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  1. My guess is that he broke maybe $300 at most market value of irons. He was venting and having fun at the same time. If he was totally out of control he would not be able to shake hands and joke with people much less pick and choose clubs to break. He's probably blown $300 before and not had nearly as much fun. Nothing out of control about what he was doing.
  2. If I was the judge at sentencing, after paying restitution I'd sentence him to a year of golf every weekend. He thinks his ex-girlfriend frustrated him....stand by for the ultimate in frustration. He'll likely commit suicide in a month of golf with his coping skills. That is if he doesn't get off with the defense that he had a handicap flag on his truck. I'd say that I see old guys driving right up to the green everyday with those flags so I figured it would be ok. And then I'd watch them tear up the greens as they shuffle their feet across the green.
  3. I tend toward sandbagger but there are things that can explain it. I thought a guy at one of our events was a sandbagger. He came in with an index of about 6. He shot par to 2 over for the entire event. Guys obviously began to question it. I then got curious and dug into his posted scores. He practices on really hard courses from the tips.....75/145 type courses. Even when accounting for the course difficulty his 82 is about a 5-6 differential. Pretty easy for a good golfer to shoot 82 if he's driver long iron to hybrid on most holes and hybrid on par 3s. Then you show up for nearly any event playing the middle tees that play 6400yrd at about 71/130 and he's driver 9i to most holes. A simple change from links style where it's stroke/distance for an errant shot in tall grass to a nice parkland easy rough course can gain 6-8 strokes alone. I've seen it happen and I don't consider it sandbagging if you practice on hard courses to make tournament courses for the non-tour golfer seem easy. That's why the practice 50-60yrd archery shots so the 20yrd shot in the field seems really easy.
  4. I'd start talking about dudes in such a manner that would really creep him out. By the end of the round he'd be begging us to talk about chicks.
  5. This is the first time in my life that I actually read 15 pages of a forum but I've found it interesting. I'll be honest, I never really considered this device and we actually joked about it at the golf shop but now I am somewhat intrigued. I like the fact that it shows your average club distance although it may humble those that hit every drive 320yrds. We will all know the truth if you post! We all think we hit a certain club a certain distance but solid numbers could prove enlightening. It also looks like it does have some legitimate tools to analyze parts of your game that would be helpful. But......a few things I'd like to see before pulling the trigger. GPS has gotten a lot more accurate than in the past. I would like to see a feature that puts the pin where it belongs. Be it a ball marker in your pocket that you can "tap" or even a button on the device to push when at the pin. IMO, putts and chips are the money shots yet there is no way to see how you putt from 0-4ft, 4-10ft etc.....those are some critical stats for analyzing your game. Maybe GPS technology just isn't there. I really don't know. I didn't notice, but does it tell you if your lie is in sand, heavy rough, med rough, fairway, etc? Just curious. I really like to know if I was hitting from sand if I look back months later and don't recall. If this is geared towards a social goal I would like to see a few additional items when I look at someones round. City and state of course would be helpful. On the scorecard, highlight the tee played and provide rating/slope for each tee. It's just a nice reference to have. a 75 on a 74.1/142 course impresses me more than a 75 on a 67.9/113 course. Not that you need to impress me but it's useful information from a "social" standpoint. I just browsed the pages so maybe it's all there and I missed it too. And finally........they need to allow color options! My grips are yellow/black and a red button would clash and look awful. Not to mention that's an IU color and no self respecting Purdue grad could own anything red................ The device does appear to have some merit and I look forward to more reviews.
  6. I can tell you all about courses an hour north at Lafayette but I've haven't played Indy. I've heard positive reviews from those that have played The Fort and I've heard mixed reviews about Purgatory. I've also heard good reviews about the Trophy Club(Lebanon) and The Golf Club of Indiana but they are just north of Indy.
  7. I've played dozens of different private clubs as a guest. Without exception every member provided a quick rundown of the expectations. They almost all know that each club is different so there is no universal rule that applies to all. If he hasn't told you what's up you NEED to ask. You simply explain that different clubs have different expectations and seek clarification for his club. 99.9% of members that invite you expect to pick up the full tab unless you have a friendship where certain things are already understood. But, it's always appropriate to ask and offer. I'm a bit shocked that they wouldn't give you a heads up because clubs are so different. My guess is that it's pretty relaxed or he'd let you know. After all, your actions as a guest are a reflection on him.
  8. LOL Yes it is. Not my biggest, but one of my most memorable. It's funny how I find a lot of similarities between deer hunting and golf. I'm a die hard bow hunter(like the purist golfer) but there is always a time and a place to break out the big gun and have fun......kinda like relaxed rules.
