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Everything posted by talismand

  1. There have been tons of deals lately on brand new Diablo Edge iron sets (usually 5 - PW) averaging $250 or so. I don't know if Callaway had been trying to offload inventory lately or what, but these keep showing up on the deal sites. In my opinion, you're probably not going to find a better set of sticks (especially brand new) in that price range, not by a long shot. Edit: In case anyone is thinking "put up or shutup" Here is one such deal: http://slickdeals.net/f/5074206-Callaway-Diablo-Edge-R-8-piece-irons-set-for-239-99-tax-free-shipping-at-GolfGalaxy-com I'm not an employee of Slickdeals, Golf Galaxy, or any of their affiliates, just wanted to provide an answer to OP's question. If that link breaks any forum rules, Mods can edit it out
  2. That's always been one of the critiques from yoga buffs about P90x. The yoga disc contains some moves that might take an average person more than a year to master, not something that someone new to yoga should attempt. The best advice is to not force your body to do more than it currently can. Go to your limit, no matter how puny it may feel. You will naturally progress further in time. Don't let the routine intimidate you into injury.
  3. Turned out to be really close for me
  4. I would love to see this. Too much good golf today, they need more time to sort it all out
  5. Damn Tiger....so close. I think Tiger's just going to run out of holes. But what a Sunday story
  6. holy hell...did I really choose Kaymer -11?
  7. What would you consider "vintage" Mizunos? MP32s, or 30s even? Something older?
  8. Personally, I can't wait until the day the golf world wakes up and kicks off all the simpletons and vagabonds wearing khakis and a polo shirt and thinking they are true gentleman. Only those who play in long sleeved collared, button down shirts with an appropriate neck piece, with a matching coat, jacket, or vest should be allowed onto any golf course. And I'm sure we can all agree that Wingtip Oxfords are a MINIMUM barrier to entry as well. Anyone with polo's or jeans or khakis or whatever should wallow in the mud with the rest of the filth.
  9. At this point I think that JTJ is just having fun with the topic at best, trolling at worst. After the 2nd video, it's pretty obvious he's just messing around.
  10. Please explain how a guy dressed in jeans is disrespecting you.
  11. Martin Kaymer, -11
  12. There was a good review posted on this site a while back comparing the two. http://thesandtrap.com/b/clubs/ping_g15_iron_review
  13. I feel like this happens to me every other range session. I'll figure something out one day, and hit it great. Then I work on it at home all week, and come back to the range and embarrass myself. It's never fun, and I'm just not to the point yet where I can diagnose and recover on the fly. I usually just take a few days off, work on basics again at home, and come back.
  14. Absolutely the 2nd impact position looks better. That's why I was so frustrated that none of the resulting shots were good. I do try to hit punch shots, but I always tend to switch back to full shots to "check" on how the feelings translate. Then I hit it fat, then I spend the next 30 minutes hitting full shots trying to work out the fats. I'll try to be more disciplined. Roger that on the setup. I like the posture in the first one as well(hands about level with the top of the knees), but the second one is the only way I seem to be able to get the butt of the club pointing at my belt buckle (trying for the "open attachment" in the S&T; book to reduce the fades/slices). If I try to do this with the 1st posture, I end up looking like Moe Norman with my arms way out...
  15. Yeah, but Gill, the Masters is only 3 weeks away and I've got to be READY! Thanks for the feedback delav, I'm definately trying on the hip slide, but it feels awkward and I just don't know if it's because I've never done it before, or if I'm doing it the wrong way.
  16. So only a quick update today, but I'll just go ahead and put it out there, today felt like a total set back for me in terms of ball flight and contact. My warm-up went pretty smoothly, and I was hitting the ball fairly well by my standards. Then I got into the "meat" of it, and basically hit only a couple of decent shots the rest of the day... I was really trying to focus on figuring out how to get a good hip slide, concentrating on various "triggers". I took video samples of each, but most were terrible looking. I am sharing two samples though here, to get your thoughts. This first video is where I focus solely on trying to turn my shoulders back down perpendicular to my spine. When looking at the video, it looks pretty close to my "normal" swing, with very little hip slide, but this was the only swing type where I could make decent contact with the ball and get a playable shot out of it: This next video is the one that "looks" the closest to what I think it is I should be doing, but unfortunately after about 20 straight mishits using this "idea", I gave up. What I was doing here was at the top of my back swing, I focused on moving the center of my pelvis towards the target laterally, without turning the hips, then letting my arms drop in front of me. It looks so much closer to what I think I need to do, is there anything you can tell me about what could be causing the mishits here (main misses were fat/thin, weak slices to the right). Is it sequencing (i.e. am I firing the hips too soon verse dropping the arms)?: I can definitely see a significant difference in impact position, and I like the position I'm in with the second video: vs I should mention that throughout the range session I was going back and forth between two types of postures as I was fighting fats and thins. The first is my "standard" posture, where I feel more bent over at the hips (think: Jim Hardy 1-plane swing posture). When I'm set up like this though, I get a lot more fats and slices. The second posture was a more upright feeling, Although the screengrab doesn't show it, I felt almost like I was standing straight up, with very little bend (we all know feel isn't real), however I tend to hit thin often from this position. It felt very awkward trying to turn my left shoulder down in back swing from this position, and my videos showed that I tended to dip my head way down in the back swing when I attempted to turn the shoulder down. Since I don't want to continually switch back and forth, I'd like some comments as to which looks like it's the better posture to be in, and I'll continue working with it. If the answer is neither or a blend, let me know that as well: vs My previous question still stands as well, regarding recommended weight distribution in a swing (between toes/heels). No idea where to go with this and I think that it's affecting my swing as well.
