Not cool.
I'd like to see where the transmission entered the passenger compartment. Maybe right around his lower right leg. To my eyes, the photos make it appear that the motor and transmission breached the passenger compartment. If so, is that good design? Not something I want to own but I made my mind up long ago about which motor vehicle companies are serious about safety.
100% for sure, my car never would have left the road and the motor would not have been in my lap if I had the active lane assist and collision assist off. If I slightly get near the center line, it steers me back.
Maybe Tiger did not have the vehicle's active lane assist activated. Maybe he did. The fact that there were no skid marks or any evidence of corrective measures is quite disturbing, almost as bad as those suggesting he might have been on pain meds. Mgg's marketing literature claims, the GV80 will do everything possible to steer you out of harms way. In other words, this active steering. The vehicle takes over. Clearly, the vehicle failed in this mission. It is possible that Tiger disabled these safety systems?
How could the vehicle leave a two lane road into the oncoming two lane road without any skid marks? Again, this vehicle comes standard with active lane keeping.