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A blog about golf, weight loss, and other extraordinarily boring topics. 


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Entries in this blog

Designing a Golf Club IV

I did it. Putter head complete. This design is called Cazador Mustang. Cazador meaning Hunter in Spanish (my high school nickname), and Mustang being my high school mascot.  This design was milled from aluminum in Georgia, by PrintForm. It’s my dads father day gift. I need to paint the logo and the words and that top arrow and then it will be done. I have a shaft from GolfWorks that I’ll be epoxying soon, and then I’ll be installing a grip. I can’t wait to give it to my dad!


jbishop15 in Golf Club Making

Designing a Golf Club III

I've updated the design.    Aesthetics - Turned the rectangular cut-out into a half-moon - Removed the lettering and left the logo   Practical - Cut the putter width from 1.5 inches (I think) to 1 inch to cut weight from the design - Added 3° of loft to the front of the putter, up from 0°   In the first image, there is a blue line coming from the center of the putter. According to the in-program CG function, (thank you for the idea @boogielicious

Designing a Golf Club -- Part II

So, I've finished an initial design.  I used the autoCAD program freeCAD to draw most of it, and the image editor program Inkscape to import the more demanding designs, like the geranium and the American flag. It took me about a week of learning the program to get comfortable with it.  Not a complex design, but I am happy with the result. I haven't decided where I'm going to make an injection mold, a sand mold, a metal mold, or just CNC mill this first putter for testing. If I CNC it,

Designing a Golf Club

Over the last few months, I've become interested in designing, manufacturing, and building golf clubs. I do not have an engineering background, nor any special aptitude with physics or math, so this could be a short-lived venture! I do think I have an idea for a putter, though, and I'm going to build it and test it, both on course and at a putt lab.  After that, or perhaps during, I'm going to try and cast some iron heads. I've got a design for those, too, but I'm going to have to get

Efficiency, Community, and Winning and Losing

I've been thinking a lot about efficiency, specifically as it relates to art. Below are those thoughts, with a little expansion on theme.  These are all half-baked text conversations I've had with friends lately.  * * * * * I watched a clip of director-writer James grey talk about how studios only making comic book/franchise movies essentially got people out of the habit of going to the movies and would lead to the eventual downfall of the industry And it got me thinking about a h


jbishop15 in Thoughts? idk

The Hero – Part I [Chapter Four]

I     Bannar had a manservant waiting for her when she had knocked on the front door. He was tall, and thin, and clean-shaven; he smiled when he saw her.     “Sarah, I presume? I apologize for the familiarity; Ser Bannar did not give me your family name,” the man said.     “Aden, ser,” Sarah said.     “Madra Aden, my name is William. Bannar said you might be coming by this morning. Would you like something to eat?”     “That is far too much trouble, William. I’ll just



The Hero – Part I [Chapter Three]

I     The Captain carried the men inside, one by one. They were beaten, and hacked, and cut to pieces. First came a blond, matted with blood; second, came a thin man; third, came a stocky one, head nearly removed from his shoulders. The last man was drug in by the Captain, his own personal kill, torn to pieces. Blood covered the Captain’s silver armor, and ran in streaks down his lined face. He looked older, and walked younger, than Sarah had ever seen him.     “Here,” he said, dumpin



Hero – Part I [Chapter Two]

CHAPTER TWO I     They tended to him while he slept. Pieces of wooden floor and beam had cut him all over, and shards of glass from the store inventory had dug into his arms and legs. He was alive, but unconscious. The man they found beside him was not; his neck was broken, and a wooden support beam had fallen on his legs, nearly ripping him in half. He was on a cold slab, a few rooms over, with a thin blanket over his ruined form.     Sarah stitched up the last wound on the cal



The Hero – Part I [Chapter One]

I     He threw a punch, and it landed, and it hurt.     He could smell the pig roasting on the spit, and the ale spilled on the bar. He could feel the heat rising, and the adrenaline pumping in everyone’s ears He could hear the screams, outside and inside his head, and for a moment he felt like he was home.     He threw a punch, and it landed, and it hurt less.     “Come on,” he screamed, advancing on his stumbling opponent. He threw another punch, and it missed, but the m




