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As I am watching video of my swings doing the drills and practicing, it seems that my back swing may be a bit too long. It looks like when I stop my swing at what "feels" like 3/4, everything is more sync'd up and I get better results. But if I do what I "feel" like is my full swing, that's when the over the top move seems to come into play. I'll run this by my instructor when I post my next round of videos. I am making a record of it here as a point to come back to.

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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14 hours ago, TN94z said:

As I am watching video of my swings doing the drills and practicing, it seems that my back swing may be a bit too long. It looks like when I stop my swing at what "feels" like 3/4, everything is more sync'd up and I get better results. But if I do what I "feel" like is my full swing, that's when the over the top move seems to come into play. I'll run this by my instructor when I post my next round of videos. I am making a record of it here as a point to come back to.

This is what the thread below is all about. I use the right arm straight as a feel and it help align things in my backswing.



Titleist, Edel,Β Scotty Cameron Putter, Snell - AimPoint - Evolvr - MirrorVision

My Swing Thread

boogielicious - Adjective describing the perfect surf wave

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3 hours ago, boogielicious said:

This is what the thread below is all about. I use the right arm straight as a feel and it help align things in my backswing.


I actually have one of the swing extenders in my closet. Maybe I need to drag that thing back out while I'm doing my drills.

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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15 minutes ago, TN94z said:

I actually have one of the swing extenders in my closet. Maybe I need to drag that thing back out while I'm doing my drills.

I have one of those things too. Its the only swing aid ive ever used. I think it was designed to help people who collapse their arms during the backswing, butΒ for me itΒ stops me from over swinging. When i feel it on the inside of my forearm i just stop my backswing.Β 

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19 minutes ago, Groucho Valentine said:

I have one of those things too. Its the only swing aid ive ever used. I think it was designed to help people who collapse their arms during the backswing, butΒ for me itΒ stops me from over swinging. When i feel it on the inside of my forearm i just stop my backswing.Β 

Yeah, I think that is where it would be most useful to me as well.Β  When I am making my slow mo swings for my drills, the A4 position feels so natural and usually leads me to a better path on the way down with no over the top move. But in my full swing, my arms tend to keep going a bit even after shoulder turn has stopped and that's where some of my path problems are being introduced.

The funny thing is, I have seen on Trackman that my 3/4 swing (what I "feel" is 3/4) ends up going the same distance as what I "feel" is my full swing. I don't know why I try to swing that much more.

Edited by TN94z

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Still working on my latest pieces. Between a few work situations and mostly crappy weather, I haven't had much change to get to the range. I'm hoping that is changing now. I did get in a session yesterday after work, but didn't have anyone with me to video. I had some new feelings but won't really pay much attention to those feelings until I can see what is happening on video. There were some guys on the range next to me yesterday that were really good ball strikers. It has me pumped to get these changes made this year. We just joined our local country club 2 weeks ago. I decided to go this route instead of the simulator.

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Started working on forearm rotation and weight transfer stuff last week with left arm not so stiff and WOW! No more fades and borderline slices (when I get these things close to right). I'm going back to what "feels" like a half swing on the back swing (A3.5), that puts me more like right above 3/4 on video and my distance is the same as before. Also, I get a more penetrating ball flight over my high flight from before. And a biggie is now I have ball first contact with a divot afterwards. I still don't have these changes down or anything, but that's what typically goes on when I get the changes pretty close. I feel like I am for sure on the right track here. I figured out another "feel" today for the timing of the weight transfer as well. It's really opening my eyes up to what I have been doing wrong. I am as excited now as I have ever been about working on my swing!Β 

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Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I have made some good progress on my impact position. Here are some still photos of before and after on my impact positions. I am feeling crazy excited about changing my impact position picture and getting rid of that horrible flip and early extension

Swing 1_6_3_19.jpg

Swing 2_6_3_19.jpg

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Making some good progress. And I am glad to finally say that my early extension happens way less than it did. I think I am finally close to getting it out of my swing. I am also hitting much more consistent drives. My driver has really been giving me fits the last year. I think a few more weeks of working on the latest drills and I will have that much more consistent. The good thing about the driver work is that the swing feels like 50% effort compared to what I was "feeling." But I get it much more on the center of the club face and the ball still goes as far if not further. The ball just seems to carry forever. I am really excited about what I am seeing. i still have a ways to go to have these changes down, but they are already helping tremendously on the course. I played 9 yesterday and after the first 4-5 holes, I really had expectations of being under par on the front...it didn't end up that way, but it's the first time in years I have felt like it was really going to happen.

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Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I had the absolute best day of driving that I have had in many years last week! I was literally hitting a baby draw exactly where I was aimed all day. Hopefully, these changes I am working on are going to stick around. My wedges were off this same day or I would have shot around 75. I ended up with an 82. I could not hit a green from anywhere inside 120. Feeling good and ready to see how much further along I'll be in a few more months. I'll try my best to get some video up just to see how that picture is looking.

Edited by TN94z

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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  • 1 month later...
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Still plugging away. I haven't gotten any video of myself lately because I have been working with my instructor quite a bit and just using his video. I'm starting to really understand the "whys" of my early extension and flip that I have had for many years. I am also realizing that I had a lot more wrong with my swing than I thought. We have worked on some setup pieces, takeaway pieces, transition pieces, etc...There were quite a few things leading up to the early extension and flipping. A work in progress but I am thoroughly enjoying every moment of it. I feel like I am actually building a solid swing rather than trying to quick fix things like I have done in the past. Deciding to just be patient and understand the process was the best thing for my swing.

And even though I felt like I knew quite a bit about positions and swing plane, it has still been eye opening to the things I was physically doing wrong when I would "feel" like I was doing them correctly. Further strengthening the "feel is not real" statement..

