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Back on Track

Yesterday was my first day back on the golf course since knee surgery. My surgeon said he wants me to start pushing it at my follow-up the week before. The good news, the knee felt pretty good afterwards. The bad news, everything else hurt. They had a taco bar after the outing, and I asked if they had an Ibuprofen bar.  😃 It was a charity scramble to support a scholarship fund and to bring awareness to addiction and mental health issues. About $10K was raised, and a good time was had by all


CarlSpackler in Golf

Since “It Happened”

It’s been over two years since “It Happened”, and I finally had surgery on my knee yesterday. They did a scope where they removed some arthritis and then performed microfracture surgery. They drill a bunch of holes through the cartridge into the bone to create a super clot causing it to heal. I can’t put any weight on it for 6-8 weeks which stinks, but I should be ready before the snow melts. He said I will eventually need knee replacement, but this will kick the cam down the road. Thankfully


CarlSpackler in Golf

Farewell to Golf?

Yesterday was beautiful early spring day in Ohio as is today. It is going to break 70 for the first time this year. Since we are now on DST, I would typically be thinking about going out to play 9 holes after work or cutting out a bit early to get some golf in. I would have normally been on the golf course yesterday for sure, but I am just not feeling it this year. I did a bit of yard work and took the patio furniture out of the shed. While doing that, I saw my golf clubs sitting there, and I ju


CarlSpackler in Golf

My Happy Place

I am on vacation this week in Cocoa Beach, FL. We’re in an Airbnb right on the beach, the good kind that is. No sand wedge required. So far today, we’ve walked about 3 miles on the beach and picked up a bunch of trash.   Why would we walk the beaches picking up trash on our vacation? I can’t stand to see task on the beach. The beer cans can be deadly to sea life too. It also gives me much needed exercise. I am also not thinking about servers or code. 


CarlSpackler in Vacation

And Then It Happened

A few weeks ago, right before the really nice weekend we had, it happened. I was looking forward to getting in one last round without dressing up like an Eskimo. Sometimes at the height of our reveries, when our joy is at its zenith... when all is most right with the world... the most unthinkable disasters descend upon us. While climbing down from a lift at work, my right foot missed the last step and went to the floor bending my left in an awkward position. I spend the weekend resting it, but i



It Was the Pants…

I figured out why I was driving the ball so wall last week. I know most of you will think I'm crazy, but it had to be the pants. Every time I wear that pair of pants on the golf course, I drive the ball great. Now I need to figure out which shirt helps my iron shots. Socks might be the key to short game and underwear the key to putting. I think I am on to something here...



My Day at Valhalla

Today was my day at Valhalla. It was pretty chilly. After spending 20 minutes or so on the range with my earmuffs on to stay warm, I realized that it was going to be a rough day. Before @iacas gives me too much grief, the starter said that I was the only smart one out there. Thankfully it started to warm up halfway through the front 9. I would love to post a link to my round on Game Golf, but my unit would not stay on. I made sure it was charged before I left, so I guess another unit is now



First Eagle - 10 Year Anniversary

This memory came up on FB. 10 years ago I had my first eagle. I remember it vividly. My drive was pulled left into the rough behind a fairway bunker on #16. I hit a decent shot out of the spinach that landed short of the green and rolled on. I saw the ball disappear and assumed it rolled of the back. I looked for it for a few minutes and was getting mad when a thought formed in my head. Maybe... just maybe. Sure enough, it was in the bottom of the hole.



Killer Invites!

I got a call from my friend on Friday with some awesome news. We have invites to play Valhalla and Firestone CC in the next few months. That's the good news. The bad news is that my game is a total mess. I have only played a few times in the last 2 months and haven't been able to break 90. I plan to enjoy the course and the day no matter what, but I would hate totally stink up these nice courses. I tend to pick up my game when playing a nicer track, but I just don't have the goods right now. Now



25 Years and Counting

Today is a momentous occasion my friends. 25 years ago, my wife and I got married. She mostly puts up with my insistence to play this silly game called golf. I guess that makes her a keeper. She only accompanied me once to the golf course and rode along watching me play. This was about 21 years ago when she was pregnant with my son and overdue. I convinced her that riding in the golf art might help to induce the delivery of the baby. I really wanted an excuse to play golf, and that was the best



What I Miss - Rattling Sound

I was playing yesterday and putting into noodle filled cups, and it hit me out of the blue how much I miss the sound of a golf ball rattling to the bottom of the cup. It's such a distinct sound that marks the completion of "the hunt". It hit me when I "made" a 7' right breaking putt for par that tapped the flag stick and plopped lifeless onto the blue pool noodle. Normally I would give a little fist pump for saving a par like that, but it was almost depressing. I wonder if this is mentally killi



City of Dayton Closes 2 of 3 Golf Facilities

This has been discussed extensively in the Ohio Golf group the last few days, but the city of Dayton, OH decided to close 2 of its 3 golf facilities in light of budget cuts needed from the coronavirus pandemic. Kittyhawk is where I’ve played the most because it is close to my house and Madden GC is also closing. The city has been subsidizing these courses out of the general fund and they require significant capital investment over the next 5 years. The city will keep Community GC open since it t



