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My Swing (travisv)

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I've been struggling with the driver more than my irons lately, so I sent these swings in to Stephan for my latest evolvr submission.  I've been hitting the driver so far off the heel it's nearly a shank, causing the club to twist on impact.  Stephan wanted me to wants fixing this to be my priority, and he suggested I set a club cover outside the ball as an aid.  This drill is quite effective for me and produced good results today.  He also wants me to work on keeping my left hip back as a start the downswing.  Currently it moves towards the ball, and I end up standing up during the swing.  Lastly, I'm continuing to work on getting my hips pointing towards the target after impact.  A lot of things that I have previously worked on with my iron swing and have had success with, but when I take out the driver things change.  Below is my range session today after working on these things.

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  • 8 months later...

The weather has finally warmed up and I've been able to get back out.  I've been working on keeping my shoulders more level at A7.



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Looks pretty good, a little bit of early extension, but some time at the range and getting back into the swing of things should cure that. Get more pressure into your lead leg before you start the downswing so you're not pivoting via your knees. Feet together drills and one leg drills(if you've got the balance) will help you out with that. 

Edited by senorchipotle
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still working on getting my shoulder to be more level at A6.  I think that I'm starting to make some progress but I'm not totally sure.  I found a YouTube video where Justin Rose seems to be talking about the same thing, and he mentions feeling like his left arm moves down while his shoulders stay closed to the target.  I've been working with this feeling for a couple of days and I think its been pretty effective.

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Still working on keeping my shoulders level and making a more centered turn. It still feels pretty exaggerated but I'm starting to get more comfortable with it. 

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On 6/17/2015 at 8:12 PM, travisv said:


I've been working a lot lately on getting the shaft laid down more from A4 to A5.   It has taken me quite awhile to get a feel for this but I think that it is starting to come around.  My shot shape has become a lot more consistent with this swing, and my misses aren't nearly as big.  I am really happy with the progress that I have made up to this point.


Don't suppose you'd be willing to join the thread below and share how you got so successful breaking through with the laying down of the shaft? I've been reviewing your progress, and it's impressive! Sorry to dredge up this old comment, but thought you might be able to help out a fellow student of Stephan! I'm working the same piece, and I'm determined to make a dent into my problem this time around.


My Swing

Driver: :ping: G30, Irons: :tmade: Burner 2.0, Putter: :cleveland:, Balls: :snell:

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you have a really nice, simple swing that is no doubt very repeatable. i would imagine you don't get into too much trouble with a motion like that. a good, solid swing! nice stuff.

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I really got a good feel for my hip turn and using my legs today.  Instead of just sliding forward, I got the feeling of really driving my left leg into the ground.  This seemed to prevent me from titling my torso so much, as a result it was much easier for me to keep my shoulders level.  I think this looks a lot better and I was hitting the ball great.


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On May 13, 2016 at 9:14 AM, Jcm288 said:

Great looking swing @travisv!

Thank you, I appericiate it.


I'm really working hard to get my shoulders flatter at A6, but it has been quite challenging. I think that I have made a little bit of progress over the last week. My hands and left arm look slightly further forward, allowing me too keep my front shoulder down a bit longer. 


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I'm starting to get a really good feel for how to get my shoulder more level. This feels like I'm really getting my arms down behind me a lot. I'm going to focus on getting the swing really ingrained and getting my shoulders and hips to open just a little sooner. 


Drill that I've been doing to get a feel on the downswing


Full swings at about 80%


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  • 1 month later...

I've continued to work on shoulder and hip turn and boy has it been frustrating.  My game really went backwards, as I was struggling to keep any kind of control over my ball, snap hooking tee shots off the planet.  Things have slowly turned back around.  I'm feeling pretty good about how I'm hitting everything up to a 7 iron, but anything longer than that, and I don't have a lot of confidence about where it's going.  I have another tournament coming up in three weeks, so I'm hoping I can get things shaped up by then.



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Seems maybe this might not be your priority piece now, but I notice you have a problem similar to me where you kick your right leg in too much almost sort of faking rotation. Our hips work very similarly in that they move towards the ball and the right knee kicks in too much. 

Likely we are doing it to try and shallow the shaft, but it is something to think about. 

Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 6.29.22 PM.png

Here is me. You are better off than me in that you have more natural rotation, but still a similar problem. 

Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 6.34.25 PM.png

To fix it likely we need a driveway stick that sits near our knee at address and doesn't let us kick in.


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Wow, that's very interesting.  I've been working on getting my hips open more at A6, so I probably need to tweak how I'm doing it.  Thanks for the feedback.

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