I'm left handed, so I've been playing for a while, realized how crap I was, had 4 or 5 lessons and now my game is slowly getting better. I played last weekend and won our comp day :-D, yet I'm still getting advise from lots of people. Things like I think your grip is a bit to strong,or its a bit weak or just put your feet this way. I might go on a slice run for a couple of holes then ill get this advice, if you aim over this way your slice will bring you back to the middle of the fairway,or are you sure your going to be able to swing at that with that lie. I try not to get to flustered with all the "great" advice I get, but after a while ill say remember I'm left handed, OH yea I forgot about that so just do what I said to do but reverse it. It's about there that ill do my stack and tell them to keep their opinions and advice to themselves, as you've just had triple, double and some other crap score for the last 3 holes. I'm no expert but ill try and revert to my lessons and remeber what my coach ketp telling me and I seem to be able to regain my game. If I'm playing with someone at the club who is good, 3cap is the best here, ill listen to what they are saying/telling me. It has payed off in the past. I've gone from a 33 to a 26 now in 6 months so Im headed I the right direction. Now if I start to get advice from someone as soon as we start our round ill, say thanks but ill be right, saves me getting mad and losing focus on my game.But if guys want to have a chat and a bet, then I'm all for that,as I love to do both.
Rant over :-)