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My Swing (rob0225)

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I'm quite embarrassed about my swing and have never videoed it before.  I've always felt and thought my swing was pretty solid. I recently bought a GoPro and started filming in order to better see what's going on and improve it.   What I saw was horrible and embarrassing.  In my mind and what I feel is a solid swing but the video says otherwise.  I get decent contact (typically hit high on the face of my driver though).  Distance is decent (about 220-230 with driver) and I generally shoot in the mid to low 80s.

Appreciate any help on correcting some of the flaws listed below and drills to help.

- I feel my left arm is straight on the backswing, it's obviously not and I make a conscious effort to feel that my left arm is straight.  

- I feel like I'm keeping my wrists somewhat locked but it's obvious I'm breaking down as my club goes past parallel.  I don't feel this though.

- I have a forward press that I don't feel.

-I have a slight slide to the rear which I don't feel either.

I've been Playing Golf for: 20+ Years
My current handicap index or average score is: 80-85
My typical ball flight is: Fade
The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: Pull



Edited by rob0225
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Great to see you posting your swing. I'd focus on Key #1 right now, your head just moves around too much.

Notice how level the left shoulder is working compared to the player below. You'll want to feel the left shoulder work DOWN longer on the backswing. This is also having an effect on the lack of wrist hinge.




Mike McLoughlin

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Notice you have a big hip turn(too much) which I sometimes think means the golfer is initiating the swing with the hips and not the lead shoulder..and you have the sliding right knee on takeaway...also that forward hand press likely means you know you want to be going in that direction but just aren't sure how to get things leaning that way.


Edited by collapse

Note: I do not answer direct questions or points raised against my untested and unproven theories, have no history of teaching anyone, and post essentially the same nonsense in everyone's Member Swing threads.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for the comments.  I will work on these an post back up when I get a chance. 

For the record.  I have a fused spine, fused T3-L2 (about 11 vertebrae) which limits the amount of turn I can generate legitimately.

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Great swing I can see a few simple pointers that could help you out immediately for your build. First off tee that ball higher place it a hair up in your stance of your left instep with little or just a hair shaft lead.

Since you state have back problems and have a trouble turning you need to adjust to your ability. Anyway back to topic that shaft lead will cause a shallow path into the ball and sometimes a pull or pull hook. Mimic this set up and work on the other keys stated here for a more stable base in your swing.

download (2)kuck.jpg

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