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My Swing (ECUPirate)

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I've been Playing Golf for: 13 years but just started playing regularly in the last 2 to 3 years.

My current handicap index or average score is: 9.3
My typical ball flight is: Draw or block with my irons and a high fade with my driver
The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: The block right with my irons and driver, and sometimes the duck hook with my driver.

This is the first time I've video taped my swing.  From what I can tell, with the little knowledge I have, it looks like on my back swing, I never turn the toe of the club to the sky.  Also, before I finish my back swing, it looks like I've already started shifting my weight forward, causing my hands to lag behind (causing the block right).  I've never taken golf lessons so I'm looking forward to the advice provided on here.



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Let me first say @ECUPirate for a 9.3 handicap you have some pretty solid positions. If I was guessing I would have guessed lower. Your impact position from FO is really solid. 

First thing you need to work on is your camera angles. Please keep in mind that the camera especially DTL needs to be inline with you hands. Yours is too far to the right and it can cause distortions and misdiagnosis. Here is a good article.


That said, I still have some things for you to think about. I see in your comments you are worried about how "closed" the face is on the backswing. Let me first say the club should not be "toe up". Toe up means the club face is open. Remember we swing on an arc and therefore the face should be square to the arc. If the club were toe up square, we'd need to hit a ball on a baseball t-ball set up to be square. Your face is closed, but not nearly as much as you think. You could stand to open it a little, but I would not recommend targeting this area first. Mac on the right is square to the arc. You are closed, probably more than you should be but again, not the first place to focus.

Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 2.58.30 PM.png

The biggest thing I see is you are steep. Very steep at A5. Mac again on the right has his club pointed near the ball whereas you are inside the ball. From this point you are going to need to do some saving to hit it solidly. You need to flatten that shaft. There are tons of people on this site working on flattening their shaft. TONS. Myself included. It is quite literally one of the most difficult things to change in your swing. 

Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 3.01.20 PM.png

This video does a decent job explaining it.


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Thanks, @mchepp for the advice.  I feel like my driver and short game attribute to my higher handicap.  My short game is horrific, especially my chipping.  I'll work on flattening the shaft, and I'll also get a better camera angle next time.  Again, thanks for taking the time to analyze my swing.

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Hi @ECUPirate. Your swing looks solid to me, and I'd have guessed low single digits myself. If you are interested in joining a discussion on ways to tackle the steepness issue, feel free to chime in. Some others who have conquered it have weighed in with tips:



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My Swing

Driver: :ping: G30, Irons: :tmade: Burner 2.0, Putter: :cleveland:, Balls: :snell:

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Note: This thread is 3064 days old. We appreciate that you found this thread instead of starting a new one, but if you plan to post here please make sure it's still relevant. If not, please start a new topic. Thank you!

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