Uncle Don

I want to take a moment to talk about my uncle Don. He is the guy who gave me my first swing lesson at a very young age. We were having a family cookout, and I had grabbed one of my days irons and was swinging it in the yard. He came over and showed me some things. I don't think my mother was too happy with him when I started making divots in her well manicured turf. This led to taking a few of my dad's "smiled" golf balls to the park up the street and hitting them back and forth every day. I wo



Down For the Count

It looks like I am out of commission for a while. I was playing in a Quota game yesterday, and my left foot started hurting me. By the time we made the turn, it REALLY started hurting. When I finished the 14th it was almost unbearable. I couldn't get any weight onto my front foot making it difficult to make a golf swing. I apologized to my partners and gracefully bowed out. I assumed that the neuroma on my left foot was acting up, but fortunately, that is not the case. Fortunately, I have a giga



Gatlinburg Getaway

I played in a quota game with @mcanadiens and Kittyhawk Men's Association Thursday 7/4, and did not make my quota by a long shot. I did get my second birdie of the year though. I had WAY too many blow up holes. View this round on GAME GOLF My wife and I took a long weekend in Gatlinburg, TN. Here are a few highlight photos from the trip. I did not take my clubs, but I would love to take another trip down there with them and play some of their courses.



Breakfast Egg Round (Scrambled)

What an interesting [partial] round I had last night. It's becoming very typical that I only play 5-6 holes when I go out. The older I get, the less patience I have. I simply could not get off the tee. I only had 1 decent drive on #12 which led to an almost birdie. The interesting part is how often I saved bogey/par when I was basically wasting shots off the tee. The first hole started with a low screamer that went a whopping 71 yards. I followed it with a Hybrid that missed clearing the bunker



Bizzarrer Week Memorial Day Tornado Outbreak

I thought last week was bizarre, but let me tell you about this week. I'm sure that many of you have heard about the tornado outbreak last Monday on Memorial Day. We now have 12 confirmed tornadoes in the Miami Valley. One was a strong EF-3 that did major damage. With all of this, there was only 1 fatality when a flying car crashed into a house killing an 81 year man who was sleeping. The most destructive of these was on a track to my neighborhood, but turned south a little about 5 miles west of



Bizarre Week

This week sure has been interesting. Monday started off on a high note when my Game Golf Live finally showed up. I got it charged up and connected to my phone. I bought it used from eBay for $40. It was missing some tags, but my clubs already have tags from my older unit. My first round attempt did not go so well. More on that later. Later that evening, my wife and I are driving up the street when she yells that the store we were driving past was getting robbed. I look over, and 2 guys in masks



Long Time

It's been a long time since I blogged on here. Life sure has a sick sense of humor. In October 2017, I was laid off from my job in FL and I moved back to Ohio begrudgingly. I spent most of the last year working on my house so that it will sell. There is still quite a bit to do, but it is getting there. My wife was diagnosed with cancer, but thankfully it had not spread. Working and taking care of a loved one can certainly suck the life out of you. With that being said, I bought a membership



Solid 3W Contact

I have struggled hitting my only FW metal from the deck for a while.The last few times I've played, I focused on contacting the ground at the point where the back of the meets the ground. It seems to have helped me make solid contact. I'm not sure why. Comments? Thoughts?



Loooong Day & Florida Golf

Yesterday was an excruciatingly long day on the golf course. It took nearly an hour to play the first 3 holes. My tee time was 12:18 PM. I looked at the clock as I left the course and noticed it was 6:17. O...M...G! To make matters worse, 2 women cut in front of the 3-some of men ahead of us on #10. I had enough and walked to the clubhouse and asked the guy where the starter was. He pointed to himself. When I told about the butt-in, he replied that he couldn't do anything because he was the only



Diamond Resorts International

This past weekend, I won tickets to the Diamond Resorts International charity golf tournament. It is a celebrity/pro competition here in Orlando to benefit Florida Children's Hospital. It's an interesting event with competitors from the LPGA and PGA (senior tours) along with celebrities. Some of the the celebs were really good, while others (Larry The Cable Guy) were not. My son and I followed Larry for a while on Saturday and he made pars and bogeys. The wheels apparently came off on the back (




This post is dedicated to those shots that you desperately want back. Last Sunday, I crushed a drive to just short of the green. This is usually where I have a problem, but I hit a great pitch that rolled past the pin and left me with a 5-6’ birdie putt. It was downhill and I knew as soon as I pulled the putter back that it was too much and rolled it 5’ past. I lipped out the par putt and left myself with a tap in bogey. Why?!!! I didn’t care so much about making the birdie, but to take 4 stroke



Dear Santa

I have been a pretty good boy this year and practicing really hard, but of course you know that already. I’m still a bit creeped out that you see me while I’m sleeping and know when I’m awake though. I hope all the reindeer are doing well and the elves are working hard. It can’t be easy living in such a cold climate. Hopefully you at least have a golf simulator up there. Tell Mrs. Santa hello for me. I know it can be hard to find a good present for an adult, so I thought I would drop a few




This showed up in my Facebook feed this afternoon, and like most things, it made me think of golf. In particular, it made me think of improving and swing changes.  I see it all too frequently. A new golfer hits a few good shots and thinks they have what it takes to play at a high level. I would be lying if said the same thoughts didn't go through my head almost 20 years ago when I started playing on a regular basis. I assumed that after a year or so of playing every weekend and hitting



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