I don't understand some of the bashing Westwood has taken. He is a great player to rebound the way he has after injuries nearly ended his career. He's got my vote for Comeback Player of the Year hands down. He will take over the #1 ranking on Halloween. The ranking system is flawed big time. I think the rankings should be done somewhat like college football. Everyone starts from scratch at the beginning of the year. After 2-3 months, before the first WGC event, whichever comes first, when everyone has had a chance to get into multiple tournaments, that is when the rankings come out based on finish positions.
There is no doubt that the golf media in the US is slanted towards "our guys". When Poulter first came on the scene, I thought he was a real flake. All flash and no game, but the more interviews that I have seen with him, the more I like the guy. I follow him on Twitter and he does great charity work with very sick children by flying them over here to the States. He just had them at Disney a week or so ago. Granted, it could all be for show while the camera's are on and when they're off he turns into a real a$$. If we got to see more of Lee and got to find out more about him and his life, I think people would change their minds about him. Just look at what they were saying about him leading up to the RC, 'he's a guy that enjoys having a few pints with the boys' (paraphrasing). That's my kind of guy. Go out with the guys, tee it up, have some fun while getting in some practice and kick back afterwards with a few pints and tell a few jokes/stories/lies
I think there needs to be more players mic'd up during the tournaments to get a better understanding of who they are and how they interact with other players and the fans.