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Denny Bang Bang

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Denny Bang Bang last won the day on June 14 2017

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  1. I’ve been using the Groove Tube (not to be confused with the Groove Tubes in one of my guitar amplifiers) for years. Very similar, 1/3 the cost, easier to squirt water than the Grooveit (you don’t have to push the button on the end, you just give it a little squeeze while it’s in your hand while brushing the club face). I picked up a Grooveit at one point when the local shop was out of the Groove Tube. I think it was well made, the bristles would likely last last longer than the Groove Tube bristles. I really liked the idea of the magnet, it worked really well until it didn’t (I lost the Grooveit after a month as it fell off somewhere on the course). I think either one comes in handy, just a matter of preference.
  2. Shorter sets of tees don’t have to mean they’re in the fairway. The family tees I’ve seen have been off to the side of the fairway or short of them. I still don’t see where I suggested rating fairway tees. Sure, we can be done.
  3. No, I didn’t stated I wanted tees in the fairway rated. I asked you the question to understand if you were suggesting rating them or not. And to prove the point that teeing off from unrated tees in the fairway wasn’t the answer to everything. Anything else you’d like to pretend I stated? Haha
  4. Got a new one this week (and a couple repeats). I’m a bit surprised I haven’t knocked out a couple of the easier ones yet. 3 more to go? Nice
  5. No, I didn’t. And I already stated maintenance would be a negative, so I’m not ignoring there are potential cons. With my limited knowledge of course rating, my understanding is that distance is a big factor. So I understand you’re point about a breakdown and I’ve always assumed that’s the reason the USGA has a 3K minimum yardage to rate a course (or at least they did at one point). But I still believe my statements are reasonable and not extreme. And no worries if you disagree.
  6. Umm, but I never stated we should rate sub-3500 tees, nor what distance tees should be rated from. My points were, again… simply that playing from the fairway doesn’t solve everything, and having family tees doesn’t hurt the game. The family tees I’ve seen, as I recall were roughly 4,000 yards. Could have been a little shorter, could have been a little longer. And they were rated as I recall. Yea, I barely know anything about rating courses. I still don’t believe anything I’ve stated is extreme. And yea, my old buddy does play from 4,400-4,600 yards (at elevation). But not every course has tees at that distance (e.g. Soldier Hollow Gold, Thanksgiving Point). And I’m not stating every course should either. All I’m stating is it doesn’t hurt the game when they do.
  7. What have I stated in this thread that is “so extreme”? Stating that family tees don’t hurt the game? Stating that teeing off from the fairway doesn’t resolve everything? I think you’re so hung up on defending your opinion that you’re failing to actually understand what my point/opinion even is. There’s nothing extreme or absurd about it.
  8. Sure, generally I agree as I already stated above. But what about my 82 year old buddy who does like to still play in handicapped events? My point is, teeing off from two club lengths doesn’t solve everything. And sure, there will certainly be courses that are just too long for him. I’ve been to courses with family tees, or whatever you want to call them. Doesn’t seem to hurt the game or the courses one bit. Not sure why anyone would have a problem with them (beyond an extra bit of maintenance). Never heard of Lake View or Whispering Woods, and I don’t think our group will ever play either of them.
  9. Loved seeing Rickie have a big day, definitely rooting to see him pull one off! Others I’ll be rooting for, Schauffele and McIlroy looking great as well. Finau and Scheffler in the mix. At least 81 guys, including amateurs, that don’t seem to be fearing BK so far 🥲 A lot of golf left. Curious to see how the course toughens up over the next few days.
  10. And courses provide slope/rating from two club lengths of the start of the fairway?
  11. Generally I agree, especially for casual rounds with the kids where they can just tee up at any point on the course that is reasonable. However, doesn’t really work as well if you have an 82 year old who wants to play in a handicap game, and there’s not a good way to calculate their handicap from somewhere in the middle of the fairway. He plays from the front tees, which are a little too long for him at some courses. I like the combo tee option that some courses do. Related to the above, adding a shorter set of tees (family tees, junior tees, whatever the course wants to call them) so the tees are rated would be helpful in some circumstances.
  12. @David L Yskes for the most part I only bag 13 clubs as well, but I’m the opposite of you where I have more wedges and nothing between the driver and 3h. I do have options to throw in the bag when I feel like it would be good to have depending on the course and/or conditions (3W, 3i… and considering adding a driving iron as an option). Having a rotating cast of club options depending on course and conditions is something you may want to consider. Maybe one round you want the 5W, another round the LW.
  13. I think what everyone here is missing is that Jay Monahan fears Koepka (both of them) 😅
  14. Played in a tournament today. 39-45 for 84. Driver fell apart on the back. Blah
  15. I only remember doing this twice, and they were my back to back best rounds back in 2021.
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