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Brian B
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I've only been playing golf for 2 years but fell in love with the game from the beginning and have put in over 550 hours of practice and many lessons. My goal is to have a fundamental and consistent golf swing. I shoot in the low 90s. My short game is pretty good, but I gain a lot of extra strokes getting to the green, especially off the tee.

I know that I take the club to the inside during the takeaway and I hate it. I then come over the top of that plane in the downswing. My current goal is to be on plane during the takeaway. Because of the inside takeaway, I think I also get stuck on the downswing. Advice would be excellent!

I've been Playing Golf for: 2 years
My current handicap index or average score is: 19
My typical ball flight is: Slight draw on good shots
The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: Block/push to the right




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Thanks for posting @Brian B.

It looks like you are a bit over-the-top in the downswing. There are a few causes for this, but I think one think you should work on is getting your weight going more forward at impact. I've had this issue on and off. The first step in the backswing. Check out this thread below. One thing that really helps is flaring your feet a bit in your stance.

Next, check out the Key 2 Weight Forward videos in this thread.

Remember to practice smart and don't just hit ball after ball. The thread below talks about how to practice. 

Lastly, post video of your practice drills including just the backswings. I really helps if you are doing them correctly and folks will help you if you post them. Don't worry if the drills look goofy to you.


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Thank you so much boogielicious! I watched the videos you recommended and did some of the drills. I went to the range today for a few hours and noticed big improvements. The club is going back on plane when I rotate my hip behind me vs a slide. I'll post some more videos of the drills and practice. Very excited to continue training.

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Note: This thread is 2968 days old. We appreciate that you found this thread instead of starting a new one, but if you plan to post here please make sure it's still relevant. If not, please start a new topic. Thank you!

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