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A(nother) Fresh Start



This blog is partially inspired by @saevel25. I've restarted a diet and exercise regimen (again), and I've found that I've keep myself accountable when I have to do a food journal or an exercise journal or whatever. So, thanks to Matt for doing his, because it reminded me of that success that I had previously. 

Another thing that I respond well to is the idea of specifically training for a specific goal. Sounds obvious, I know, but too many times I find myself going to the gym and lifting weights without any idea where I'm going. In order to counteract that, I'm going to train as though I'm trying to become a professional golfer. I like the process of doing things; I like learning how to practice properly and things like that, so having this goal in mind lays out a clear process for me to follow. 

I also have a limited number of time; work has started to really ramp up, as well as my own personal life/hobbies/career getting in the way. I'm going to follow this workout plan listed below; it's called MVF Fitness. It's set up so that you can get fitter more quickly under a limited amount of time:


Mondays - BACK 

- Barbell Deadlifts

1: 4-6 reps

2: -10% of previous weight; 5-7 reps

- Chin Ups

1: 6-8 reps

2: -10%; 7-9 reps

3: -10% again; 8-10 reps

- Barbell Rows

1: 8-12 reps

2: -10%; 9-13 reps

- Standing Barbell (ez-bar) Curls

Do as many as possible, count to 20. Repeat until in 15-20 rep range


Wednesdays - CHEST 

- Bench Press

1: 6-10 reps

2: -10%; 7-11 reps

3: -10%; 8-12 reps

- Incline Bench Press

1: 8-12 reps

2: -10%; 9-12 reps

- Overhand Two-Hand Tricep Press

As many reps as possible, count to 20. Repeat until in 15-20 rep range.


Fridays - LEGS

- Barbell Squats

1: 6-8 reps 

2: -10%; 7-9 reps

3: -40%; 20 reps 

- Barbell Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

1: 12-15 reps 

2: 10-15 reps 

Cable Crunches 

1: Until failure (15+ reps) 


I'm also going onto a calorie count; 2500 is the number I am trying to hit. Currently, I weight 308 pounds, and I burn nearly 3000 a day just being awake. If I cut back just a little bit on my intake, I should easily start losing weight and getting in better shape. 

My goal weight: 230 pounds in two years or less. I think it's doable; they say the safest weight loss is 2.2 pounds per week, which equals 114.4 pounds a year. I'm giving myself two years because I imagine that I won't be losing 2.2 pounds per week at a consistent rate. So, a little wiggle room there.

Combine this with twice weekly golf practice, and hopefully I'll see some improvement soon. 

Also, be prepared for a fair amount of updates here, plus some short stories; I am a writer by trade, and I can't help but post my flash fiction everywhere that I have a personal blog. 


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Good for you, and good luck.  I lost close to 60lbs earlier this year by doing a weight loss comp at work with weekly weigh ins and a 3 month biggest loser reward.  I won it and honestly don't know if i would have been into it as much if the money wasn't there and i didn't have my own $20 dollar entry. Being off my diet 10 lbs have creeped back, so that tells me I need to start watching my diet again.  I counted calories as well.  Before you know it, it becomes second nature. And the great thing is, is that a calorie is a calorie.  By counting calories you don't have to limit yourself by not eating any certain thing if you want do it, but just make sure it is logged and you stay with-in your goal. I had several weeks that were close to 10 lbs lost and several that was 1 or 2.  I would suggest maybe trying 3 month blocks instead of 2 years.  Give yourself a goal like 30 lbs for the first 3 months, that way you have a goal to strive for and will not be able to tell yourself that "there's plenty of time to make it up" if you are down (or not) a week.  Good luck and look forward to the updates,

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Awesome. Good luck in your journey.

By the time the next Newport Cup comes around we'll be ripped :-P

I think it took me like a year to get near 235 lbs from the 285-290 range. Weight lose will be quick in the first 6 months if you are consistent with your plan. 

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I think it took me like a year to get near 235 lbs from the 285-290 range. Weight lose will be quick in the first 6 months if you are consistent with your plan. 

