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Mr. Boom the Golf @$$hole



A few months ago my group was on the second 18 of the day when we get to number 6 which is a 415 yard dogleg right that you can cut off if you carry some trees about 220 out. We hit our shots and I rocked one that made the corner and I've got 9 iron in. One of our guys takes it straight toward the green and really cuts it off leaving him 100 yards but hidden from the tee box. We get a text from the group behind us that they let a quick twosome through and they will be coming up on us.  I am next to last to hit and put it on the green but leave my cart (Covid single carts that day) in the middle of the fairway while our last guy plays his shot from the hidden spot. Right before he swings a ball flies over my left shoulder and lands about 5 yards in front of me. I think its a guy in my group pranking me so I laugh it off until someone tells me on the green that the ball was from the group playing the white tees. While we are on the green the tee ball guy starts pacing by his ball waiting for us to clear. I am thinking that this is going to be interesting. 

My group is now inclined to let them wait but I said, "No let's just sit on the Par 5 tee box and let them play through because that's what we normally do and it was probably just an accident. Besides, if the guy is jerky, we can see how well he hits this tee shot with us standing behind him". A few moments later this cart screeches up and a guy comes bounding out about 60 years old looking like a curly-haired ruddy-complected type with a Corey Pavin build, about a buck fifty soaking wet. I explained that we were going to let him play through and he just kind of blew me off like it was his right.  I then informed him that he should be careful because he hit into us and he said to me, "Yah, I hit that one really good" then he goes on to say, "You guys shouldn't hit multiple shots". I told him we played one ball each and he replies, "Well, that's golf for you". I said, "The proper thing to do would be to apologize and be thankful that we are letting you play through". He walks up to the white tee (we are standing behind him on the blue tee) and takes a stance (chest facing the fairway), bends his knees and shakes his ass like a duck shaking water off his tail. We are just dumbfounded. He then puts a ball on the tee, walks up to take his stance, bends at the knees, shakes his rear again, and swings. He hits a perfect draw 250 out and turns around to look at us and yells "Boom!" and starts laughing. My group just doesn't know what to think so I tell him that I cannot believe that you didn't know you hit into us. As he walks to his cart he then says, "Honestly I was aiming for the roof of your cart". I then replied, "You are just an Asshole!" and he quips, "That's golf for you" and I say, "Let me take that back, you are the biggest asshole I have ever met a golf course". His partner sheepishly explains that he just met this guy and he apologizes and I tell him to relax, he is not the problem, and not to worry that we will not hit into them. 

My group cannot contemplate what happened as I am laughing at this spectacle. I tell them that I am not a confrontational guy but the ex-middle school principal comes out of me and I can smell a jackass a mile away. I would never let this get physical because I am a grown professional, I can make my point respectfully, and people don't really rattle me (especially with 20 years of martial arts experience). Reflecting on this story, I am still shaking my head. I offered the guy a way to save face and all he had to say was that he didn't realize that I was there and he appreciates us letting him play through. But that was too big of an ask for him on this day. I have to admit though, the guy had some nerve to be able to pull that tee shot off with us 10 yards behind him after our exchange. Boom! 



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I had a similar story of someone hitting into me. I wanted to play nine holes, so I asked if I could go off the back. The starter said sure, but make sure hole #9 was clear so as not to cut in front of anyone. So, I get to #10. I look over, and this single golfer is walking off #8 onto #9's tee box. So I go ahead and hit. As I am walking down #10, he asks me if he could join me for the back nine. I decline politely. I play the next 8 holes with out him waiting a shot on me. He was usually teeing off as I was leaving the green. I get to #18 fairway and a ball comes flying over my head. I look back and the guy is on the tee box pissed off for some reason. You can see the entire hole since #18 is a 320 yard par 4 that is 30 yards down hill from the tee box. I go ahead and flip him the bird, because I was pissed. I finished the hole and went to the pro shop to explain the situation. As I am heading to my car, the guy is hauling ass to the clubhouse as the guy from behind the desk is heading out to hole #18 to confront the guy. They stop and I can hear the guy complaining that I was holding him up, and how I cut in front of him on #10. I hear the guy saying that he was going to get me banned from the course because he knew the guy who ran the city golf courses. What the guy didn't know was, I worked for the city and my boss was the city engineer who has had a league at that course for years and is good friends with everyone there. I never got banned. 

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Which is why Mr. Boom mostly plays as a single.  Who would want to knowingly play with an asshole like that?!

