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lumpuckeroo last won the day on September 27 2013

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About lumpuckeroo

  • Birthday 11/30/1957

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    Club Champ
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  • Plays: Righty

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  1. lumpuckeroo


  2. August in Kansas, break in the heat and humdity, some of the best golf weather in Kansas is in the fall. Oh yea, and KU basketball is just around the corner!
  3. After seeing the stat that Rory hit 38 or 42 drives over 300 yards at Firestone (or something close to that), I really don't see how a lady could complete with the men from a shear length perspective. I know distance isn't everything, but with distance you are usually talking power also, so have the power to hit it over trees, out of the rough and such. IMHO, I just don't see an LPGA player having any chance of winning a PGA event now or in the future.
  4. I think it's great that athletes from other sports are into golf, it helps grow the sport, but being a scratch handicap at your local club and playing golf for a living just aren't the same. IMHO, the pressure on a golf course effects you different than pressure on the basketball court or football field. I'm sure we all face pressures at work and we handle them, but we also know the pressure of standing over a 3 ft. putt for a birdie to beat your old golf buddie and they don't feel the same. Every athlete says how standing on the first tee was the most nervious they have ever been, which might be the case, but it might just be a different set of nerves and it take tons of practice to overcome those, just like the nerves I'd face trying to make a freethrow to win and NBA championship.
  5. eBay, you can usually find sleeves on eBay
  6. Better than it was 6 months ago but not the best it's ever been.
  7. I voted 5+, I switched to a SC Fastback about 4 or 5 years ago and really don't see myself changing for many years to come. Over the last 20 years I've probably had 4 putters, a nickel Ping Anser, and a two other SC putters. But I think I've landed on "the one".
  8. Same for me on the carrying part, but I still walk and use a push cart. Last year I play close to 50 rounds and only rode the seven rounds we played on a buddies trip.
  9. I think I would go with most, I get that urban schools in NY or LA probably don't have high school golf teams. Those areas might have so many schools it cancels out most, but I would suspect of the 2167 high schools in the state of New York, there is a big percent that have high school golf. In Kansas of the 474 high schools approximately 350 have golf programs. We have 20 high schools with less than 50 students and even some of them have programs. If the rest of the U.S. has 75% of the high schools with programs then I would stick with most.
  10. I usually have 2-6 sleeves in my bag, my home course is pretty ball friendly, I can go several rounds without losing a ball at times. Last year I played around 40 rounds on my home course and lost around 2 dz balls, I can live with that. However, on the buddy trip, we usually play 6 rounds of golf, I always take 3 dz balls and I'm happy to make it home with a sleeve!
  11. It's harder than it looks, I've tried it and couldn't make it work, but I'm sure it was me. The local club builder that I take clubs to for fixing and tweaking can pull a grip off using air in a split second. I wish I could pull them with air, it would cut down my time to regrip.
  12. I remember all my shots from a round for several days, even if I play on a Saturday and Sunday, I'll remember the rounds for a couple of days. I think I lose them as I get ready for the next week and do a little mental imagining of how I want to play my next round.
  13. Go to the skycaddie website, create an account and then click on the Sell or Transfer a Device link.
  14. Since I joined a country club, I print my own scorecards on stockpaper. I customize the scorecard with stats I want to keep, I can get 8 score cards, front and back on the 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Once I'm done with a round I key the stat's into Skycaddie. If I play at a course other than mine, I just use the score card and keep my own score and stats.
  15. Driver into the trees on the left, 4 iron back out into play, 5 iron (maybe the 4 iron) to the edge of the water and wedge onto the green, easy enought!
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