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My Swing (keeps21)

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At the range yesterday I was hitting a 10-15 yard push to the right, or straight with a little fade with my irons.

Can anyone diagnose why using my latest swing videos?
I know I'm lifting up a little at the top of my back swing and taking away the club too far to the inside and not keeping my left arm straight again.
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Originally Posted by Titleist72

It looks like your allowing the club head to leave "contact" with your body at the top.  Its a lot better than the previous video, when you were in maroon.

Compare those two swings and maybe you'll see what Im talking about...

Maybe the club getting extended that far is throwing you off balance thus throwing off your spine angle


I've just noticed that my weight is way out in front of my toes. (well a line drawn vertically through my shoulder points on the end of my toes or even in front of them) which i more than likely causing me to fall towards the ball a little on the downswing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A couple more videos below but one thing to note is that I've decided to go S&T.; I've decided on this for a couple of reasons:

  1. I never hit the same spot on the ground twice (resulting in a lot of fat & some thin shots)
  2. It just makes sense to me.

I've been practicing making backswings in the house and was hoping for any comments on things I could be doing better/ should be doing / shouldn't be doing.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The main problems I'm seeing are:

  • moving my head to the right a little
  • losing spine angle, my hips seem to get closer to the ball on the downswing
  • getting across the line at the top / cupped wrist
  • not tucking my butt enough through to the finish.
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I was hitting the ball a lot better using the S&T; method last night. Still shot 113, but only hit 3 fat shots max. I was hitting it fat at least 1 in 4 times in the previous round. So there's definitely been some improvement.

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Hi all

I'm having a problem with losing my inclination to the ground on the downswing (down the line view shows my butt/hips moving towards the ball and my inclination to the ground decreasing - by that i mean standing up) .

Do any of you know any drills to help with this?

Also, can anyone diagnose why I'm doing this? Am I losing my inclination because I'm compensating for my move towards the ball, or am I moving towards the ball to compensate for losing my inclination to the ground.

I've always had this problem (whenever I've videoed my swing anyway) but have recently gone to S&T; as it just makes sense to me if that makes a difference.

Maybe I should have put this on my swing thread.

Anyway, here is my most recent swing video.

Thanks in advance for any help, it's greatly appreciated.

Down the line

Caddy view

Also, is there an easy way to add lines to the video before uploading to youtube? I use ProV1, and Leadbetter interactive for drawing lines on my videos for analysis.

My swing thread is here - http://thesandtrap.com/t/46032/my-swing-keeps21

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I'm not a S&T; instructor but I don't think you lose your inclination that badly, head stay pretty close to the wall.  The butt moves forward because of the way your lower back is arched at address.  I think cleaning that up with help make the pivot a little more dynamic, but to me the priority is how the right knee and foot are working into the followthrough.  Knee kicks out towards the balls, heel rises, the elbows bend and you can't stretch into the followthrough.  Lack of the extension, catapult pieces.  Needs to feel more like there is a balloon between your thighs and you're "popping" the balloon into the followthrough.

keeps21 swing pic 1.jpg

keeps21 swing pic 2.jpg

Mike McLoughlin

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Originally Posted by mvmac

I'm not a S&T; instructor but I don't think you lose your inclination that badly, head stay pretty close to the wall.  The butt moves forward because of the way your lower back is arched at address.  I think cleaning that up with help make the pivot a little more dynamic, but to me the priority is how the right knee and foot are working into the followthrough.  Knee kicks out towards the balls, heel rises, the elbows bend and you can't stretch into the followthrough.  Lack of the extension, catapult pieces.  Needs to feel more like there is a balloon between your thighs and you're "popping" the balloon into the followthrough.

Thanks mvmac! Much appreciated

I think I understand. I know feel is different for everyone but would you say that the feeling I should have is that my knees are getting closer together (rather than the right knee popping towards the ball) and that my back foot is rolling in (which will aid the closing of the knees) rather than just lifting off the heel?

I guess knees together would be a good swing thought for me!

