Hey Aguirre, some people are selfish, hot-headed, and that makes them near-sighted and narrow-minded. Sometimes you run into these people. My advice is to let them say what they want, go on your way, and don't expect to defend or justify yourself to someone who obviously is too blinded by their own selfishness to see what's going on. They won't get very and there will be a reckoning someday.
I remember a time in traffic when I needed to turn left into my office building's parking lot, but I noticed a cyclist heading my way who would have had to avoid a car in some way if I turned, so I waited the extra 3 seconds to let him pass. Some guy in a BMW came up behind me going way too fast and just laid on the horn waving his arms up in the air, I imagine saying things like, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!?" in his car. I didn't respond but acknowledged the cyclist because there are way too many damn people in Austin not watching out for these guys and I didn't want to be one of them. The guy in the BMW raced around and peeled out and nearly hit the guy. It was the saddest thing I think I've ever seen, for someone to be so consumed and enslaved by their own selfishness that they can't see 50 feet in front of them. People like these are slaves to their own rage. Don't be one of them.