  9. Agreed that no one is born pro. MLB players grew up with alum bats and likely tee-ball or slow pitch. It's a transition to the pro ranks. No reason golf can't have a similar transition as far as different rules. The rules are complicated. Period. I don't mind them being penal. They should be. None of us like stroke and distance but that's part of. The problem is that there are times when you can't find a ball(lost) that you didn't think was in trouble so your only option is to return to the tees and hit again. Or the confusion about unplayable lies which in lots of circumstances your only option is going back. This all takes too much time. Just make it simple. Or how about one I learned last year......hit a tee shot into a hazard. It's a hazard that can be playable if you find the ball. It is set up that if the ball is not found your only option is to tee off again. 99% of the guys I've played with hit a provisional in case they can't find it. Last year a guy told them if they hit a provisional they are abandoning that first shot and must play the provisional. We all called BS because it simply didn't make sense. Well he was right. Now guys literally waste 10 minutes on this par 3 driving over the bridge, walking across the fairway, crossing a 2" deep creek and looking 5 minutes for their ball. When they don't find it 80% of the time they now have to go back to the tee and hit again. Thousands of guys have played this hole in violation of the rules and posted a HC score none the wiser.j People want HCs to level the playing field in lots and lots of recreational golf. Others don't care either way. And others will play by only the strict rules of golf. I can play fast golf by the strict rules but I really think I'm the minority and I've learned a few tricks along the way to speed things up so I don't have to rush putts. Common sense is completely lacking in the laws of this country. Why does golf also need to lack common sense in it's rules. It's like a tax code at times which no one likes. If rules are made that are easy to follow and understand there won't be any breaking of the rules.
  10. I think the improved lie was summed up perfectly today on MD. Pros never hit out footprints in bunkers. They are all raked to perfection. Not true of places in the recreational world. It is odd that we are supposed to play by the exact same rules as pros yet we don't get the same course conditions. I like the idea and personally I think it should be applied to ALL amateurs. Even in tournaments and for handicaps. We are not pros. Period. Obviously tweek it to an easy to understand and regulate set of rules. But if a handicap can't be established for the use of tournaments, member guests or casual betting among buddies it won't be implemented much. You will still have lots of us "having" to post scores playing by the rules and slowing everything down. There are so many ways to speed up golf but people just refuse to be efficient on a course.
  11. I too agree it's too premature to start looking to Rory to make history. The media just keeps hammering him with comparisons to this guy or that guy. I really like Rory and think he's a breath of fresh air from Tiger, but he's only one bad relationship, swing thought or injury from being simply a 4 time major winner(yes, I know that's still huge). What struck home for me was when I heard them compare his wins to Harrington's. He was on fire for a couple of years then basically went away. Sergio was thought to be a next great at one time and that never came to be. Granted, Rory has been on fire, but can he sustain it for a decade like Tiger did? Only time will tell. There's a lot of really good competition out there.
  12. I'm not a big bubba fan. I think he whines too much over missed putts. His reaction is so predictable. With that being said though I did see the interview. He doesn't care what others think(or so he says). He definitely marches to the beat of his own drum. IMO he did make a point but I guess enough thin skins were too ruffled to listen.....as least it seemed to make a point in my mind. I found it curious how he minimized drives and put more emphasis on putting. As he stated, unless you hit lots of OB drives you will hit way more putts than drives. At most there are 14 driver shots a round. Maybe he's tired of everyone focusing on long drives when it's such a small part of the game. Maybe he wants to be seen as a complete playing and not just a long bomber. Who knows.
  13. Sorry for those that lost their jobs. Retail is a brutal business. I have never been impressed by the PGA staffer at our dicks but ours isn't the biggest store either. He's usually on a smoke break anyway and not around. But I certainly won't generalize all of them based upon him. I'm certain there are lots of good ones out there. I personally won't buy clubs or most accessories at Dicks. I prefer to support my local shop. And after building a relationship I get better pricing too. The locals are taking a beating by places like Dicks because guys come in and demo stuff on the range, then run buy it at Dicks for $20 less. It's worth $20 to get the service from a local shop IMO. As far as buying clubs online, never ever. Too much fraud and fakes. It seems timely that the golf channel just did a bit about fake clubs out there bought online. TM and Calloway are a big problem but consumers must support it as well as shops. IMO Titleist and Ping are on the money. New models every year or 2. It's no surprise that my Dicks doesn't even stock Ping or Titleist. I think if the golf industry was like archery it would help the little shops better. Who wants to support a big business that isn't invested in a community? Look at the archery equipment at Dicks. You won't see any top line bow from any major mfg. Hoyt, Mathews, Bowtech, PSE, Etc. They will only let their low tier bows be sold there and you can only get Pro series bows from dealers. Even Cabelas and Bass Pro can't get them. Anyway, I digress. Golf is dying and no one is will to change. The mfg want to make money now with no regard to the future. The players want it their way as cheap as possible. That's a lot of PGA positions thrown into this bad market. Good luck. I just recommend not going into insurance sales like most seem to. It's getting just as bad with the all the online deals.
  14. Only if I get a get a tap in birdie because I know I just used all of my good shots for the day............
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