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A documentation of my journey both as a golfer and through the PGA PGM Program.

Entries in this blog

Big Week Ahead

We’ve got a big week ahead of us. I believe there are only three matchesT left this season (two 18-hole matches), and two of them are this week. We’ve got a home match on Tuesday, and an 18-hole away match at Kerr Lake on Thursday.  As I said in my last entry, the top two teams go to regionals. We are now 4th in the standings (by how much, no idea), so we’ve got some work to do. Our plan for this week until Thursday: Weekend: Hit some balls into my net at home. Haven’t been able to get



Match Day #1

The first match was yesterday, and we all felt good about our games. So we pulled up to The Preserve at Jordan Lake with high hopes. After a good range session and a solid 15 minutes of putting, we began. It was shotgun start, and the seed you played determined the hole you started on. Because I played No. 4 on our team, I’d start on the fourth hole. We played the white tees, scorecard below: Actually a pretty solid start, although I did three-putt the fourth green. After a par on the



First Match

Alright y’all! The 2021 golf season has already begun, but the first match is on Tuesday. Here’s how it works this year: •There are six teams in our conference, and either one or two teams will advance to regionals. That much is still unclear. •Last year, six players from each team played in matches. This year, only five are playing. I’m playing the 4th seed in our team. My brother unfortunately did not make the starting lineup. It was close, but he missed. •I still don’t know how



What To Do Here?

As I just posted in “What’d You Shoot Today?”, my brother played his first full eighteen in a while. Well, I say full eighteen, but he didn’t exactly play the entire round. He quit on a few holes and didn’t play the last hole. He dropped at my ball when he lost a ball. As I’ve mentioned several times, he wants to be on the team. Keep those details in mind. The reason why I mention this: he was texting with our grandpa after the round (our grandpa loves to hear about our rounds), and when he



And We’re Off!

Here’s the first real post in this newly edited blog. As I’ve mentioned, my brother wants to be on the team with me next semester. He’s taken the initiative to want to practice, and he went by himself yesterday and hit a bucket of balls. From what I’ve heard, he didn’t hit them great, but I’m glad he’s starting to practice. We’ve got a new practice plan that revolves around our school schedule. On days when we’re meeting with teachers via Zoom (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday), we’re going to



Brother and the Team

Here’s a new blog post that I’m hoping to keep going. As some of you may know, I have a younger brother (he’s 14 now) who’s shown an increasing amount of interest in golf. He didn’t come to the course much with me in the summer, which I think is mainly because of the heat. He doesn’t like being in the heat for a ton of time or sweating a lot, which I tried to explain to him several times that if he ends up making the team, our coach is gonna want him playing tournaments over the summer.But now t



Turning It Around!

Sorry I wasn’t able to post in this blog the past two weeks, but I wasn’t really able to do too much due to the weather being crappy here in Durham. But I’m keeping it going this week with some good news. I think I’m turning my game around. My ballstriking and chipping have been excellent this week, leading to scores of 90, 46 (nine holes), and a 94 today (with a 42 on the difficult back nine). I’ve hit several good shots from 130+ yards, including a dart I hit yesterday and a 7I to six fee



Slipping Up Just a Bit

I managed to get in three rounds this week, improving my score each time: a 97 on Monday (44-53), a 96 on Wednesday (48-48) and a 94 on Thursday (50-44). Chipping/pitching was rock solid this week, which I was pleased to see. I hit a lot of my <50-yard chips/pitches inside ten feet, and a handful of those inside five, including a chip in. Easily the best part of my game as of right now. I feel a little less confident about tee shots. I did have some really good ones, but there was a



Week Two

I’ve been practicing quite a bit (mainly chipping and putting) over the past week, but unfortunately I’ve only gotten to play once, which was today. For the most part, I’m very pleased with how it worked out. Here’s the scorecard:      PAR: 4-4-3-5-4-4-3-4-5—36 SCORE: 4-4-3-6-4-5-4-5-5—40 As I mentioned on What’d You Shoot Today, conditions got tough starting on hole 4. We had at least a one-club wind, maybe two. I think I handled it well under those conditions (started on hole 4,



Journey to Sub-90 Land

Today rounds off a solid week of golf, with scores of 95-90-92. I’m getting so close to consistent scores under 90, but I need to figure out what I need to work on. Today, I’ll evaluate my game over the last three playing days, and give each category (Woods/Hybrids, Irons, Short Game, Putting) a letter grade. Woods/Hybrids: B. The driver is bringing the overall grade down. I’m slowly but surely getting rid of the slice, but it continues to haunt me every now and then, and when it fade, it s



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