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My Swing (nevets88)

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Flow drills working? A little better w/flow, body going before hands start down just a tad. Wrists look better through impact as well.


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Better at body transitioning forward before hands start down, but lateral forward hands lag still happens, more flexion of torso, hands go from A4 faster and pop the belly top and bottom more in sync, not sure if this is answer.

Key #4 is better but #5 no good, face is too open on downswing, forcing it more shut at A4 seems to help.

Screen Shot 2021-09-06 at 5.44.13 PM.png

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How’ve you been playing, @nevets88?


“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” - Confucius

My Swing Thread

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15 minutes ago, billchao said:

How’ve you been playing, @nevets88?

Driver is good, irons not so good, not really improving in terms of score.


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1 minute ago, nevets88 said:

not really improving in terms of score.

Where are you losing strokes?


“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” - Confucius

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13 minutes ago, billchao said:

Where are you losing strokes?

Irons, approach shots mostly. Putting some, but not really working on short game. The trail side dominance is okay with driver, not when ball is on ground.


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Focused here on making clubhead go more up and right post impact, it's been a bit low and left lately as evidenced by videos above. Steep from the top, grrrr. Keys #4 and #5 are hard. There's a swing alignment stick in the sky, lol.


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Better at lower body not getting ahead, hands go from 4 faster, Keys #4 and #5. So this guy sees me setting up w/the tripod and he says, is that FBI approved, I say no, CIA. He pauses and then says, oh no, the CIA, that's even worse, and we both had a good chuckle.



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The bottom not outracing the top is becoming more automatic now.



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Longer clubs, harder to get down and around. Cut across this one, could do with more in to out.



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Noticed when trying to keep centers in sync, less likely to shank when squeezing left armpit to body, a la glove in armpit drill. Don't like that face shutting so quickly. Shaft too vertical in the follow through as well.


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Also working on trying to keep toe ahead of heel on the way down.


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Driver requires the most exaggerated feel of recentering, and hardest to get the hands to the right pocket at A6, hardest to stay in inclination. First vid, hands way behind, second, less recentering, but hands a little closer to pocket. Feels like heading in the right direction. Key #4 is better, lead side isn't sliding way ahead, ball flight is decent. Getting the hands high and away from me at A10, pinch left armpit, makes the rotation better, hips turn in place rather than towards the ball and then fall towards ball after swing is done.


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Recentering and getting hands down faster to sync with turn better. Still figuring out how to keep clubface from opening on the way down then closing late, would like to see face more shut from A5 to A7. I think the frame at just after A6, the face looks too open. Not in video, but driver also feels like needs a lot more squatting, butt to chair on the way down to keep from sliding forward.


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It took me all season to do it but I think I finally got the gist of re-centering see @iacas's analysis below. Not as evident with the driver, but you can just make out a smidgen and the driver, I would massively have the hands lag behind, so it's an improvement. One of the main things was figuring how to get the hands going earlier and faster.




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The first swing has been a problem all season (neglected analyzing face on angle vids), right tilt too early, behind ball, works for driver (teed up) but terrible for everything else. The following swing, exaggerated re-centering. Last swing less exaggerated.



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Trying more aggressively to go down to the ball to get path more in to out. Think this helps with low point too. Work in progress. Dunno, maybe needs to be a little more rotated going into impact. Trail hand turning over lead hand a lot too, too much supination, shaft too horizontal.


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Tried incorporating more in to out path, recalled a ball gate drill from Erik's covid plan, did it wrong, have to get some tennis balls, also tried imagining tracing the clubhead on a path going more out which I think helped a little, at least clubhead isn't dropping down on ball. Need to figure out how to tell path is out from face on.



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