't know what drills to do to fix it This is at setup This it at the top of my back swing And this is starting the back swing Is this a hip slide issue combined with the head not staying steady. Is there any other things o can do to help this or just the doorway one.
  17. [Video]http://youtu.be/IWONkTnZjZA[/video] still can't seem to keep my head steady enough. It looks like my hip rotation in the back swing is decent. I seem to be keeping my hips in the right spot throughout the swing, but once I start my swing down by body flies forward and head goes with it. Need some help here as to priority pieces
  18. Bringing this thread back. I've been struggling with my putting lately and decided to try left hand low today at the range and boy did I like it. Distance control was much better and I didn't have nearly as much issue with missing left or right. I took my hands out of the picture a lot more as well. I really liked how the ball was rolling off the putter as well. My only issue was I occasionally grounded the club just before impact which cause putts to come up short but I'm excited to practice this more!
  19. I've been battling bogey golf for a while. My last round was a 91. I've recently on the last month and a half carded about 6 rounds in the 80s but my last few have been in 90s. Last round I played I hit 8 greens in regulation, but 40 putts(three 3 putts and one 4 putt) and only 2 fairways in regulation. I had 5 pars, 9 bogeys and 4 dbl bogeys, while giving myself at least a par putt on 17/18 holes. I feel encouraged cause I've been eliminating big blow up holes but my driving and short game have really hurt me.
  20. ryan772

    Two Gloves?

    I have a few very small callouses on both hands. They don't bother me at all, but most here will say that if you getting them you are gripping the club too hard. There are a bunch of other threads on this so if you look them up you should get your answers.
  21. Irons very good, wedge, driver, putter suck.
  22. Disappointing 91. Had 40 putts including a 4 putt and three 3 putts. Could have been. Solid round as I has 8 greens in regulation, and only 1 hole I didn't give myself a putt for par. I didn't even have a penalty shot All day as I never lost a ball. Only thing in my defense is I didn't sleep last high and when 630 came around I figured what the heck why not play a round. My irons were the best they have ever been I think though
  23. I would like to see all chop blocks cut blocks and generally all blocks below the waist penalized at least 10 yards. Don't care if it a running back we or online man.
  24. Teams like Seattle still manage to play good defense. I think the spread offense has a heck of a lot to do with scoring noow going along with the first rule you mentioned, but defense is still winning football games as evident by most of the last 10 years of winners(Seattle,Pittsburgh,Giants,Ravens,
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