5 hours ago, saevel25 said:

I had a similar story of someone hitting into me. I wanted to play nine holes, so I asked if I could go off the back. The starter said sure, but make sure hole #9 was clear so as not to cut in front of anyone. So, I get to #10. I look over, and this single golfer is walking off #8 onto #9's tee box. So I go ahead and hit. As I am walking down #10, he asks me if he could join me for the back nine. I decline politely. I play the next 8 holes with out him waiting a shot on me. He was usually teeing off as I was leaving the green. I get to #18 fairway and a ball comes flying over my head. I look back and the guy is on the tee box pissed off for some reason. You can see the entire hole since #18 is a 320 yard par 4 that is 30 yards down hill from the tee box. I go ahead and flip him the bird, because I was pissed. I finished the hole and went to the pro shop to explain the situation. As I am heading to my car, the guy is hauling ass to the clubhouse as the guy from behind the desk is heading out to hole #18 to confront the guy. They stop and I can hear the guy complaining that I was holding him up, and how I cut in front of him on #10. I hear the guy saying that he was going to get me banned from the course because he knew the guy who ran the city golf courses. What the guy didn't know was, I worked for the city and my boss was the city engineer who has had a league at that course for years and is good friends with everyone there. I never got banned. 

And there's no reason you should be banned.  On the other hand...

(Though I am curious why you declined to let him join you on the back 9)

Edited by Double Mocha Man
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I really don't know how any golfer doesn't get very used to waiting on people periodically. Maybe the country clubbers have less of a problem with that, but us public types are always going to be waiting on at least a few holes. Don't think that someone could pull a stunt like Mr. Boom did very often without getting an iron upside the head eventually.

On 12/1/2020 at 1:51 PM, saevel25 said:

You can see the entire hole since #18 is a 320 yard par 4 that is 30 yards down hill from the tee box

Was that Community? It's particularly funny to be that impatient there. Had myself plenty of long waits out there.

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2 minutes ago, mcanadiens said:

Was that Community? It's particularly funny to be that impatient there. Had myself plenty of long waits out there.

It wasn't busy at all that day. 

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Interestingly..about a month before the incident I had with the chip shot guy. I'm in a tournament and on the fairway about 250 from the tee box and have 220 in (par 5) and we are waiting bc there are people on the tee.  So that same a$$hole from the chipping incident is on the tee behind us.  Waits for the folks on the green to walk off..Knows I'm about to hit and whizzes one about two feet from my ear doesn't yell four and proceed to shank the shot as I heard the air slicing from ball in my downswing..

I walked up to him in the parking lot and told him he cost me a shot and should have yelled four.  He says oh I didn't know I hit it that well.  I said told him he better apologize to me and the other guys he almost hit and he finally stopped trying to play dumb and did apologize...  That's the kind of garbage this guy will pull then try to act like a nice guy lol..

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55 minutes ago, MattM said:

Interestingly..about a month before the incident I had with the chip shot guy. I'm in a tournament and on the fairway about 250 from the tee box and have 220 in (par 5) and we are waiting bc there are people on the tee.  So that same a$$hole from the chipping incident is on the tee behind us.  Waits for the folks on the green to walk off..Knows I'm about to hit and whizzes one about two feet from my ear doesn't yell four and proceed to shank the shot as I heard the air slicing from ball in my downswing..

I walked up to him in the parking lot and told him he cost me a shot and should have yelled four.  He says oh I didn't know I hit it that well.  I said told him he better apologize to me and the other guys he almost hit and he finally stopped trying to play dumb and did apologize...  That's the kind of garbage this guy will pull then try to act like a nice guy lol..

I’m surprised he has all of his teeth. I’ve seen fights for less.

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24 minutes ago, boogielicious said:

I’m surprised he has all of his teeth. I’ve seen fights for less.

I'm surprised he has any self esteem left... (and a car that hasn't been keyed)

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Lol..Alot of my angst from the previous chipping issue is just built up over time...

It sucks bc these are tourneys and I'm forced to play with certain people etc...

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56 minutes ago, boogielicious said:

I’m surprised he has all of his teeth. I’ve seen fights for less.

Ive only ever been close to fighting on a golf course twice.  First time I was playing with a father and his 13 year old son and this group of drunk hicks were behind us.  Anyway, we are on 16 green and done putting and the guys son is about to put the flag in the hole when swoosh!!! Smack a ball shoots by my face like a laser beam and hits the flag the the kid is HOLDING.  What's worse these idiots were only 100 yards away in the middle of the fairway...so I get in my cart and drive directly up to them..Lead idiot is about 6-3 big guy.. I walk up to him get in his face and tell him he had better drive up to that father and son and apologize to them before I twist his f='#ing head off his shoulders and beat his friends to death with it.  Then I drove back to 17 tee.  Sure enough he comes up and apologizes then must have felt like he lost his manhood and walked about 20 feet away then tried to talk smack until got back up in his face and he stopped talking again.

The last time I was golfing with my wife and sure enough we are on another par four green and the guys behind up again middle of fairway hit at our green luckily it hit the right side of the green and we are on the left.  I saw red and probably would have hurt someone, but they quickly walked off the course.

Anyway only twice that's happened but if I'm on a green on a par four and you hit at the green be prepared.  I generally try to keep cool though and look for a reason why something happened ( like a par 5 and a guy hits a 270 yard shot on the green) he obviously didn't mean to etc.



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