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Originally Posted by keeps21

I think I understand. I know feel is different for everyone but would you say that the feeling I should have is that my knees are getting closer together (rather than the right knee popping towards the ball) and that my back foot is rolling in (which will aid the closing of the knees) rather than just lifting off the heel?

I guess knees together would be a good swing thought for me!

Not necessarily the knees but the thighs will squeeze into the follow through.  This get the glutes to engage or "tuck the butt"

Less of this

keeps21 swing pic 3.jpg

And more of this

keeps21 swing pic 4.jpg

Mike McLoughlin

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing really to add about the swing, just wanted to say that I broke my first milestone - breaking 110.

I shot 108, 54 on the front, 54 on the back - with a 10 on the card too!

I hit the ball a lot better when I just stopped trying to think/control the swing and just swung.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally Posted by keeps21

Nothing really to add about the swing, just wanted to say that I broke my first milestone - breaking 110.

I shot 108, 54 on the front, 54 on the back - with a 10 on the card too!

I hit the ball a lot better when I just stopped trying to think/control the swing and just swung.

I've broken 110 twice since then, shooting a 109 and then a 104 last time out which was Saturday.

I've been studying the S&T; swing and I'm now hitting my irons straight or slight push draws, same goes for my 2 hybrid.

I've finally got a video of my driver swing which needs some work. I bought a TaylorMade RBZ driver on saturday and I'm not hitting it too great, contact is fairly solid but I'm hitting push fades so I obviously have the club face open to the swing path.

The ball is starting slightly right which if I were hitting a draw is what I'd want (which is my aim) but then fading right.

At address I keep the clubhead 4-5 inches behind the ball as if I put the club head right behind the ball I come in too steep and hit pop ups.

Here are the two videos - I'm swinging and clipping a tee as I can't hit a ball in my back garden.


Caddy View

Any feedback is welcomed, thanks!

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You've really made great progress from your first vids! Some great advice from the other guys looks like it has really helped as well. The only thing I would like to add is to keep in mind that each of us has unique physical abilities as golfers. We must make our swings fit us individually. Having said this, I think you are trying to extend your backswing beyond your flexibility that you have right now. If you shorten your backswing just a little, it will keep you from standing up when you get to the top. When you continue to rotate past your ability is when you stand up. Take a look at JB Holmes. He is a great driver of the ball and he does not have a "full" backswing.

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Originally Posted by reedf

You've really made great progress from your first vids! Some great advice from the other guys looks like it has really helped as well. The only thing I would like to add is to keep in mind that each of us has unique physical abilities as golfers. We must make our swings fit us individually. Having said this, I think you are trying to extend your backswing beyond your flexibility that you have right now. If you shorten your backswing just a little, it will keep you from standing up when you get to the top. When you continue to rotate past your ability is when you stand up. Take a look at JB Holmes. He is a great driver of the ball and he does not have a "full" backswing.

Thanks reedf, my scores are definitely going in the right direction thanks to S&T; and the help I've gotten from people here at thesandtrap.

I'll check out JB Holmes' swing, and try shortening the backswing - I know for a fact I swing better if I swing easier.

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I'm still struggling with my driver with push fade / slices. If my driver was behaving I think I'd have broken 100 last time out.

I know I don't shift my weight (lower centre) forward enough... especially when I'm tired later on in the round - I've also got a problem with my hip flexor at the minute causing me pain / stiffness after the round.

I also hit a few pop ups / skies from coming in too steep (getting my upper centre too far forward) with the driver - and since I've just bought a new driver - I'm trying not to hurt it which isn't helping me get my weight forward.

I tee the ball with maybe 1/8th above the club face, sometimes with none of the ball above the clubface...

I find it difficult, with a wide stance to get my lower centre forward, without moving the upper center without feeling like I'm holding back on my right side and cutting across the ball if that makes sense.

I don't know if my stance is too wide, or if the balls too far forward, or if I'm just not committing to the shot.

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