Arthritis, especially in the hands is the bane of golfers. We tend to think of osteoarthritis as being due to wear and tear, but in my experience any degeneration and wear is another symptom. There are many cultures around the world that do highly physical work all yheir lives but experience little to no arthritis.
I believe, and my research suggests, that arthritis is inflammatory based. Not inflammation from a localised impact injury, but general low level whole body inflammation. It's what you put in your gob daily that can have the biggest impact on this inflammation - for good or for ill. If your diet is highly acid (that's after the food has digesred,not before) then you willl produce lots of inflammation.
The solution is to educate yourself and pump a lot of alkaline forming foods in to the mix. No you don't have to cut out any of the good stuff, just have portion control and eat the alkaline stuff.
Medication, grips, gloves, shafts etc etc. are all compensating and covering up. I know. I tried them all. But now I'm 90+% arthritis free and enjoying my golf immensely. Happy golfing all.
P.S. If you have Rhuematoid Arthritis its a little trickier as its an auotimmune disorder. There is some light at the end of the tunnel, but it is a journey, in that RA reponds favorably to extended juice fasting. The documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead demonstrates how auto immune disorders respond to fasting. Good Luck.