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  • Birthday July 22

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    Melbourne Australia

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  1. Get someone to check out whats happeneing with your shoulder blades. i.e. have a look from behind and see if they are doing the same thing. A lot of shoulder issues can come from poor shoulder blade function. Some of your rotator cuff muscles come of the shoulder blade and this can cuase impingement syndrome. If yes, then a bit of body work with a good chirpractor (Gonstead practitioner) or osteopath could correct it very quickly. Using a foam to roller stretch the anterior longtitudinal ligament of the spine can also yield surprising results (see how to fix any shoulder problem, on Smashwerx youtube channel.) Good luck.
  2. Arthritis, especially in the hands is the bane of golfers. We tend to think of osteoarthritis as being due to wear and tear, but in my experience any degeneration and wear is another symptom. There are many cultures around the world that do highly physical work all yheir lives but experience little to no arthritis. I believe, and my research suggests, that arthritis is inflammatory based. Not inflammation from a localised impact injury, but general low level whole body inflammation. It's what you put in your gob daily that can have the biggest impact on this inflammation - for good or for ill. If your diet is highly acid (that's after the food has digesred,not before) then you willl produce lots of inflammation. The solution is to educate yourself and pump a lot of alkaline forming foods in to the mix. No you don't have to cut out any of the good stuff, just have portion control and eat the alkaline stuff. Medication, grips, gloves, shafts etc etc. are all compensating and covering up. I know. I tried them all. But now I'm 90+% arthritis free and enjoying my golf immensely. Happy golfing all. P.S. If you have Rhuematoid Arthritis its a little trickier as its an auotimmune disorder. There is some light at the end of the tunnel, but it is a journey, in that RA reponds favorably to extended juice fasting. The documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead demonstrates how auto immune disorders respond to fasting. Good Luck.
  3. I'm not convinced that makes much difference at all. I my experience most of the issues that it is supposed to help correct are more the result of limitations in mobility, and to a lesser degree strength, in the 5 mobile segments in the kinematic golf swing chain. Decreased proprioception also plays a role and the counterbalance stick may help with that. However, its not necessary. Basic mobility exercises can help especiall targetd to the individuals needs. But far and away the best way to improve these areas is interleaving practice. For a bit of variety you could also go to your local waterway and skip stones as far and as many skips as you can.
  4. There's a saying in golf fitness trainer circles, "Glutes are the King of the Swing". And they are. They are the transfer point for moving power through your legs from the ground, into your upper body to produce a powerful consistent swing. Running is not ideal for glutes as they want to stabilise your pelvis. High impact exercise like running will cause them and other deeper stabilising muscles to tighten, often "jamming" the sacroiliac joints. This can severely restrict glute function (an cause hamstring issues). A good golf swing enhancment program will work on range of movement and strength of your glutes, as well as your ability to dissociate your pelvis and upper torso i.e move them independantly of each other. As mentioned range of movement exercises and rotational movements are important for the upper body, but don't ingore quality resistance movements as they can activate golgi tendon organs in your muscles thah help you with your 3-dimensional awareness. Hope this gives you something useful to think about.
  5. Fuddalan


  6. Great teaching. Excellent drills. Very informative thread. Although I'll confess I haven't read all of it, so I might be echoing others comments. My background is biomechanics and exercise prescription, so I appreciate the mechanics of a good golf swing. I have dealt with a lot of golfers over the years that struggled with their hip turn (me included). What I found was it wasn't a lack of understanding of what they need to do, nor of implementing the instructuions and components of a good swing, and/or doing the drills. Rather it was a mobility issue with their body. One, or more, of the mobile segments of their body relating to performing a swing was restricted. Glutes are commonly an issue with hip center and turn. And subsequent to that it's an issue with the sacroiliac joints. You can only turn your feet out so much to compensate otherwise you risk overloading the knee and injury. It's probably wise to inform people that if they can't manage hip center and turn after a bit of practice then the probably have a mobility issue. BTW the Lexi Thomson video that was somewhere in the thread is a rubbish example. Her hip turn is crap. Whoever put the angle markers overlay (overhead shot) got it wrong especially on her trail leg. Her hips at top of backswing aren't close to 56 degrees. I believe she has to get up on her toes to compensate. She sruggles to clear her hip on the lead leg too and so has get up on her toes to get it out of the way. My two cents worth.
  7. That's the nature of a golf swing, even with the pro's. Every body shape and combination is different and so each swing has been developed to be the most effective for that body type and shape. Hence, different ways they addresss the ball e.g. distance between feet in stance, foot turn out amount (or none at all), amount of knee bend etc. Some you'll notice don't begin with poor posture and position, but as they move into their swing they get into great position and and swing beautifully. The long and short of it is that you are only likely to emmulate a pro is if you have their body shape and size/ composition. And then you have to remove any physical restrictions you may have in the mobile segments of your golf swing stack. It's best just to be the best you can be with what you've got.
  8. This is my first venture into forums,or connecting to any sort of community online. I've even managed to avoid social media till now but suspect I will need to venture into this arena as well. Especially if I want to keep up with my children and grand children. Looking forward to perusing many of the threads that catch my attention. I'm a sports biomechanist and exercise prescription physiologist. No, it hasn't helped my game at all but I've helped a few others. I much better at "do what I say not do what I do". I should really take my own advice and instruction. Glad to be here.
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