Hey that sounds familiar!  I went from 285 in January to 230 in September.  Goal is still (loosely) 215.

Hunter, I totally agree with you about having a goal with exercise other than "run x miles" or "lift x weight."  That's why the karate is working out so well for me.  It's good exercise in the context of a sport (one that I had no idea I'd like so much), with the goals being the belts.

Good luck to both of you!!

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Good luck Hunter, as a young man it great when you take control of your heath and fitness.

It much easier now while your young and single, than later when obligations demand most of your time.

Sounds like you'll have support from Matt and Drew, both have experienced success with their lives.  :beer:

Club Rat

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Besides when I was doing sports in high school the time I was in the best shape of my life was when I had a goal as well.  That goal was a triathlon so I trained for each segment and knew I would have to build lean muscle up as well.  I spent a fair amount of time in the gym, running, and swimming in the lap pool.  

I think I am going to train for a triathlon again.


Good luck!

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Good for you, and good luck.  I lost close to 60lbs earlier this year by doing a weight loss comp at work with weekly weigh ins and a 3 month biggest loser reward.  I won it and honestly don't know if i would have been into it as much if the money wasn't there and i didn't have my own $20 dollar entry. Being off my diet 10 lbs have creeped back, so that tells me I need to start watching my diet again.  I counted calories as well.  Before you know it, it becomes second nature. And the great thing is, is that a calorie is a calorie.  By counting calories you don't have to limit yourself by not eating any certain thing if you want do it, but just make sure it is logged and you stay with-in your goal. I had several weeks that were close to 10 lbs lost and several that was 1 or 2.  I would suggest maybe trying 3 month blocks instead of 2 years.  Give yourself a goal like 30 lbs for the first 3 months, that way you have a goal to strive for and will not be able to tell yourself that "there's plenty of time to make it up" if you are down (or not) a week.  Good luck and look forward to the updates,

That's some really good advice. I think I will break it down into a few month blocks. 

Awesome. Good luck in your journey.

By the time the next Newport Cup comes around we'll be ripped :-P

I think it took me like a year to get near 235 lbs from the 285-290 range. Weight lose will be quick in the first 6 months if you are consistent with your plan. 

Thanks Matt. I think this plan'll stick, or at least I hope it well. 

Hey that sounds familiar!  I went from 285 in January to 230 in September.  Goal is still (loosely) 215.

Hunter, I totally agree with you about having a goal with exercise other than "run x miles" or "lift x weight."  That's why the karate is working out so well for me.  It's good exercise in the context of a sport (one that I had no idea I'd like so much), with the goals being the belts.

Good luck to both of you!!

Yeah, this goal thing has already helped motivate me. Now I have accountability in terms of golf improvement/fitness, which I never did before. 

Good luck Hunter, as a young man it great when you take control of your heath and fitness.

It much easier now while your young and single, than later when obligations demand most of your time.

Sounds like you'll have support from Matt and Drew, both have experienced success with their lives.  :beer:

Club Rat

Thanks John. I appreciate it. And I agree; another, hidden motive was that with being out of college and having my degree put me in a position where I knew my free time (i.e. time to figure out how I wanted to do things) was rapidly dwindling. I kind of looked at myself and realized that with work and other things in my life I might never find the time; the quicker I start it, the better chance I have of sticking with it. 

Besides when I was doing sports in high school the time I was in the best shape of my life was when I had a goal as well.  That goal was a triathlon so I trained for each segment and knew I would have to build lean muscle up as well.  I spent a fair amount of time in the gym, running, and swimming in the lap pool.  

I think I am going to train for a triathlon again.


Good luck!

Totally agree! I played two sports (football and golf) while I was in high school, and I spent a lot of time working out and playing for fun with friends. I didn't realize how much better shape I was in then, and I regret not sticking with it. I'm trying to get back into that mindset again. 

That's great to hear about your triathlon! I hope it all works all well and you get to where you hope to be. 

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