I have one buddy I play with quite a bit that I "sledge" (new word to me, I like it) every chance I get. If you were to play with us you'd swear we hated each other the way we talk. We even slag each other when we're on the same team in a scramble. The harsher the better. And sarcasm is always great, again the harsher the better.
I love showing him where "the big boys hit it" when I hit a nice drive after a bad one of his.
Of course he's really the only one I treat like that. Of my other regular playing partners, one is a church-going guy and the other is my boss so they definitely don't get 'the treatment'.
And from my viewpoint, if you think calling someone a Nancy after hitting a putt short is calling them homosexual you're taking things way too seriously. You're not calling them a homosexual, you're calling them a woman. And woman doesn't equal inferior it equals "of lesser strength" hence the short putt.