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This is Frustrating



I hate to admit it but this blog is becoming a little less "Golf" and more "Health" than I would like.  I was hoping that for now I could just accept the foot/ankle surgery was upcoming and golf but unforrtunately that is not the case.  For those who saw me golf at Little Mountain i was a disastor near the end of the round.   Both my ankle & knee were killing me.  My hope has been that my knew was hurting because my gait was off due to the ruptured tendon in my ankle.  Well, last Friday I saw a Knee Orthopedic Specialist and he said it was the bad gait may have exaggerated the knee issues but he said artrhitis has caused a small part of the knee to be "Bone on Bone" but most of the knee still has cartilege but overall I am in need of a knee replacement.

He gave me 2 options.  One option was he could work me into his schdule in July for a new knew and with 90 day recovery I "Should" be recovered prior to my Oct. 25th surgery for the tendon.  The kew word is "Should" which means there is a chance I would not be fully recovered by then.  If I were to go that route I would move the foot/ankle back to Nov. or Deceber to be safe.  Even then, I would be barely recovered from one surgery when going in for another surger.  Option 2 is Cortison shots & some rehap for the knee.

I've opted for the Cortisone and it seems to be working, at least for the 3 days since the shot.  Hopefully it I have good long-term success with the Cortison and can get wll past the 6-9 month recovery period for the foot/tendon.  If lucky, the Corisone may buy me more than 18 months.

Good news is, I can golf the remainder of this season and if all goes well I will also have a full season next year.  That is my goal.

I figure my next real golf goal will be in the Spring and if the rehab goes well I'll get a few lessons to try to get my swing in shape.  For the remainder of this year I am just playing & having fun.



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I’ve heard from players that get a knee or hip replaced and they all wish they’d done it sooner. They say it’s life altering in a great way.

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You just have to make sure you do the rehab/PT stuff they tell you to do, otherwise no muy bueno outcome.

I did it--to the letter, following my knee arthroscopic surgery (to remove a broken-off bone fragment that was occasionally getting under  the kneecap [he cleaned-out a bit of the arthritis while he was in there, too]) and was back to 100% in about six weeks or so.  Since then a friend of my wife's got knee replacement surgery, did not do what she was told to do following the surgery, and now the knee is nearly immobile.

Same thing with two guys I knew, of a like age, that got shoulder <something> replacement surgery.  One followed the PT regimen--and even pushed it a little.  Two or three months later he was back to doing vertical presses in the gym.  The other guy babied his arm and shoulder.  Two years later, last I saw him, he was still being careful just shaking hands.

Good luck, @StuM.  I wish you the best.

Edited by SEMI_Duffer
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55 minutes ago, iacas said:

I’ve heard from players that get a knee or hip replaced and they all wish they’d done it sooner. They say it’s life altering in a great way.

I agree. I had my hip done in 2019 and I am glad I did it.

The problem now is potentially 2 back to back surgeries and needing to fully recover from the first before the 2nd.  My foot/tendon is a 6-9 month recovery time.  With 10/25 surgery that means rehab out to April or July 2024 for that alone.

To do the knee now I would need to go in the next 2 weeks and hope I am fully recovered in 3 months (that is standard) or push the foot back a month.

The foot/tendon is more critical since not fixing it now may cause future problems.  Maybe I could check into moving it up, if the surgeon can accommodate.


53 minutes ago, SEMI_Duffer said:

You just have to make sure you do the rehab/PT stuff they tell you to do, otherwise no muy bueno outcome.

I did it--to the letter, following my knee arthroscopic surgery (to remove a broken-off bone fragment that was occasionally getting under  the kneecap [he cleaned-out a bit of the arthritis while he was in there, too]) and was back to 100% in about six weeks or so.  Since then a friend of my wife's got knee replacement surgery, did not do what she was told to do following the surgery, and now the knee is nearly immobile.

Same thing with two guys I knew, of a like age, that got shoulder <something> replacement surgery.  One followed the PT regimen--and even pushed it a little.  Two or three months later he was back to doing vertical presses in the gym.  The other guy babied his arm and shoulder.  Two years later, last I saw him, he was still being careful just shaking hands.

Good luck, @StuM.  I wish you the best.

100% agree. Do the rehab or suffer the consequences!

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2 hours ago, iacas said:

I’ve heard from players that get a knee or hip replaced and they all wish they’d done it sooner. They say it’s life altering in a great way.

I've heard the same from people who aren't golfers.

I knew a lady who was a waitress her whole life. Had to get both knees replaced. One was bad and she put off the surgery for so long she ended up damaging the other one.

1 hour ago, StuM said:

The problem now is potentially 2 back to back surgeries and needing to fully recover from the first before the 2nd.  My foot/tendon is a 6-9 month recovery time.  With 10/25 surgery that means rehab out to April or July 2024 for that alone.

To do the knee now I would need to go in the next 2 weeks and hope I am fully recovered in 3 months (that is standard) or push the foot back a month.

The foot/tendon is more critical since not fixing it now may cause future problems.  Maybe I could check into moving it up, if the surgeon can accommodate.

Did you explain to them that you're a golfer and the only reason you're getting any surgery at all is to shave 10 strokes off your handicap? ;-)

J/K, of course. I'm hoping for the best for you, @StuM.

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Best of luck whatever your decision.    You will have to wait a while after the shots before knee replacement surgery.    I'd consult both surgeons before making the decision.

My wife just went thru the 5 shots in the knee.   She had limited success after the first couple of shots.   Now after her 5th shot, she is back to helping me rehab and walking the dogs each morning.   She still has bad days but overall I believe the shots were a success.   She still has a surgery date but has made significant improvement.   The shots aren't a replacement for surgery just a good band-aide until her surgery date. 

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I just skimmed @RFKFREAK's blog and I have new motivation.  It is a little scarry how similar he & I were before he made changes.  I'm was pretty much writing off this golf season and just having fun but I think that my lack of goals is not helping.  I need to get back onto the weight-loss and golf practice.  I'm heading to KY this weekend but will try to get to the range next weekend and actually practice something.  I know I'm having some health struggles but that does not mean I should just sit back and let my health slide further.  I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and start to get back on track.

I know my physcial activity will be limited from what needs to be done but I need to do something.  Sitting on my arse isn't going to cut it.

Per discussions with both Drs. the foot/ankle is the more sever item since not fixing it will cause additional problems so that will be the first surgery and the knee will wait until sometime after I've recovered from that.  I have my "Evaluation" with PT on Aug. 4th for my knee and hopefully that buy some time for the knee.  I would really like to make it to next fall for the knee so I can enjoy the summer & golf season in 2024.

I'm also going to get myself up to speed on video of my swing and may start Evolvr once my foot rehab is done in the spring.  


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I feel your pain, literally. My left knee finally feels good, so I stepped up exercise routine over the last month. My first goal is to get back down to my pre-surgery weight. Unfortunately, I had to skip out on a golf event last weekend because my right knee and ankle were killing me.

It suck’s getting old. Hang in there @StuM

Edited by CarlSpackler
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