It sounds like you might be trying to "help" the ball into the air. By trying to scoop it, you're most likely catching the middle of the ball on the "up" half of your swing, wich results in a low liner that has no chance of stopping.
If you're just starting out, the PW is a good choice for the most simple chip shots. Think about it like you're hitting a putt: 1) low takeaway, 2) Dictate the weight of the shot with the length of your backswing. Shorter shots get less, longer shots get more. 3)Always accelerate through the ball (which fits with the backswing thing) 4) Follow through as if you've just hit a putt; natural (as in, don't actively try to stop the clubhead), but not really a full follow through as if you've just made a full swing.
A common mistake is to try and fly the ball to the hole and get it to stop immediately. A better strategy (imo) is to pick a spot where you're confident you can land the ball, hit it there, then think about it as if it's a putt after that (i.e. play some break).
Once you get that down, try expirementing with different lofted clubs. Higher loft= less roll out, lower loft = more roll.