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My Swing (shallisy)

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Hey everyone! I just found this site and thought it would be cool to get some more experienced peoples' thoughts on my swing. I have been playing off and on for a couple of years and decided to try to seriously improve my game. I usually hit my irons pretty straight, but slice my woods. I just had my first lesson a couple of weeks ago where I was told to work on extension on my follow through and trying to be more steep in my backswing. Anyways, just wanted to see if anyone had any tips or thoughts. Thanks!





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Hi @shallisy welcome to TST! Typically we like folks to post a little bit in the forum before posting their swing on the site. The idea is to contribute to the forum and provide your experiences/opinion before getting advice. 

But since you posted it, I will give you some initial things to work on and then you can work on those, post around the site and then come back to show us your progress.

First thing I see is your weight is too much over your toes. Jordan on the right has his armpits over the balls of his feet. Your armpit is over your toes. This is something you can work on in a mirror. The armpit thing isn't a hard and fast rule, but a decent guideline.

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 2.18.55 PM.png

Next thing is the start of your backswing. You start by rolling your forearms. This is bad because it causes you to open your face. Open face on the backswing is a likely cause of your slice. You are pretty athletic so you can save it with irons, but the harder you swing the driver the bigger the slice I'd bet.

I put Robert Rock next to you here to show you how the face should look. We swing on an arc so Robert's face is square to his arc. Your's is open. You will need to close it.

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 2.20.20 PM.png

The last thing I see, is you are steep on the downswing. Your club is pointed inside the ball at A5 and you can see Robert pretty much has his on the ball (slightly outside which is fine also). From your steep position you will need to make compensations.

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 2.21.21 PM.png

Many people are steep. TONS. Myself included. There is thread here showing many folks and their struggles with it. 

Let me last say that you have in my opinion plenty of extension in the thru swing. Not sure if you improved from your last instructors visit or what. The steepness in backswing is something I could see but there are some simple other things I can see you can work on first.


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@mchepp Thank you very much for the insight! And apologies for jumping the gun on posting a video. I have been looking around the forum for a couple days and will continue. Thanks again!

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Note: This thread is 3061 days old. We appreciate that you found this thread instead of starting a new one, but if you plan to post here please make sure it's still relevant. If not, please start a new topic. Thank you!

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