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The Slow Death of a Blog



I was thinking about the impending start of my 2023 golf season. Hmmm, it seemed like a decent topic for my “Blog.” Nope, I already blabbed on that subject a while ago. Then I noticed how rarely I am moved to write a blog entry. My blogging on TST began in 2016.  My blog entries have slowly dwindled:

2016       27

2017       10

2018         2

2019         6

2020         5

2021         2

2022         3

2023         ?

Undoubtedly there was much celebration when my efforts dropped into the low single digits beginning in 2018. My golf life is fairly mundane, which leaves few new topics to rattle on about. You have my pledge that I will increase my output by at least 33% over 2022!

In addition to attempting to write a blog post, I read the efforts of our other TST members. Clearly the lack of new blog posts is not limited to just me. C’mon guys, let’s all add a little bit of content now and again. 😉


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This is going to sound mean, and I don’t mean it to be, but frankly, I’ve never read your blog. The reason? I don’t read anyone’s blogs, tweets or Facebook posts. I don’t “follow” anyone because very few people in this world influence me in any way mainly because other than my family and maybe Warren Buffet, I don’t care too much about what anyone else is doing or thinking. I don’t understand this need for people to follow anybody or to be “influenced” by anyone. 

So, why did I read your last post? I was intrigued by the title of your post and because apparently, you’re a person who has finally, at long last, come to the realization that all you do is, as you say, just “blab” and whatever it is you have had to say, either in the past or have to say now, is not very important and pretty much akin to opening a window and shouting into the breeze. But, if it makes you feel good to blab, go right ahead. I just won’t be paying attention. Don’t feel bad. It’s not personal. 

Every now and then I’ll post something on one of the forums here, usually in response to someone who has a question about a product I may have experience with, or a golf swing issue or something of that ilk but I very much doubt if anyone else actually pays attention to anything I’ve posted. In fact, the more I write here, the more I’m thinking to myself, “Nah, no one’s gonna read this crap” and I’ll delete it.

But maybe I will post it. We’ll see. If it’s here, you’ll know the answer.

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That strikes me as a sad and lonely way to go through life. What others say can entertain, educate, enlighten, anger, etc. In communicating we can find joy, companionship, empathy/compassion, and all sorts of enriching things.

Stuff like Twitter is what you make of it. I think it’s generally a very good experience that has enriched my life.

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10 hours ago, xrayvizhen said:

I was intrigued by the title of your post and because apparently, you’re a person who has finally, at long last, come to the realization that all you do is, as you say, just “blab” and whatever it is you have had to say, either in the past or have to say now, is not very important and pretty much akin to opening a window and shouting into the breeze. But, if it makes you feel good to blab, go right ahead. I just won’t be paying attention. Don’t feel bad. It’s not personal. 

Yea, but so what? That’s not why people blog for the most part. If I only ever posted things because I thought other people would care about it, I’d never post. 

Blogs are about sharing your personal insights. You never know how others will perceive your thoughts or what they might learn from them.

I’m with you, @bkuehn1952. I’m going to make an effort to blog and post more often about things, regardless of how I think they might be perceived.

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20 hours ago, xrayvizhen said:

This is going to sound mean, and I don’t mean it to be, but frankly, I’ve never read your blog. The reason? I don’t read anyone’s blogs, tweets or Facebook posts. I don’t “follow” anyone because very few people in this world influence me in any way mainly because other than my family and maybe Warren Buffet, I don’t care too much about what anyone else is doing or thinking. I don’t understand this need for people to follow anybody or to be “influenced” by anyone. 

So, why did I read your last post? I was intrigued by the title of your post and because apparently, you’re a person who has finally, at long last, come to the realization that all you do is, as you say, just “blab” and whatever it is you have had to say, either in the past or have to say now, is not very important and pretty much akin to opening a window and shouting into the breeze. But, if it makes you feel good to blab, go right ahead. I just won’t be paying attention. Don’t feel bad. It’s not personal. 

Every now and then I’ll post something on one of the forums here, usually in response to someone who has a question about a product I may have experience with, or a golf swing issue or something of that ilk but I very much doubt if anyone else actually pays attention to anything I’ve posted. In fact, the more I write here, the more I’m thinking to myself, “Nah, no one’s gonna read this crap” and I’ll delete it.

But maybe I will post it. We’ll see. If it’s here, you’ll know the answer.

Thanks for your observations. That was quite an anti-social media/internet manifesto but it took some time to express it, so thanks.

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I would like to hear more from Brian.

He takes pride in his writing -  which has been hampered by his curmudgeon nature to go deeper into "real golf - real writing" topics.

