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Dear Santa



I have been a pretty good boy this year and practicing really hard, but of course you know that already. I’m still a bit creeped out that you see me while I’m sleeping and know when I’m awake though. I hope all the reindeer are doing well and the elves are working hard. It can’t be easy living in such a cold climate. Hopefully you at least have a golf simulator up there. Tell Mrs. Santa hello for me.

I know it can be hard to find a good present for an adult, so I thought I would drop a few ideas. First and foremost, I could certainly use a different hybrid. The Adams one I have and I do not get along very well. Pro-V1’s always make good stocking stuffers, but I’ve been hearing good things about these Snell golf balls. A launch monitor would be really cool, but I’m afraid I would be watching the numbers instead of working on my swing. What would REALLY be handy would be a video system like the one they have at GolfTEC. I’m not sure where I would put that though. What I really want for Christmas is a membership to a golf club here in Florida.

Have a good Christmas everyone! I hope you get everything you want!


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Dear Santa,

This Christmas I have patiently supported my dear wife, and devoted countless hours to keeping with appearances and making Christmas perfect, including putting on a monkey suit and hobnobbing with the most pretentious and phony people in town. I have validated and ennobled our daughters, whose self-righteousness and conceit are an affront to the Season. I have given my employees raises and bonuses despite not giving myself any. I will endure another dull alcohol free dinner at my in laws and once again be trampled by my hyper-competitive brother in law. I will patiently bite my tongue while my father interrupts me to tell the same dubious stories all over again, for the one hundredth time. And by December 25th, I will have flattered every baker in the neighborhood by accepting a cookie at the expense of my waist.

Santa, I have 3 days to myself, Dec 27-30. If I promise to turn my cell phone off, all I want for Christmas is… please hold back the rain :)

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Dear Santa:

Nothing golf related for me this year.  I prefer to purchase golf stuff myself rather than have someone else decide on what I receive (the brand, style, characteristics, etc...).

Take care big guy.


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16 minutes ago, bkuehn1952 said:

Dear Santa:

Nothing golf related for me this year.  I prefer to purchase golf stuff myself rather than have someone else decide on what I receive (the brand, style, characteristics, etc...).

Take care big guy.


That's why I'm writing the big guy directly. ;-)

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