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Helicopter Finish

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So just for starters I wanna say that golf is by far the hardest sport to play lol  no matter how hard I practice when I fix one  problem it seems to create 2 more problems in the process. I've been golfing for almost a year now and have really been working on a inside out swing path and everyone always says to act like your hitting a ball to right field to get the feel of swinging on that path. but since I've been focusing on that so much lately other parts of my game are falling apart now. I'm starting to hit the occasional fat shot now and pushing everything to the right now with a good amount of thin shots mixed in. My distance has dramatically increased since I've learned this new swing path but right now the cons outweigh the pros. It's gotten to the point now where I overthink everything even to the point where I'm not even comfortable in my setup stance anymore. but yesterday I was doing some reading on finish stances and happened to notice alot of the time I finish in what they called the helicopter finish and it also said you will probably have every problem I'm currently having which is holding off on releasing the club and possibly too much of an in to out swing.  I honestly feel like I was a considerably more consistent golfer before I tried to learn that swing path. I don't know what to do to fix it or where to start and it's to the point of thinking about quitting because before I tried to change I had shot a 79 and was shooting in the 80s every other round or so. So any advice or help would be greatly appreciated because I love this sport it's just frustrating beyond belief

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1 hour ago, Josh90 said:

I finish in what they called the helicopter finish

When I envision a friend who will "walk out of his swing" the Gary Player finish per say,
it appears that he's forcing the weight transfer to his left, after the fact.

Here's a thread that @iacas posted you should probably read, It could enlighten you of the fundamentals of
developing a better swing.

Also, You would achieve better replies if you post a video of what you are describing.
Create a "My Swing thread"
Here is a link which describes how to post videos. https://thesandtrap.com/how-to/embed-videos/


Johnny Rocket - Let's Rock and Roll and play some golf !!!

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15 hours ago, Josh90 said:

So just for starters I wanna say that golf is by far the hardest sport to play lol  no matter how hard I practice when I fix one  problem it seems to create 2 more problems in the process. I've been golfing for almost a year now and have really been working on a inside out swing path and everyone always says to act like your hitting a ball to right field to get the feel of swinging on that path.

There's a big difference between trying to 'hit a ball hard between the 1st & 2nd baseman' vs. 'swinging to right field'. You definitely shouldn't conflate the two.

The club head has to approach the ball from the inside (on an arc) to get somewhat squarish impact if your club is releasing around your left wrist / forearm through & after impact as it's supposed to for optimal power. It doesn't mean your arms and hands move toward right field on the follow-through.

I expect that an in-to-out swing intention with my hands is part of why I've tended to raise the handle through impact. Here's two good video addressing how the faulty concept may affect some players (at 4:50 & 1:18, but whole vids may also be of interest to you).



Edited by natureboy


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On 11/23/2016 at 7:29 AM, Josh90 said:

So just for starters I wanna say that golf is by far the hardest sport to play lol  no matter how hard I practice when I fix one  problem it seems to create 2 more problems in the process. I've been golfing for almost a year now and have really been working on a inside out swing path and everyone always says to act like your hitting a ball to right field to get the feel of swinging on that path. but since I've been focusing on that so much lately other parts of my game are falling apart now. I'm starting to hit the occasional fat shot now and pushing everything to the right now with a good amount of thin shots mixed in. My distance has dramatically increased since I've learned this new swing path but right now the cons outweigh the pros. It's gotten to the point now where I overthink everything even to the point where I'm not even comfortable in my setup stance anymore. but yesterday I was doing some reading on finish stances and happened to notice alot of the time I finish in what they called the helicopter finish and it also said you will probably have every problem I'm currently having which is holding off on releasing the club and possibly too much of an in to out swing.  I honestly feel like I was a considerably more consistent golfer before I tried to learn that swing path. I don't know what to do to fix it or where to start and it's to the point of thinking about quitting because before I tried to change I had shot a 79 and was shooting in the 80s every other round or so. So any advice or help would be greatly appreciated because I love this sport it's just frustrating beyond belief


Go hit 10,000 balls with your wedges, find a competant instructor & get fitted, then you'll figure it out. Prolly not the answer your looking for... the cheapest route is to hit the 10k of balls....

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Josh90, I don't have a single doubt about the problems you are running into. The fact that you are running into them in your first year of playing golf tells me that you are way ahead of the curve compared to most!

In golf, once a swing change takes hold, it becomes very easy to overdo it. An "inside out" swing is much shallower compared to an "over the top, outside in" swing. If you let it go too much that way you will experience the problems you are now having.

What you have to do now is moderate between those two extremes. Try this, stick a tee in the ground (you're in Virginia, so I'm guessing you can still do this), and place an empty water bottle 18" to 24" behind the tee. DO NOT use a ball as that introduces pressure to make a shot. See if you can clip the tee without striking the water bottle.

Once you can do that, put some balls down and hit them. If they start flaring right again, or you start hitting dead pulls, you'll know that you're too much "outside in" again.

I can take some fussing with it to get it right!

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On 11/26/2016 at 10:14 PM, Buckeyebowman said:

Josh90, I don't have a single doubt about the problems you are running into. The fact that you are running into them in your first year of playing golf tells me that you are way ahead of the curve compared to most!

In golf, once a swing change takes hold, it becomes very easy to overdo it. An "inside out" swing is much shallower compared to an "over the top, outside in" swing. If you let it go too much that way you will experience the problems you are now having.

What you have to do now is moderate between those two extremes. Try this, stick a tee in the ground (you're in Virginia, so I'm guessing you can still do this), and place an empty water bottle 18" to 24" behind the tee. DO NOT use a ball as that introduces pressure to make a shot. See if you can clip the tee without striking the water bottle.

Once you can do that, put some balls down and hit them. If they start flaring right again, or you start hitting dead pulls, you'll know that you're too much "outside in" again.

I can take some fussing with it to get it right!

Ok so Im a little confused on the instruction. is this drill to help me swing in to out because I thought my problem was swinging too much from the inside. if I hit the bottle that would mean that I'm swinging out to in which isn't my problem. also just curious if there's a way to tell if my path is the problem or maybe I'm not releasing the club still because I played a round yesterday and continued to push everything to the right now matter what I tried

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I find that baseball and golf, do not compare the two.  Not only are the balls on completely different trajectories, but the club is on a completely different plane and your body set up is totally different.

Now if you can break the golf is baseball swing idea, then set your body up with a golf swing instead of a modified baseball swing, you will have something to work with.  Once you achieve an actual golf swing, you can start adjusting you stance and grip to achieve different flight paths.  You can close your stance to get a draw, open it for a fade, put the ball in the front for a high trajectory or in the back for penetrating flight.  From there you can strike down on the ball for more spin with your irons, and up on the ball for driving.  Adjust your grip for fat or thin shots, and learn to shift your weight depending on the lie.  The real trick with golf is to know which shot to play at the right time to give you you right spin, on the right trajectory, to feed the ball at the hole.  

Now if you found that hard to read, then you might just have a chance to get a good golf swing and learn how to shape your shot to fit your situation.

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