  17. I've always wondered about this. Why 2" behind the ball? Is it to compensate for the few millimeters of towel thickness that might cause the club to brush it even before the path bottoms out? Otherwise, if the goal is to get a divot that starts in front of the ball, why not butt the towel up against the back of the ball? Note, I'm not flaming, I'm legitimately asking. When I hit foam balls inside the house, I do this as well, and when I put the towel too close to the ball I always hit it. I didn't know if it was just physically impossible for me to not hit fat, or if indeed the towel was just too close for true feedback.
  18. Just found a series of S&T; video blogs on Youtube. They seem pretty good. Here is a sample one, talking about the downswing Anybody heard of this guy?
  19. Thanks for the kind words Gill! It's reassuring to hear that there is noticable change. Unfortunately, none of these improvements have translated to my driver. I won't even subject you all to a video of that yet, but needless to say, I've got the driver yips for the time being. I'm currently working on getting the hips forward (but always checking the previous flaws, as they tend to creep back in when I soley concentrate on the hips). I'm in the process of trying to determine the best "feel" to use for getting the hips forward. When I think about actually sliding them over, I tend to overdo it (i.e. I get to the top of my back swing, then attempt to bump my hips far out, THEN try to swing). This causes me to spin out more than anything and throws me off balance. I need some other key to keep my arms/shoulders in sequence with the hips. The feel I am currently focusing on is concentrating on making sure my shoulders rotate back around my spine on the downswing, before opening my hips. What I find is that this is keeping my hips from firing too quick (they do open, but not nearly as fast, keeping me more on plane), and when I look at it on camera from the face-on view, I see that my hips move laterally on their own (I'm going to work this a couple more weeks before posting an updated video). The biggest thing I am struggling with right now is figuring out what my weight distribution should be between my heels and toes throughout the swing. I bumped a thread about this, but have yet to get a response: http://thesandtrap.com/forum/thread/18580/how-much-weight-what-percentage-weight-on-the-balls-of-your-feet#post_581866
  20. Golf Digest also has a Tiger-centric article this month. Must be something in the air I liked GD's though, as it went through his 5 swing instructors and what they tried to work on with him. Although without the Golf Magazine piece, I never would have known that Foley can freestyle. This is something that must be found and youtube'd NOW!
  21. Major bumpage, but this was the thread closest to my question, and I didn't want to start a new thread for nothing. Just seeing if there might be a little more consensus now on the weight distribution as it pertains to front/back, rather than left/right (which is what 99% of the weight threads focus on). Specifically, for a one-plane, centered golf swing, what are the recommended weight center locations at P1, P4, P6, P8 (i.e. setup, top of backswing, impact, finish)? I've been switching between "middle" of the foot (balanced on the arches), to balanced on the balls (never the heels). I usually maintain that balance point throughout the swing, but each seem to give me troubles. To clarify, when I'm balaned on the "middle", if I try to lift my heels I fall backwards, and if I try to lift my toes, I fall forward. When on the balls, I can lift my heels up all day and stay still. When I balance on the middle, I have a tendancy to spin out more, or stand up too fast. When on the balls, shanks sometimes sneak in, and sometimes I have to keep myself from falling to the right when I finish (if I maintain my inclination to the ground throughout). What I do right now, when I have issues with one, I switch to the other and it fixes my ball striking (for a while). When that stops working, I switch back. So, I have no idea which is "right", since they both cause me issues, but they both cure each others' issues! By the way, the answer could be "both", but at least please elabortate as to which positions should favor one over the other...
  22. That looks like it would be painful to maintain to the top of the backswing
  23. Ok, work in progress update. I tried focusing on the first 4 things in Gill's response: Quote: Summary Left foot rotated out Narrow your stance Feel a bit "bowlegged" in your left knee throughout your back swing Keep your head level Turn your shoulders to 90 degrees, but not past SLIDE your hips forward in the down swing Trying to tackle all 6 in 1 week was just asking for too much. Already I can tell from these new videos that I stopped concentrating on a shorter backswing, so you will see me over-rotated again. I think I'm just going to have to work on a few things until it's fully ingrained, then go on to the next so that I can treat the previous changes as a "given". The other thing is that I still move my head down on the downswing (although I feel like I do manage to keep it more level on the backswing at least). It looks like it's going to take a while to get out of that habit. I purposely taped a few swings (not included here) where I consciously attempted not to move my head down on the downswing, and wouldn't you know it, when I played it back at home, I still did it! Anyway, let me know what you think of the progress. Good news is that I hit a lot more decent shots. Lots of straight and push draws, with and even 1 hook! The main misses are still pushes and push fade/slices (and the occasional fats). This week I'm going to continue with #s 1 - 4, and try to work in #5. I know that I don't slide my hips forward nearly enough, but at the moment, when I try to do this I think I overdo it and I hit all kinds of terrible shots. DTL - Pitching Wedge followed by 5 Hybrid Face On - Pitching Wedge followed by 5 Hybrid
  24. If my parents or brother were into golf I'd send them all your way. I think they live maybe 10 minutes from The Quarry. No chance I can make this though.. Any thoughts on an Atlanta-area school in the future?
  25. Correct. And it works now, thanks! I tried this idea out a little this afternoon and ran into two problem areas. I could not for the life of me hit a decent shot from two trouble lies. About 10 feet off the green, on a steep upslope (35 degrees or so). The second issue was a similar scenario but on a steep downslope (green was further away, but I think you see what I'm getting at). What are the best ways to approach these types of shots (besides "not hitting the ball there", haha).
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