This x1000. To appear (I know that it is just an appearance) completely hopped up and out of it a couple of days before the incident is a huge reason why the questions are there, and IMO rightfully so. There is history there. He's recovering from surgery, so the access is almost certainly there. And we have video of what could be seen as him high as a kite shortly before, though not so shortly that any intoxication from the TV appearance would have worn off had it existed.
Until I personally see toxicological reports dated and sign from that date, I will believe he was intoxicated. Some (most here) may call this unreasonable, but I would argue it is unreasonable for him to be going that speed and crash, then have no citation from the cops, even more unreasonable.
I voted 1 as far as Tiger saying anything himself is concerned, but I think it is a terrible look, and close to a silent admission at this point given his history, the previous TV appearance, and the circumstances of the crash.