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  1. Don't know why you're hating on the golf sidekick by calling him hot garbage. He's not really teaching anything, but he advocates for stress free golf, which is what I would love to play. I can tell you who is garbage. All those instructors trying to teach a specific golfer's swing instead of working with the swing the player already has. so from the 1st video, the pro saved the 20 handicapper 5.5 shots. with the 2nd video, the +6 and +17 comparison, that's an 11 shot difference. Even as a one time experiment, it seems pretty evident that short game is more important than long game. I think that is why we even have the saying "Drive for show and putt for dough" in the first place. I've seen more books on putting and chipping than I do for driving. Then again, I also see more books on the mental game as well. If I was to chose to have either Tiger's long game or short game, I'll take his short game. Putts wins tournaments. I seen plenty of videos of Tiger doing just that.
  2. Ya. sorry about that. I misread that.
  3. found this video where the guy experimented by taking a 20 handicapper and a pro and have them do the following: 1. phase 1: pro hits the drives, 20 handicapper plays the ball in from there. 2. phase 2: 20 handicapper hits to 100 yards, pro plays it from there. The final results are at the end of phase 2 video. Phase 1: pro saved 6 strokes Phase 2: pro saved 17 strokes It's not explicitly driver vs. putter, but more like long game versus short game.
  4. read Ben Hogan's "5 Lessons". There's a whole chapter on the grip.
  5. Anything is possible. If a golfer becomes a pro at age 18 and has been playing since the age of 3, then that's 15 years to go pro. Starting at 22, it's possible to become pro at age 37. I wouldn't mind being a golf pro at age 37. It takes real learning in your practice though. Not just banging out balls at the range. Or you can do what Moe Norman did and just knock out 1000 balls a day for 12 years.
  6. How so? I stated that I believe that every aspect of the game (approach, putting, driving, chipping) are all nearly equally important.
  7. And no, I don't think 7 footers are made 80% of the time. I believe 6 footers are close to the 50% mark with the pros. I'm not saying that driving is not critical. Just like I'm sure you wouldn't say that putting isn't critical. I just don't think that driving is as critical as putting could be. And again, we can argue till the cows come home. But here are some reason I work on putting more: Bad driving can be more detrimental than poor putting on paper, given that you can drive it into hazard and all. Though with putting, you don't have wind, hazards, water, sand, etc., to really factor in your shot as much, but you do need to know which way the break goes. If you hit every green in regulation and 2 putted, that would be 36 putts. On a Par 72, that is 50% of your score. Using these numbers, I would say you are more likely to knock strokes off of putting than anything else. Having confidence in your putter can also relieve the pressure from the rest of your game. I would rather face an opponent who lost confidence in his putter rather than his driver. I have Dave Pelz's Putting Bible. I don't think he makes a Driving Bible. Tiger Woods made more putts at 10 feet to stay with the leaders and missed fairways on a regular basis. Tiger lead in putting during his 2003-2008 season. Putting is also the easiest aspect to improve upon. If you can eliminate all 3 putts, you can save on average about 3-4 strokes per round. I am more likely to drive into a hazard more times than I am making 3 putts. This tells me that my putting practice is much better than driving. Because I do not practice my driving at all. I mainly practice putting and wedge shots. If you are playing a guy for money, would you be more afraid of a guy who drives it long, or sinks all his 5 foot putts? Would you rather miss every fairway or miss every line in your putt? If you were to choose which of the shots to re-hit, would it be a drive or a putt? And keep in mind with putts, that would include getting a re-hit with your 2nd putt. If it were my choice, I would rather re-hit every putt I made than every drive I made. I know that many of the questions may not be fairly comparable. And to be honest, I believe that every aspect of the game (approach, putting, driving, chipping) are all nearly equally important. I just think that some might just edge out the other when it comes to lowering scores the quickest and easiest way.
  8. Watch what Ernie Els do. It works.
  9. I used to think that too. So I worked on my chipping. Then I realized during scrambles, we never chipped because someone always hit the green. Then I noticed that most of our birdies came from sinking short to mid range putts. Drives were unimportant. I would rank the 4 skills as such: approach putting chipping driving Out of all these skills, putting is the most convenient and easiest to practice. Bobby Locke was dangerous because of his putting. Again, all of this is debatable and not set in stone. These are just my priorities now, from experience.
  10. It is quite possible for things to get worse before they get better. But things don't get better until you make a change out of your comfort zone. When you are out of your comfort zone, then you know things are changing. I also figured out that the most important part of your game is your strategy. Even an awful swing can break 80. You just have to stop going for every green on a par 5, hitting at every pin tucked behind a bunker or near water, or pulling out driver on a narrow fairway on a short par 4.
  11. I think the most fair way to compete with handicaps is using 80% instead of 100%. It allows the low handicappers a better chance (more advantage) to win since it's the low handicappers that put the effort in to get better. Not these 30+ handicappers that play once a month.
  12. You drive for show, but putt for dough I think it's true. Though, approach shots I believe are more important. That is what determines if you have a birdie opportunity or not. But, if you can't make a 3 foot putt, then you'll never shoot your best. I would take bad drives (not in a hazard) over missing a 3 foot putts any day. Though most bogeys can be blamed on any shot, it's more likely blamed on a putt than a drive. Think about all those people that 4 putt. Or even 3 putt. Eliminate all the 3 putts and you'll save strokes.
  13. Your eyes will dictate where the club comes down to take that divot. I used to look at the ball in general. I would hit fat and thin shots. Then I looked at the back of the ball (where the club impacts). Then I would hit fat shots. Next, I tried looking ahead of the ball, about half an inch. Now I hit square. Misses are thin shots (preferable than fat shots). I would recommend keeping the ball in the middle of your stance for short and mid irons, more foreward for long irons and woods, and at lead heel for driver. And just change where you look at the ball.
  14. I would advise not to listen to anything that Paul Wilson teaches. I lost respect for his teachings when he claimed to drive the ball 320 (which looked like it was 300 at most) without using a launch monitor and saying that a strong grip is wrong. You can google those videos. He has a lot of doubters. And when you have to start your comments with "For all you doubters...", that's bad. And for everyone that benefits from his teaching, all I can say is that doing anything different from what you do now always has a chance to improve. What matters is consistency and longevity. I would rather watch teachings from the PGA players than the club pros. If there's anyone online I would listen to, it would be Clay Ballard.
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