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Week 3 - Stuff



I graduated college back in May with a Creative Writing degree from Georgia State, and it's been a struggle to find work. I had high hopes, too; I was working with (and continue on a more limited basis) a website to write television reviews, and had been for nearly a year and a half by the time I graduated. Essentially, I was guaranteed a certain amount of money (not much, but enough for me to actually work as a freelance writer and not have to take other work), as long as I wrote a certain number of articles for them. I wrote one piece for them, they paid me; I pitched them another article, they said they'd get back to me, and I've heard nothing since. I also had a really good opportunity to edit sports articles for a site, which would've been a full-time big-boy job, and that also fell through. 

So, I've been working odd jobs mostly. My father owns a small construction company, and I'll work for him as a helper on occasion. I worked as a bartender for a wedding once, a job a friend got me (I worked 16 hours and got tipped a grand total of $35. I almost committed a homicide). But it's been long patches of financial stress. I'm living at home still, which doesn't embarrass me or anything, but it's been difficult. 

But last week, in desperation, I emailed the sports editor of my local paper. I had emailed the head honcho of this paper before, and got zero response, and that spooked me. But I got a response back this time, and now I'm working freelance for them. I got a response from Uproxx to create content for them, as well, and there is a chance I could get hired on as a staff writer down the road. 

Anyways, the point is that things are looking up. I feel as if I'm finally making progress in my career. I've been incredibly fortunate to have a great support system (something that many people aren't lucky enough to have) to allow me to pursue my career dreams. 

I'm in a good place, and that feels good, and I just wanted to share that. 


Also, I missed the gym on Friday, and I'm embarrassed, BUT IT WAS FOR MY NEW JOBS SO IT'S OKAY, RIGHT?! 

On a serious note, I've made really good progress. I feel so much stronger even after just two weeks; my energy level is higher, I'm motivated to do things, and I don't feel like such an useless idiot anymore. I did one rep maxes for bench press and incline press (225 and 185, respectively), and I'm actually excited to go to the gym now. 

Where I am struggling is with counting calories. It's far too easy to get busy and convince yourself to get fast food. I'm getting better about it, each day, but it's still really, really hard. 


Golfwise, I am struggling a bit. Finding practice time hasn't been as easy as I expected. I broke my driver today, too; cracked the top of the face of my beloved R1. I'm going to get fitted for an M1 now, I think.


Recommended Comments

Good on you for persistence and to hear things are looking up Hunter.. I guess you just have to wear down the lean patches in life.

Don't have much uncertainty in life anymore and can't say I miss the stress of not knowing how I was going to stay afloat for a while after college.. But those were exciting times in a way... ha ha.. 

You have such a good head on your shoulders though.. things are bound to work out.


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