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My Swing (Scott Johnson)

Scott Johnson
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I've been Playing Golf for: 10 years

My current handicap index or average score is: +2.6 have shot several 67-69's this summer at my home course

My typical ball flight is: small pull fade

The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: dead pull/double cross

My swing below is the swing I have had for the last 5-6 years. I have worked to add power here and there and have also gotten into working out to add more power as well. I play golf 4-6 days a week in the summer (Kentucky golf season is about 6-7 months) I have shot a 63 with this swing and I have above average course management skills. I have won 3 Invitationals, 4 Club Championships, dozens of junior golf events, played 4 years in college at an NAIA school and competed in several State Amateur tournaments in my career. I am 27 and I am at the point where I need to completely change my swing and start from scratch to reach the next level and my ultimate goal of being one of the top amateurs in the state of Kentucky. My goals are below

-Get my swing on plane (basically stop coming over the top)

-Use all of my body in the swing (Full hip turn and shoulder turn)

-Create Lag (Using my entire body and getting hip turn and shoulder turn will accomplish this)

I have purchased a swing planer to use in the offseason and I am ready to start my journey since the weather will be turning colder here soon.

If you have any feeback on my swing or any thoughts or tips, please share with me!


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Weight is back on your heels at set-up and that can restrict your hip turn.

The lack of depth on the backswing causes you to come OTT a little because you haven't created any room for the arms on the downswing.

Good stuff for you to check out.

Mike McLoughlin

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Nice very good rythm! I noticed you restrict your hip movement in the backswing. For me that's the worst thing that's ever happened to golf instruction... The x-factor. This much restriction causes a OTT move. Is it something you've worked for in your swing?
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Nice very good rythm!

I noticed you restrict your hip movement in the backswing. For me that's the worst thing that's ever happened to golf instruction... The x-factor. This much restriction causes a OTT move.

Is it something you've worked for in your swing?

Agree, very little hip turn.

@Scott Johnson what do you think? Does the advice make sense?

Mike McLoughlin

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Thanks to both of you for the feedback! I think both of your feedback was very helpful. I don't have a side view of my swing to compare with that I can upload, but I think my knees are very inward pointed as the video showed was incorrect and can restrict the hip turn completely. I will really start focusing on that position before I even start the swing to allow me to get that turn and clear the hips.

Do you guys think that I will in turn be able to solve the over the top problem with an increased hip turn, because as mentioned above, I don't feel as if I have enough room to get my arms inside due to my lack of hip and shoulder turn.

Does this make sense? Thanks for the feedback!

Also thanks for the compliment on my rhythm, I have to have it with a swing as over the top as mine I feel as if I have "grooved" it but it is far too inconsistent for me to get the results that I demand with the time I spend working on it

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I do think I will help you swing less OTT, since you will be able to start the downswing mostly with the lower body and create room and time for the shaft to hang behind you a bit and drop in the slot. Thanks for taking into consideration our observations.

You are a +2.5 and surely have figured out already a lot about the golf swing.

If you have a few seconds, take a look at my swing I'd like to have few pointers from you. I'll upload a DTL view ASAP.

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Do you guys think that I will in turn be able to solve the over the top problem with an increased hip turn, because as mentioned above, I don't feel as if I have enough room to get my arms inside due to my lack of hip and shoulder turn.

Does this make sense? Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, I think that's a big part of it along with turning the feet out. Will give the left knee move room to move forward which helps you swing out.

Mike McLoughlin

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Note: This thread is 3210 days old. We appreciate that you found this thread instead of starting a new one, but if you plan to post here please make sure it's still relevant. If not, please start a new topic. Thank you!

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