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Week 5: The Struggle Continues



Hey guys! Here’s what happened in week 5 of the semester:

Tuesday: I decided to head to the course after lunch so I’d be done in time for my 3:30 class. I pretty much just worked on what I’ve been working on the past few weeks, and I’m looking to get another lesson in the next couple of weeks as well.

Wednesday: Two things happened Wednesday:

•We worked on chipping in player development, and it went really well. We were given a couple of tips on chipping and pitching, and those alone made my short game more consistent. 

•My first Monarch Tour of the semester. The format was a two-man modified alternate shot. Pick the best drive then play alternate shot from there.

Neither me nor my partner played particularly well, but we made a couple of clutch up and downs for par that limited the damage to a 41.

Thursday: The second week of seminar was Thursday. The topic of the day was Dress For Success, and we went in depth on how we should dress in an interview setting. 

This Thursday we have a few representatives from Augusta coming to talk to us about retail and the possibility of a couple of us getting to work in the Masters our junior or senior year, which would be a great experience!

Saturday: Yesterday my brother and I played Hillandale.

I battled an uncooperative driver all day. I got away with it on the front and managed to escape the front with a 41, and then I parred the long par 4 tenth. But after that it got messy.

I made a completely preventable quad on 11 after blading three consecutive chip shots. I was lucky to hole one from the fringe. Went +1 the next four holes, hitting wayward tee shots on three of them.

On 16 I hooked a hybrid OB and did well to save double. On 17 I hit a great tee shot to about 15 feet and then followed that with my only three-putt of the day. Then on 18 I made triple after blocking my tee ball right. I shot 47 on the back for 88, but it was adjusted to an 86.

The driver was the only part of my game that was sketchy. Irons were fine, short game was better than usual. So that 88 could’ve easily been much worse.


A few things coming up for next week:

•Tomorrow afternoon I have a club fitting. I signed up to just do irons for now, will figure out woods later.

•As I said, Thursday we have reps from Augusta coming to speak to us. Super excited about that!

•Next weekend I’m playing in my second PAT. I feel a lot more confident than I did in the first one, partly because I’ll have a lot more energy and shouldn’t have a problem making it through. My goal is to shoot 175 for the two rounds.


So there’s my next week. Stay tuned!


Recommended Comments

I may have missed some details along the way.  You are enrolled in college, yes?  "Methodist" is which college?

Right now you are pursuing a degree in Professional Golf Management (PGM)? I am slightly familiar with the PGM program as a state university in Michigan has a PGM degree program (Ferris State in Big Rapids, MI). It would be great if you obtain an internship down the road at Augusta or some other well known club.  We ran into a Ferris State PGM student/intern working as the starter at Pebble Beach years ago. Something like that would be a pretty cool gig,

Best of luck to you on your golf career journey. I will continue to keep tabs on your progress through this Blog.

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