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Everything posted by ridgewalker

  1. ridgewalker


  2. I do it occasionally when I'm getting serious about my game. I'm no expert but I don't think all the balls are perfect. I've definitely found some new balls (premium and otherwise) that were off.
  3. My yardage is similar I'd say, but I hit the ball a higher and make better contact on average when it is teed up a little.
  4. Last week I bought a couple packs (12 balls each) of Nike PD Distance balls for $11 each at Winners. I tested some of them in salt-water to see if the core balance was off but they were okay. I have been playing the RZN Black as well this year but I like the PD Distance just as much. I'll probably go get a few more packs as Winners seemed to have a bunch.
  5. I'll approach this from a different perspective... Hit 1,000 balls a day for the next 5 years and I start to like your chances. (Not that you won't need to practice other things)
  6. I find it's those guys with older clubs that are most apt to take your money on the course :)
  7. On wedge shots I find choking up to the lowest part of the grip increases accuracy and would probably help with not hitting them fat. You could also try opening the face some which should allow you to use the clubs bounce more and prevent that leading edge from digging in. Best of luck!
  8. 3 birdies on the front, 0/5 sand saves on the back
  9. I'm playing a short par 35 and I'm hoping for 38 or less. Although I see no reason why I should bogey any hole there.
  10. For the 18 on Sunday I'll say 79.
  11. It's time to stop fooling around lol
  12. 76 from the blues at Springbank Links (Par 72).
  13. I did the GSP HIIT Abdominal and Core Conditioning Workout today. Time to lose the belly!!!
  14. I love my 56* Vokey. Never had a Cleveland.
  15. Here are the yardages I would expect on an solid shot. I live about 3,400 feet above sea level so that might help me a little. D: 280 3W: 250 2i: 230 3i: 215 4i: 200 5i: 185 6i: 175 7i: 165 8i: 155 9i: 145 50* 130 56* 115 65* 70 (delofted somewhat)
  16. I believe PGA tour players only make about 50% of their putts from 8 feet so don't be too hard on yourself. Before I play I like to practice a lot of 3-10 foot putts (in addition to lag putts) as these are the key distances where my skill can help me sink the putt. I like to start in close around 3 feet just to make sure my putting stroke is on. Then I will work back from there, trying different angles and different holes. On putts in the 6-10 foot range I try to go through my complete putting routine that I'll use on the course. I also prefer to only use one ball to practice putting, preferably the exact type of ball I'll be playing with. Using just one ball is better for me because I focus more on each putt. It means I can't just rake another ball over if I hit a bad one, and also that I can't rely on muscle memory for the speed.
  17. That is a great point about still having the burritos, quesadillas or chimicangas as alternatives!
  18. I have primarily been working on my backswing, keeping it on plane, and being consistent at doing so. I've also been working on my setup, and a little bit on impact. My hands tend to be higher and closer to the ball at impact than address so that will probably need to be fixed eventually.
  19. Definitely tacos for me, since I love all the others too much.
  20. This year I have been choking up all the way for all my SW shots inside 80 yards or so. I have had a noticeable increase in accuracy doing this, and I've never been better from those yardages. From longer distances I don't have a rangefinder or anything so I don't usually have my yardage nailed down enough to know whether I should choke up or not. I may experiment with it though and see if it works.
  21. I personally could foresee the Olympics becoming the fifth major of sorts. I'm a big hockey fan and most of the NHL players seem to treat the olympics as just a small step below the Stanley Cup. I imagine that the allure of being an Olympian, staying in the athlete's village, being part of the opening/closing ceremonies, and potentially getting a gold medal will draw a lot of interest among the PGA players. For some reason, I always thought Tiger would win the first gold medal in golf. Doesn't look like that'll happen though.
  22. I think you showed a lot of class and handled the situation perfectly.
  23. LOL That is the province I'm in - so I stand corrected. I will probably start using that. :) Thanks!
  24. Right now I am not a member at a club but I wish that I was. At least in Canada it is more difficult to maintain a handicap if you aren't a member somewhere. Also, right now I am trying to improve and really work on my game and it's more difficult when I don't have a good practice facility to use. Most of the public driving ranges here have those horrible green mats with super high plastic tees, while the practice putting greens are long and slow. I also really like competing in golf, so the tournaments and events that are offered at a club are right up my alley. Next year I think I am definitely going to get a membership somewhere. It will also be handy to just be able to go to the course after work and play 3-4 holes. For yourself, I guess it just depends on your own personal goals. If none of your friends are members then it may be tougher for you to play your home course all the time.
  25. I am an Accountant - working on my CPA which unfortunately takes away from golf time.
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