Edited by TN94z

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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Not much of an update here. The latest drills that I am working on have me all out of sync or something. I cannot even hit my irons period and I'm usually able to hit them no matter what I'm working on. Kinda got me worried..lol. I even tried going back to the things we worked on the lesson before last (those actually helped my swing more than anything has in a while) and I cannot even hit the ball with those now. I'm hoping there is some uphill to this soon....haha

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Still plugging away and I know I need some video.Β  I am still having some issue with early extension. In my last lesson, my instructor had me start drilling a move to get my right shoulder to stop dropping so much on the downswing and have the feeling that I swing with a more level shoulder plane (not level, just the feeling). It "feels" like I am coming over the top and trapping the ball, but on video the swing looks better. What this seems to do is get me to stop the shoulder stalling at impact and get the shoulders open. Another thing he did (and this is really my main question here) is that he weakened my left hand. Now this feels crazy awkward on the back swing, BUT what I have noticed is MUCH more crisp contact, lower ball flight, and less conscious club face manipulation. I really feel like this will be a good change once the weaker grip feels normal (I come from a pretty strong grip that has me cupped at address).

Will the weaker grip cause any issues down the road?

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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Here is a quick Face on from today. For some reason the DTL video was messed up. This early extension and flipping crap is about to drive me CRAZY!!Β  I thought for sure it was gone but now it's back. And what kills me is the shots I'm hitting on the range are solid, ball first contact shots, with a tolerable dispersion. My distance has dropped a tad with the latest swing changes, but I'm not chasing distance. I still carry my 9i right at 145. Thoughts? I did just start implementing the latest changes, so maybe the early extension and flip has gotten a little better. I need to compare the two on analyzer and see. One thing I notice in this video is that my hip turn on the back swing is not nearly as much as I have been working on. I think I was so focused on the new drill that I wasn't thinking about turning my hips as much as normal.




Edited by TN94z

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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  • 5 months later...
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It is time to revive this thread. I am still going to be working with the same guy. The last session I had with him was quite possibly the most consistent I have ever hit the ball. And this was with only a couple swing thoughts in mind. I have messaged him for the first lesson of the year to pick up where we left off so I figured now is the best time to get this thread going again. I will do a better job this year of adding video of practice sessions and explaining what I am working on. The plan is to put in a lot more work this year and focus on getting the handicap down. I want to be a SOLID low single digit. I have a tentative appointment on March 25th to have an Aimpoint lesson with my son. I want him to get a more solid putting routine to help with his green reading and consistency, and I'd be lying if I said my putting didn't need work too. I feel like putting is a strong aspect of my game, but having said that, I miss too many putts by a ball or two and I think it comes down to reads or alignment.

So here is to a solid year of golf. I didn't get to play nearly as much as I thought I would last year but this year, I'm making the time.

Edited by TN94z

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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I am scheduled to work with my teacher tomorrow, so we will see if the progress continues. I played 9 yesterday for the first time really since last fall. I was very surprised. Ended up shooting a 39 but should have been a 36 had it not been for a distance issue I was having with my gap wedge. Very strange because I was on fire with ever other wedge. My gap was just coming up well short...like 15 yards or so short. Other than that, driving was acceptable. It put me in a few bad spots but I recovered very well. Putting was about average. Stats weren't that great. 2 Fairways hit/4GIR/14 Putts. It sounds much worse that it was. Overall, I was pretty happy with ball contact considering it was my first round playing with the last change we made last year. I do have some things I am going to bring up at my lesson tomorrow, so maybe I can tidy those things up.

Edited by TN94z

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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Worked with my instructor over the weekend. Made some good progress.Β  I had fallen back into a few old habits. I had gotten the club too far inside on my takeaway. My little over the top move had crept back in, but I feel like that was a result of my takeaway. And my hip turn had gotten out of sync. So I have a few things and a couple of feels to work on. Overall, it was a good lesson.

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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  • 4 months later...
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I have not done a very good job at keeping this thread up to date. I have been consistently working with my instructor and have actually been playing the best I have played in years. I have slowed my swing tempo (or at least what I "feel" as slower) and have had great success so far....until yesterday. I played in a 4 man scramble and was very excited because I have been playing very well and I am usually the top player on the teams. I was not nervous as I have played with these guys before (one being my son, Jacob). And the scramble was a scholarship fundraiser so there really wasn't anything on the line. I did my normal routine which is get there early, stretch a little and warm up on the range. The warm up session went horrible. I was actually hitting a few hosel rockets, which I have not done in a long time. Everything felt weird. Even addressing the ball and just looking down felt off. Back swing felt strange. Transition was jerky. It seemed like I was trying to steer the ball instead of swinging free like normal. Even my putting was off and that is usually my go to....

What the heck causes this?Β  I can play well for months and then all of a sudden, like someone turned off a switch, it's like I have never taken a lesson...This is probably the most frustrating thing for me right now. I feel like I am on a peak and if I could just get on over the top, I would be downhill to my goal for the year of a solid 5 handicap (I am going off limited rounds as I do not get to play that often and my handicap has some old rounds in there). Right when I think I have moved on, it pops up again.

So during the scramble, the first 7 holes were this way (minus number 1 where I stuck the shot from 150 to about an inch). It was a struggle. So then I drive home thinking, "there is no way I am a single digit player with a round like that." The only real positive that I can take away from yesterday was the fact that I battled through the first 7 holes in the 100* heat and brought it back around on the back 9. I still didn't play as normal on the back 9, but it was respectable for a scramble. So then I drive home thinking, "there is no way I am a single digit player with a round like that."

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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