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My Swing (LagShaft)

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I've been Playing Golf for: About 5 years; first 2 years regularly, 1-2 times the next 2 years then about once a week with some range time for the last 2 months
My current handicap index or average score is: 23.8 as calculated by Swing by swing over the last 3 rounds
My typical ball flight is: Fade if I'm on
The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: Consistancy especially with my irons, I top it, hit it fat, slice it, hit it off the toe.  If I could narrow it down to one I could atleast play it.  I usually attribute it to locking my right leg on my back swing which as you can see in the videos causes my head to raise.  Also I see that I could hinge my wrists a little earlier on my take away and maybe a little bit more. But I'm a blank slate hit me with what ever else you see.  Sorry if some of the videos are a bit long and include some set up.  My wife is still honing her slow-mo recording skills.  Also I live by the mantra that the the guy with the worst legs has the most golf potential?


Topped this one because the ground was wet an I was having a hard time teeing it up high enough ?


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Couple things. I'd like to see play the ball further forward and turn your feet out a little so the knees aren't "pinched" inward. It will help with the pivot, working the lead side down longer so the head doesn't rise. Head moving around like this is going to create some issues with contact.


lag shaft 2.jpg

Good video to check out.



Edited by mvmac

Mike McLoughlin

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First off, Thanks to whoever for the name edit I caught it just a little bit to late.  Anyway the closest thing to training I've had was from the the old Ben Hogan book which suggested having a little bit of tension between your knees and elbows.  So my question is with the toes and knees out more should there be tension in or out with the knees or just relaxed.  Thanks for the input I'll try to get to the range later tonight and work on this.

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First off, Thanks to whoever for the name edit I caught it just a little bit to late.  Anyway the closest thing to training I've had was from the the old Ben Hogan book which suggested having a little bit of tension between your knees and elbows.  So my question is with the toes and knees out more should there be tension in or out with the knees or just relaxed.  Thanks for the input I'll try to get to the range later tonight and work on this.

Like the feet flare thread talks about, having the knee turned inward restricts your hip turn and makes it harder for the lead shoulder to move down and inward enough. Hogan liked to feel the "tension" but it's not something you have to or need to feel. Also, Hogan had a slight reverse hip slide, so I think that tension feel helped him from sliding too early.

Mike McLoughlin

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Well after 2 buckets last night I was about ready to scrap the change(not really just frustrated).  Went to the range tonight with a good attitude and things went better.  I think I was over exaggerating things.  Moved the ball away from me about an inch in my set up and that helped.  I think I had it so close as a compensation.  I must say I lose focus on the ball far less and hit it further with less efforts when I hit it clean.  Almost every strike was very straight tonight but I'm still fighting hitting  it fat and thin.  I'm sure that will come with a little more practice.  I wish I'd have taped something but I really didn't expect a lot and would rather give it a few more practice sessions.  Quick question; when I originally watched my swing video I felt that my knees were to bent and when I srtaightened my back leg I was raising to far away from the ball.  Now I've straightened my legs a bit at set up but I feel as tho I'm leaning over the ball.  Do you think I could benefit from a little longer club?  I know the answer is to go get fit but I could buy a set of better clubs for A very good price this weekend  that has a half inche longer shafts.  I don't think I'll have my swing honed enough by this weekend to know the difference.  Any input would be appreciated.  The price is under $100 so it wouldn't be a big loss but there was another set that I really liked before this change that was a standard length.  


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Quick question; when I originally watched my swing video I felt that my knees were to bent and when I srtaightened my back leg I was raising to far away from the ball.  Now I've straightened my legs a bit at set up but I feel as tho I'm leaning over the ball.  Do you think I could benefit from a little longer club?  

How tall are you?

What length are your clubs now?

Mike McLoughlin

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I think I found my answer for the clubs I was looking at... Calloway has me at a standard length 2 up I guess I'll see how they feel this weekend.

Cool, yeah I would say you are either standard or +.25". Good luck with the clubs!

Mike McLoughlin

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I was late to the range this evening so still no video it I think I made some progress.  I kept my weight more evenly distributed on both feet at address,  straightened my legs a bit and just took nice relaxed cuts at the ball.  That seemed to help me stop hitting it fat.  Tried to get my hip around just a little bit sooner which probably made the most difference.  But I was much more consistent.  Up until tonight I hadn't been able to work up past my 7 iron with out things falling apart.  Tonight I made it up to my 5 iron and could have probably gotten through all of my irons if I'd have had time to hit another bucket.   Hopefully I can get some video tomorrow night.  

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Didn't have much time tonight so it wasn't really a practice session but I wanted to get a video up. I can keep my head pretty still in my mirror work but it still moves around at the range.  More work to do but I feel like there is improvement.

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Curious I've come a long way on keeping my head from moving away from the ball but when I rotate my left shoulder touches my chin and causes it to turn away from the ball.  I know video is key but I'm struggling on that... They come out badly lit or upside down ugh I think it's more frustrating than working on my swing... Anyway I've noticed when I close my left eye that my right eye has a very small window to see out of when I'm at the top of my backswing.  Would this be a problem of over rotation, swinging to high on plane, just tight shoulders or any of the above?  Or is it a non issue?

Edited by LagShaft
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From the video above, it looks like your shoulders turn quite flat.

Give this a try:


Erik J. Barzeski —  I knock a ball. It goes in a gopher hole. 🏌🏼‍♂️
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