Looking for a tip or two on hitting irons better.
Basically what I've noticed is.. until recently I had been using my hands to help steer the clubhead into the ball on the downswing. This seemed to be working, more or less, and I was generally able to brush the grass and make OK contact with the ball. However, I ended up going to the range the other day to test some things and on a whim I re-visited something I saw in a youtube video years ago. I remember in the video the guy said something along the lines of-- "at the top of your backswing, when the club is hinged... just pull the butt-end of the handle towards the ground". I did this without trying to help steer the clubhead at all and the club REALLY whipped through the ball. It would create a divot (like all the training videos say) and almost every contact this way had the awesome compressed/smash sensation with the ball, and of course the ball flew a bit further than it did the previous way. So all of this made me think my previous technique is very off. The immediate downside I've noticed is that accuracy went into the toilet, misses both left and right. Again, this is without trying to steer the clubhead at all. So this brings me to my question:
I think I'm on the right track with not trying to steer the clubhead so much, but I wouldn't mind some confirmation on that. And secondly, is a certain amount of steering with the hands required, or should I be able to just adopt the proper grip and stance and execute the swing in such a way that I don't have to help steer the club at all and still hit shots precisely where I'm aiming?