My tips:
Use an alignment stick/club and aim at a target. Nothing worse than hitting 10 balls right of your target only to find out that's exactly where you were lined up. Little changes in setup tend to creep into your game over time so using an alignment aid helps keep you on track. Go to any PGA tour event and watch the guys on the range - everyone uses an alignment aid.
Don't rake & hit balls. Reset each time and go through your routine. This will give you a little time between shots and help simulate what's going to happen on the course.
Like others have said, play golf on the range. Hit driver, hybrid, wedge to simulate a par5. I think the main reason people can't take their range game to the course is because at the range they hit twenty 7 irons in a row and groove that swing. But on the course you're never going to hit the same club 20 times in a row (I hope!).
Understand the difference between a pre-round warm up and practice. For me, before a round is just a warm up to get loose and see how I'm hitting that day. If my 5 yard draw is now a 10 yard draw today, I'm not trying to fix it. I'm going to play with what I've got today and do my best. Practice is when you go to the range to work on some aspect of your game - driver, full swing, drills, etc. I see too many people who only "practice" before a round. You're never going to fix your issue 15 minutes before you tee off. And tinkering with your swing right before a round is a really great way to have a horrible day on the course.