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Bizarre Week



This week sure has been interesting. Monday started off on a high note when my Game Golf Live finally showed up. I got it charged up and connected to my phone. I bought it used from eBay for $40. It was missing some tags, but my clubs already have tags from my older unit. My first round attempt did not go so well. More on that later. Later that evening, my wife and I are driving up the street when she yells that the store we were driving past was getting robbed. I look over, and 2 guys in masks were high tailing it (do people still say that?) out of a liquor store. They got in a car and flew past us. I followed them until they ran a red light to get on the interstate. My wife was on the phone with 911. The experience was quite surreal.

Now to the golf part. Rain and storms every night have limited golf to Tuesday night golf league. It was cloudy and brisk out, but I sucked it up and played. I started tagging my round with my new GG Live only to find out that I started the wrong course. I tried to start a new round, but soon gave up. I'll try again on the next round. I'm used to my old device that I just turned on and started tagging. I have to remember to start my round on my phone before the first tee. The round was a roller coaster. Good hole. Bad hole. Two good holes, Three awful holes. Then finished par - bogey. We were stuck behind a painfully slow 4-some that had no clue how to play ready golf. 2.5 hours for 9 is not my idea of a good time. I am still waiting to win the lottery so I can afford a decent club...

I am about to start a 4 day weekend. The weather does not look great, but hopefully I can get some golf in. Lord knows I need the exercise.


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  • Administrator

You don't have to use the GG Live with your phone. I don't. I use the phone to upload after I'm done, but not while actually playing.

Did they catch the thieves?

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14 minutes ago, iacas said:

You don't have to use the GG Live with your phone. I don't. I use the phone to upload after I'm done, but not while actually playing.

Did they catch the thieves?

I will give that a try. I chalked it off to a rookie mistake. Looks like I can get out tomorrow. As far as the thieves, I have no clue. It didn't even make the news. The 911 operator basically just took our info in case the local PD wanted to speak with us. I thought they would dispatch the county sheriff or state patrol that suspected robbery suspects were heading north on I-75 with a description of the car / suspects. The local PD never called.

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On 5/24/2019 at 1:28 PM, mcanadiens said:

They got quota games both Saturday and Sunday starting at 10 am. 

I just now saw this. What is a quota game?

@iacas - We finally got a call from a detective who only received the information Saturday. He sighed when my wife told him about the gloves that were tossed out the window. He would have loved to have known about those the night of the crime. 

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I played 6 holes today without starting the round on my iPhone. When it went to transfer later, it was on the device 6 times along with 4-5 rounds from the previous owner. I deleted the additional rounds, but it kept downloading them. I plugged it into my PC, installed the application, and erased the memory. I also did a factory reset and repaired it. I will see how that works tomorrow night in golf league if the weather cooperates.

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On 5/27/2019 at 8:05 AM, CarlSpackler said:

I just now saw this. What is a quota game?

@iacas - We finally got a call from a detective who only received the information Saturday. He sighed when my wife told him about the gloves that were tossed out the window. He would have loved to have known about those the night of the crime. 

Sorry. Was off line all weekend.

Basically you got to score a certain number of points based on your handicap and prior success or lack there of in the game. Bogey is 1, Par is 2, Birdie is 3 etc.  Score over your quota and you get a split of whatever the pot is for that week.

The buy in is $10.



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