db you may very well be right on in your assessment, on the other hand robotic equipment cutting and shaping metal can meet amazing tolerances. When reading or researching something I always consider the motivation of the person. In this case to me he is talking like
is the only one who has the answers and if you want to get the right equipment then you need to buy it from him.
Not saying he is wrong just suspect in my eyes because of self interest. Would mean a lot more if he had nothing financial to gain from what
he is saying. Having said that, the old wooden drivers definitely would play different, one Macgreagor model driver might our perform another
driver of the same exact specs. But then wood is different from medal in grain patterns, density and the fact that a lot of them were hand carved. So I can believe it in wood heads, not so much metal heads.
Just my two cents and I'm sure many out there will disagree with me which is fine.