It was a strange thing, this fire. It waved across the ceiling, and embraced carpets and furniture, and roared at her, as if it knew it was being watched. It had came out of nowhere; she had woken up on the floor, and the fire had been all around her. The smoke filled up her lungs, and Andrea found it hard to think.        Andrea rolled over onto her stomach, and crawled, hands and feet and knees, towards the open door. Her vision came and went, and every breath she took she held as de



It Doesn't Taste The Same – Short Story

Michael picked at his food, moving it around with his fork and spoon. Jenna poked him with her chopstick, trying to get him to laugh.    “It’s fine,” Michael said, finally.    “You love Japanese,” Jenna said.    “I did, yeah. It’s been too long, maybe. Doesn’t taste the same.”    “You’ll get



My Thoughts Upon Visiting TST

Don't go into the Trump thread Don't go into the Trump thread DO NOT GO INTO THE TIGER/JACK THREAD Don't go into the Trump thread Don't go into the Trump thread DO NOT GO INTO THE TIGER/JACK THREAD Don't go into the Trump thread Don't go into the Trump thread DO NOT GO INTO THE TIGER/JACK THR



Moe Norman

Norman goes crazy about how the golfing world is only teaching "mechanics" when he was the dude who hit a minimum of five hundred balls a day and talked about his swing was the best one on the planet. He also didn't pick up this psychological stuff until he was well into his career, maybe even after it was over. It just reinforces the idea of Tour players as Stupid Monkeys. 



The Lookout - Short Story

Jake was on top of a wall, sitting in a chair, watching the snow fall in front of the sunset. He was at the edge of his seat and his elbows were dug into his thighs just above the knees and his head rested in his hands. He had been here for hours. He was watching for something. They had taken over this outpost in the initial push and held it through the conflict. They had been besieged many times. Some soldiers jokingly called it the Alamo but less and less each



Update: Running In The Rain

It has been a really hectic last few weeks. I've been getting steady work, and haven't had much time to do anything. Most days I'm up by eight and don't go t bed till two. I missed one full week of the gym because I had work-related issues, and as I was preparing to go back this past week, I injured my knee. There's no damage, but it's been sore and a little finicky, so I haven't pushed it.  Here's a tip: when it's raining outside, and you are barefooted, don't ru



I tested the M1 Taylormade Driver today

THE POSITIVES DISTANCE: 9/10 This club can really, really mash. I was ten yards on average longer than I was with my R1, which is great.  LOOKS: 8/10 This is a hell of a good-looking golf club. Looks pretty awesome at address.    THE NEGATIVES FEEL: 3/10 This club feels like total garbage. Off the face, it feels like hardpan, whereas the Aeroburner felt like grass. It's also weirdly heavy, which I guess comes from the little weights on the club, but compared to the Aeroburner or my R1, it feels



Week 3 - Stuff

I graduated college back in May with a Creative Writing degree from Georgia State, and it's been a struggle to find work. I had high hopes, too; I was working with (and continue on a more limited basis) a website to write television reviews, and had been for nearly a year and a half by the time I graduated. Essentially, I was guaranteed a certain amount of money (not much, but enough for me to actually work as a freelance writer and not have to take other work), as long as I wrote a certain numb



Week 2 Update

I missed the gym yesterday for really embarrassing reasons (mostly laundry related; my linen closet, I found out, can hold over 100 DIRTY TOWELS), but miss it I did. I went today, and I'll be going tomorrow.  The reason I am writing this is because I forgot last week to put my starting weights for what I'm lifting; so, I'm going to do it now. I've already done the first day, and my weights are already going up significantly. I'll post how much they've gone up Friday, so that I don't repeat mysel



Week 1: I am weak baby man

Yeesh. I just finished Week 1 of my gym adventures. I haven't been to the gym consistently in a long time, and naturally, all the gains I made from then have mostly dissipated. Not really a big deal; I understand that, especially early on, the weight I'm lifting is going to be much, much less. But damn, son; when I stopped going, I could dumbbell bench press 70 lbs per hand. I could regular bench 235. And now? I struggled to get 200 lbs on my one rep match. I couldn't do more than 40 lbs per han



A(nother) Fresh Start

This blog is partially inspired by @saevel25. I've restarted a diet and exercise regimen (again), and I've found that I've keep myself accountable when I have to do a food journal or an exercise journal or whatever. So, thanks to Matt for doing his, because it reminded me of that success that I had previously.  Another thing that I respond well to is the idea of specifically training for a specific goal. Sounds obvious, I know, but too many times I find myself going to the gym and lifting weight



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