My suggestions for additional posts

as a "life long" golfer - how has your game changed in your 70's and will you embrace fitness - or enjoy the slow decline and be at peace playing from the kid's tees - you seem to play frequently - write about the struggle

you mention being comfortably wealthy - but play at muni's all spring and summer and squish squish in the winter in 38-degree cloudy weather - write about the struggle of spending more of your riches on the game you obviously love - but are too shy to commit your financial resources - we are waiting for your return to TPC Prestancia !

why are you working ? - when you could be playing more golf - or teaching your grandkids about grumpy gramps love of the game ?

a big step was buying your new clubs - let's hear an update on this - do you dream about your old clubs ?

a misstep was not purchasing an electric golf trolley - this would be a great topic - spending the funds and be able to hold your head high and say - yeah look at me !

80 mph swing speed - what do you do ? - tell us about the options you are considering

keep writing - you are the site's Mr grumpy gramps Kuehn !




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11 hours ago, Mr No Putts Given said:

He takes pride in his writing -  which has been hampered by his curmudgeon nature to go deeper into "real golf - real writing" topics.

Don't mistake Brian for a curmudgeon.   Having met him and played golf with him a few times,  he impresses me a thoughtful and sincere person.    I'll go to bat for him any day.

Edited by dennyjones
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22 hours ago, Mr No Putts Given said:

1. As a "life long" golfer - how has your game changed in your 70's and will you embrace fitness - or enjoy the slow decline and be at peace playing from the kid's tees - you seem to play frequently - write about the struggle

2. You mention being comfortably wealthy - but play at muni's all spring and summer and squish squish in the winter in 38-degree cloudy weather - write about the struggle of spending more of your riches on the game you obviously love - but are too shy to commit your financial resources - we are waiting for your return to TPC Prestancia !

3. Why are you working ? - when you could be playing more golf - or teaching your grandkids about grumpy gramps love of the game ?

4. A big step was buying your new clubs - let's hear an update on this - do you dream about your old clubs ?

5. A misstep was not purchasing an electric golf trolley - this would be a great topic - spending the funds and be able to hold your head high and say - yeah look at me !

6. 80 mph swing speed - what do you do ? - tell us about the options you are considering

1. I have not been "in my 70's" very long so I can't really say anything has changed. I think it was somewhere around age 65 that aging overtook technology improvements, and I really became aware of the effects on my game. I have become accustomed to playing more kid's tees. It is still golf, just on a smaller playing field.

2. I am not sure I ever described myself as wealthy. I like the muni's in our area and don't feel I miss out on much not belonging to a private club or teeing it up at some of the area's higher cost courses.

3. My former employer still values my knowledge, and I don't find working 1 day a week to be a hinderance to doing other things I enjoy.

4. The new clubs work fine. It is the archer that has problems, not the bow or arrows. I don't recall dreaming about my old clubs. Care to make me an offer on them?

5. An electric trolley is not on my immediate wish list. Recently, I was thinking about the reports of lithium battery fires. Would I really want to leave a trolley and the battery sitting in my car and/or garage overnight?

6. I have not given the 80-mph swing speed much thought. If/when I do have a plan, my two avid readers will hear about it here. 😉

I was sort of surprised that someone from the TPC Prestancia still remembered me. I would have guessed that anyone I knew was pushing up daisies by now since they were all contemporaries of my late parents. When I am in the Sarasota area, I will let you know, and you can show me all the changes that have been made to the Stadium course.


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I read this post as it intrigued me. I then went to update my blog but abandoned it because I wasn't quite into it, but it's been a while. The blogs serve a purpose for both the authors and the reader. I don't read every one, but I do pick and choose topics that interest me. 

Now you and Mr No Putts seem to have quite the banter that would probably be a lot of fun on the course. Maybe that could be its own post. 

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On 5/20/2023 at 11:50 AM, xrayvizhen said:

This is going to sound mean, and I don’t mean it to be, but frankly, I’ve never read your blog. The reason? I don’t read anyone’s blogs, tweets or Facebook posts. I don’t “follow” anyone because very few people in this world influence me in any way mainly because other than my family and maybe Warren Buffet, I don’t care too much about what anyone else is doing or thinking. I don’t understand this need for people to follow anybody or to be “influenced” by anyone. 

So, why did I read your last post? I was intrigued by the title of your post and because apparently, you’re a person who has finally, at long last, come to the realization that all you do is, as you say, just “blab” and whatever it is you have had to say, either in the past or have to say now, is not very important and pretty much akin to opening a window and shouting into the breeze. But, if it makes you feel good to blab, go right ahead. I just won’t be paying attention. Don’t feel bad. It’s not personal. 

Every now and then I’ll post something on one of the forums here, usually in response to someone who has a question about a product I may have experience with, or a golf swing issue or something of that ilk but I very much doubt if anyone else actually pays attention to anything I’ve posted. In fact, the more I write here, the more I’m thinking to myself, “Nah, no one’s gonna read this crap” and I’ll delete it.

But maybe I will post it. We’ll see. If it’s here, you’ll know the answer.

Enjoyed your blog.😉

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