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Callaway Uprogo nothing but problems for me so far.

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Bought a used Uprogo. Works great on the simple distance to the FCB of the green. Lots of courses to choose from and it seems okay in this mode, Basic.

I opened up an account at Callaway and have it where I can log in and log out, nothing seems to be outta whack. I want to buy the added feature of green-view (you get multiple views) so new courses are easier to digest in making a shot. Hooked everything up, connected to the host through my laptop and it starts to sync and just sits there with the memo 'waiting for user to sync'. Tried it a dozen times, still nothing.

Callaway just doesn't seem to respond so I'm thinking I bought into a poorly designed system and will have to look elsewhere for a good GPS.

Have Windows 7 Pro, have a good understanding of puters, repairs, upgrades, etc. This syncing is just not working.

I'm wondering why:

I can't register the unit in my name.

Did the previous user have it registered and that is the only reason I'm having problems.

If so, what do I do since I now own it?

Or is there some known software glitch that I can locate, understand and correct on my own.

Or is the Callaway system just junk?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I'd even pay for it!


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I own a uPro and it would never sync on my main computer, only my laptop.  Callaway could never tell me why since both systems ran same OS, virus protection, firewall, etc.    The only way I could get it to work on my laptop was;

  1. to connect to Callaway site,
  2. connect uPro to USB on laptop
  3. locate sync directory on mounted upro drive and run the upro.exe
  4. After about a minute the callaway site would make me login to the callaway site again and it would say the uPro was connected
  5. I could then update the uPro with new courses and updates

It was always cludgey and never worked as the instructions said.  I found this method on this site or another and it worked so I've dealt with it.  I take my Leupold with me now and leave the uPro home unless I'm playing a new course and want fly overs, etc.

Joe Paradiso

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Note: This thread is 4444 days old. We appreciate that you found this thread instead of starting a new one, but if you plan to post here please make sure it's still relevant. If not, please start a new topic. Thank you!

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