Stabbed in the back is one way of putting it, but I'd say played is more accurate , as this covers the entire episode. From what I can see, the PGA Tour have played their members and their fans from the get-go to boost their leverage, and it's been the most successful plank to their strategy. This was always a commercial dispute between the Saudis and the other guys who were happy to take Saudi money but still wanted to run the show. Rather like FIFA/UEFA, they managed to convince people that it was some sort of moral fight between good and evil. I think a lot of people, good people perhaps like yourself, bought into this, and thought this was an important moral choice they could make to make the world better - I don't really agree with this for reasons I've posted before on this thread, but I share your sentiment for these folks, as wanting to make the world a better place is clearly a good motivation.
However, some people, including those players, I suspect knew exactly what was going here and chose to make the stand they did for purposes of grandstanding. I do not feel sorry for Rory - he has had his payment in full, and will only benefit from his decision to bolster his reputation by dragging the sport through the mud for two years.