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lastings last won the day on July 1 2019

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  • Birthday 08/27/1981

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    digging in the dirt
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  1. I don't know. sometimes, all the data adn analytics in the world aren't quite as informative as just asking the best ball striker in the history of the world.
  2. Tiger Woods offers an idea on how to solve the distance debate | Golf Equipment: Clubs, Balls, Bags | GolfDigest.com ive been saying it for years. Nice to know Goaty McGoatface is in agreement.
  3. Bit of an update. Really working on simplifying as best I can. No over-swinging, not trying to do too much. Just straight back, straight down, hit the middle of the face. Ball goes plenty far, even when I don't try to mash it. Don't need to hit better balls, juts need to hit fewer bad balls.
  4. I go either ketchup and relish. or just mustard. I enjoy all condiments.
  5. Typically I like to show up to the course about 5 minutes before my tee time, run in the clubhouse, pay for my round, grab a hotdog, clumsily eat half that hotdog with one hand while I try to walk to the first hole and get my bag straps on with the other hand and avoid spilling ketchup on my shirt. Once I get to the tee box, set the half-eaten hotdog on the ground next to me, take a couple half-assed warmup swings, then grip it and rip it. pick that hot dog back up and away we go. seems to be every bit as effective as when I show up 30 minutes early adn go to the range before my round.
  6. I hit the Stealth the other day for a while. I currently have a SIM2, so I'm not really in the market to buy or anything. I was just curiously. But, boy do I have to say, that thing feels and sounds amazing. That said, this is one time where I think it hinders a golf shop to have Trackman bays. Because, unfortunately, the numbers really showed no discernable difference at all from my current driver. But, without the Trackman there telling me ball speed and distance, The feel and the *ping* when I caught it center face certainly would have led me to believe I was adding 15+ yards.
  7. To be fair, I think he was just talking about 1 day rather than his average day. And on a tiny course. maybe he 2-putted every hole and shot even par? Anyways... To the OP, just gotta remember that hitting 10-15 footers is all luck. some days they fall, other days they don't. missing them doesn't necessarily make you a bad putter. But, from that distance, you should be giving them all a decent look and a relatively simple putt coming back.
  8. This is something I am currently doing. Well, at least that is the feeling I get. But, in actuality, I had become so focused on making a good shoulder turn last year that I started sliding my weight to my back foot and ultimately getting stuck there. That had become a normal feeling for me. So, now, I focus on keeping my weight on my front foot throughout the swing. It "feels" like my weight us up front the entire swing. but when I see it on video, it's really not. my lateral shift or sway is just greatly reduced. right now it is very functional, and I'm striking the ball very well. That said, the swing thought itself is just a band-aid. In time I will begin to feel as though that lack of lateral shift is normal, at which time, If I continue to try to keep my weight forward the whole swing, it will actually be forward the whole swing. I just have to be attentive to when a exaggerated swing "feel" begins to become the actual exaggerated thing. and...umm...... not do that.
  9. I would say this is probably a major issue for handicap uniformity. I would guess that 90% of golfers that use a range finder have slope on, and then go on to record handicaps. Same with Arccos and other devices.
  10. Or, to be more concise. I know the hips have to go back a little in the back swing. But they have to go forward, and even be more forward of where they started when you hit ball. In that swing I feel like I moved a foot. But, of course, I didn’t.
  11. As a feel. It’s become so natural to slide my weight way on the back foot in the backswing, that feeling like the weight is on my front foot toes the whole time keeps things more even. though, as I keep doing it, I could see myself overdoing it the other way. But, at least I’ll have an understanding of what too far each way feels like. But, for right now, it’s working. but, honestly in that swing above, I honestly feel like I could pick my back foot up off the ground. Which surely isn’t right.
  12. Been working on a lot lately.... but, mostly trying to reduce sway of hips, chest, and head. It was honestly pretty bad. No only was I swaying, but, especially with my driver my weight was going the wrong direction when I hit the ball. body moving in the direction away from the ball and away from the target as I was striking it. Main focus is keeping weight on front foot in back swing, while shoulder goes straight to the ground. On the downswing getting weight forward as quick as possible and trying to finish out over the lead leg. Still working on lots of 50% swings to try and get the feeling. but, when I do it right, I can feel it immediately and there is a ton more leverage as I snap through the ball. It's creating quite a bit more ball speed too. however, right now I'm typically only getting 10-11 degrees launch, which is hurting my distance. When I get 13-14 degrees I get quite a bit more carry and total distance. (actually hit one 305 today on the flight scope!, which is about 15 yds past my max drives a month ago). not sure how to consistently create more loft while moving my weight towards the target, but I'm sure I'll figure it out down the road. more concerned with consistently setting up and transferring weight better.
  13. Also, @coachjimsc, since you brought some Arccos data out, I thought I’d add a bit.. driver is the only club in the bag that I gain strokes on a 5 handicap. fortunately, I chip away at those stroked by pounding driver every chance I get. also, those driver/3w discrepancies don’t even look as skewed as they actually are. At my home course, there are 3 par-fives where I hit 3w with my 2nd shot almost every time. Also, 4 short par 4s where driver goes through the fairway. if I can hit driver, I hit driver.
  14. This is likely a bit of skewed data…. Simply because you are likely hitting your 3w into tighter spots. Fairways tend to narrow as they get closer to bunkers and other such trouble. And likely the reason you are hitting 3w and that driver gets to the trouble. not saying your general idea is wrong…. Just saying if you hit driver and 3w in equal situations, you’d probably hit more fairways with the 3w because it’s shorter. (Though not an amount that would justify hitting 3w over driver). or, maybe I’m off and that 19.8% left with your 3w means you have a tendency to uncontrollably hook that thing, which is an issue you don’t have with your driver.. 🤷‍♂️
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