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birdie seeker

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About birdie seeker

  • Birthday 02/29/1948

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    New Hampshire

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  • Index: 14
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Tom Saguto!
  2. Did you watch the video?
  3. Tom Saguto teaches S&T. He does a video on you tube "Was Ben Hogan a Stack & tilter". It's about 25 minutes long & done very well.
  4. I've been playing golf longer than he's been alive. I know how to walk on greens without spike marks. It's the principal that I'm not agreeing to.
  5. Tarren can use metal spikes & I can't. He's a "PRO" & I'm just a mid handicap lowly amateur!
  6. I bought a pair last season. First time out with them I got a blister on the top of my left foot. Went back to my footjoys.
  7. Hogan discovered stack & tilt before it was called stack & tilt.
  8. Hogan gave his "secrets" away in an old interview.
  9. I just recently bought the book from Amazon. Very interesting concept. Tom Saguto has a ton of videos on the subject & has an online golf school. He recently attended a Stack & Tilt seminar in Florida hosted by Mike & Andy. Tom's videos are on u-tube.
  10. Ernest Jones & Manuel De La Torre were excellent teachers. They didn't teach swing mechanics. I make a simple statement and you make me look like an idiot. hocus pocus...….frou-frou stuff. Yeah, I feel insulted!
  11. I don't appreciate the insult!
  12. The mechanics don't cause the swing. The swing causes the mechanics!
  13. The plane is set at address. Tall players will have a more upright plane. Short players will have a flatter plane.
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