Been working on a lot lately.... but, mostly trying to reduce sway of hips, chest, and head. It was honestly pretty bad. No only was I swaying, but, especially with my driver my weight was going the wrong direction when I hit the ball. body moving in the direction away from the ball and away from the target as I was striking it.
Main focus is keeping weight on front foot in back swing, while shoulder goes straight to the ground. On the downswing getting weight forward as quick as possible and trying to finish out over the lead leg. Still working on lots of 50% swings to try and get the feeling. but, when I do it right, I can feel it immediately and there is a ton more leverage as I snap through the ball. It's creating quite a bit more ball speed too. however, right now I'm typically only getting 10-11 degrees launch, which is hurting my distance. When I get 13-14 degrees I get quite a bit more carry and total distance. (actually hit one 305 today on the flight scope!, which is about 15 yds past my max drives a month ago). not sure how to consistently create more loft while moving my weight towards the target, but I'm sure I'll figure it out down the road. more concerned with consistently setting up and transferring weight better.